Debate Should Children Be Playing Halo 3?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tex, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I know there is a thread for "Video game cause violence," as a matter of fact, here's the link:

    Do Violent video games make violent kids.

    There is also a "Religion and Video Games" thread...Again, here's the link:

    Religous Problems with Video Games

    But this topic is something that I personally think touches home base for us here at Forgehub...Should children be playing Halo 3? Now, I know that a few of you members here are children, or not even children, but teenagers...Though, I would like to point out prior to the further discussion, that I completely understand there are quite a few kids out there, who aren't whining, bitching, kicking, screaming, poor-losing, etc. whenever something bad happens in matchmaking/customs...and that they are in fact, completely understandable, legitmate, conservative, laid back, relaxed, etc. Halo players. Now I use so many different terms to describe the several types of younger players out there, some are worse, some are better.

    Now, as for the discussion. The Entertainment Software Rating Board (better known as ESRB) has rated Halo 3:

    Titles rated M (Mature) have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language.
    The rating system was found here, at there page ESRB website.

    It is rated in such a fashion, due to the fact that it has:

    Blood and Gore - Depictions of blood or the mutilation of body parts

    Mild Language - Mild use of profanity
    - Scenes involving aggressive conflict. May contain bloodless dismemberment

    Again, found at ESRB wesite
    The actual content, was found at

    Now, as most of you realize, these "ratings" are simply suggested guidelines to parents. So, it's not a requirement that children do not play Halo.

    The main reason I bring this up...Is because I know personally that when I step into a game of matchmaking...approximately seven times out of ten...some kid is screaming at the top of their lungs (in a similar fashion to Chief from "Master Chief Sucks at Halo") "Veto Veto Veto, You don't Veto, I'm gunna ****ing kill you" or something extremely retarded...again...I the top of their lungs...

    Shad0w Viper likes this.
  2. Verno

    Verno Ancient
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    Well little kids are annoying, but if they want to play and there parents let them they can play it. Also the game should be rated Teen not Mature. (Beside the fact that a ton of immature people play it,) there is so little blood its ridiculous.
    #2 Verno, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2008
    Shad0w Viper likes this.
  3. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    I think it should be rated Teen too...

    Tony Hawk has more blood than this when you fall, and it's Teen! What is wrong with the rating system? D:

    Also, as long as your parents don't care, anybody can really play...but it does suck that immature children play this game, they can get annoying.
    Shad0w Viper likes this.

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    This forum is filled with children playing halo 3, I wonder how this discussion will go.

    Anyways for halo I say yes, maybe not GTA or RE5 (white dude kills black dudes) but halo 3 really isn't too violent.
    Shad0w Viper likes this.
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    This is an interesting topic, and is actually relevant to the FH forum which is refreshing.

    I do think its kinda similar to the video game violence thread in premise, but does offer other angles and so is a valid discussion.

    In terms of meeting annoying little children in matchmaking who do, as you say, scream at the top of their lungs down the headset, I find this really, really, really annoying, but cannot object to their right to play the game. So I have no problem in this respect.

    But I do feel uncomfortable about how it could be impacting upon young mindsets. I don't pretend to know alot about child psychology, or how minds are affected by experiences in youth. But it is worrying that a game so obviously centered around violence can become so important to children of a young age (I personally consider about 14 to be okay in terms of basic mental development, but considerations such as the hormonal affects and impressionability during puberty could also be important). This said, Halo 3 is hardly the most violent game ever. I think the real issue is the attitude. Does it encourage a more aggressive attitude in everyday life? I'd say it does in matchmaking, just look at how angry people get, but I think every kind of competition encourages the same thing. People, especially young boys, tend to get pretty aggressive and competitive even about things that don't involve violence. I don't think the violence within Halo is to blame for this, I think connecting lots of young kids who get over competitive is to blame, and so all youth sports are just as bad.

    The fact is, though, that the actual impact of exposure to simulated violence and transferability from game to real life is something that psychologists should investigate. Uninformed conjecture doesn't serve much purpose in this respect.

    Also, even if there is psychological evidence on the subject, there is the strong argument that video games, Halo 3 in this example, are only one part of the massive amount of violence that people can see from a very young age. Television is the main source as you can't really prevent children seeing violent TV at a government level, its ultimately up to the parents (or sometimes even the children themselves if they are sneaky enough) to control the input the children are subject to.

    This is what it generally comes down to, the law can do all it likes but the parents really have the final say. Children are likely to see violence from a young age nowadays, if only because of its cult status in so many aspects of pop culture. I"m going to refrain from passing judgement on this exposure unless someone can come up with some definitive research on the subject, but I do think parents must take care in limiting what children are exposed to. Not shielding them from the world, but introducing it to them when the children are starting to mature.

    Trouble is, you can't govern how people raise their kids. You can stop them being cruel with laws etc. but raising your kids in your own way is a parents right. It may be flawed from some points of view but its really the only way it can be done, humanity is far from perfect I guess.
    #5 Pegasi, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
    thesilencebroken likes this.
  6. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Well I scream and yell during matchmaking/customs..... lol.... and guess what.... I only do so when I'm with members of forgehub I begin to dislike. Idk for anyone else, but I do it to piss people off. Normally I find that people older than 17 are screaming, and oh, I have never cursed online, ever in Halo 3. But kids should be allowed to do whatever their parents think they should, whether it is actually good fotr them or not. It is yet again, up to the parents, and there isn't anything the government or anyone else can do to change that.
    Shad0w Viper likes this.
  7. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    swat re-enactment:





    WHAT THE ****?!?!"

    *Brute Captain quit

    brute captains k/d= -7
    Bnasty's k/d= +3

    'nuff said.
  8. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Good debate. I'm honestly sick of kids like 12 and under on Halo 3. It's a terrible place for them to be at their age, because other people online don't take the courtesy to think before they talk. I heard an 8 year old the other day swearing at an adult in matchmaking, and the adult swore back! Good influence, right? I think the parental controls are a great feature if parents are afraid of this, but it can only help so much. There's still killing and violence, but who cares?
    #8 Norlinsky, Jun 27, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2008
  9. Fusionstudent

    Fusionstudent Ancient
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    Define child.
  10. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I'm guessing someone under supervision of a guardian of legal age. So like under 18, maybe?
  11. SLY JD

    SLY JD Ancient
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    No. Parents should understand there is a rating on the game for a reason.

    This is exactly where all 'R' rated games in Australia are banned. Parents totally ignore the rating and buy the game for their kids anyway. If it wern't for people like this, we would have an 'R' rated class.
  12. LightningNinja2

    LightningNinja2 Ancient
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    kids/m games

    young kids who play halo, call of duty, bioshock ect. are going to pick up language that is unwanted in siacity. you wouldn't want to call your boss something that could get you fired. but because this is america, we shouldn't have the ESRB because of the 9th amendment, but we have it because of the columbine shootings (doom)
    Shad0w Viper likes this.
  13. Deathlycobra

    Deathlycobra Ancient
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    Honestly, the world is being filled with parents who just don't care about there kids concerns and let them do whatever they want. Then the kids act completely stupid in school and when it is finally time to stop mooching of your parents, yor screwed. These types of kids have no where to go. But hey, I guess we do need more burger flippers eh?
    Shad0w Viper likes this.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    In Australia, it is legal for them to buy and play the game by themselves. I've played violent video games since I was 5 and have watched Southpark since I was 4, I now go to 1 of the best schools in the country.
  15. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Lies you just get pissed and start whining and cussing.

    Another thing parents have to worry about is their child being raped while playing a game like halo 3. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Game Details
  16. Admiral Alpha

    Admiral Alpha Ancient
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    An interesting, compelling topic, to be sure. Now, before you read on, please note I wrote this at 6:37 AM, after being up for about thirteen hours; there may be some errors. Anyway, if you want to read my entire argument, then skip to the next paragraph. If you do not want to read my entire paragraph, no I do not think children should play Halo 3.

    I firmly believe children should not be playing Halo 3. However, it depends on how you want to define "children." I believe that is socially mature enough to act responsibly and with dignity even when they are hidden with the shield of anonymity, they are mature enough to play Halo 3. For some people, this comes early in life, whereas for others it comes later or not at all. I despise it when people constantly encourage fairness and inequality towards everyone then proceed to talk about how much they hate kids on Live. True, some younger people act immature, but isn't it also true that there are people who ruin it for everyone in all groups? Just because someone is young doesn't necessarily make them a child, in my opinion.

    "Child" is a word I reserve for describing someone who doesn't know how to treat others with respect and handle themself with dignity. I had to deal with people complaining about me and booting me A LOT two to three years ago when I got Live simply because of my age, (I was quite young then; eleven at the youngest, I believe) which I found to be unfair. Instead of granting me a single opportunity to prove myself as an educated, high-thinking individual, they would choose to boot me simply because of the way my voice sounds

    Most folks tend to assume younger people are all trouble making, potty mouthed imbeciles who just yell into the mic and curse out everyone in the game, and unfortunately those folks are right, for the most part. This could be due to the fact that those stereotypical children are so overbearing they overshadow the good youths. I try very hard to restrain myself on Live; occasionally I'll slip up and "cuss" or verbally duke it out with someone who is being obnoxious, but I am quite proud of the dignified manor that I conduct myself in. Sure, with friends I'll loose up, and act in a way that is appropriate to the group I'm with, the closest I'd ever come to the stereotypical level. However, this is only due to the group I'm trying to appeal to and for entertainment purposes; I never do this in a public game with people who I've never "meet" before, since it's always nice to leave a good first impression.

    As far as affecting the "impressionable young minds" on Xbox Live, I've yet to hear anything on Live that I haven't heard in real life. Besides, most of the phrases/body part names/sexual designations/stories/racial names I hear in real life are, by far, much, much, MUCH worse than those things I've heard on Live. Strange, considering (Three curse words, not really NSFW, but be forewarned.) Gabe's Internet Theory and the consequences derived from it.

    Well, thank you for reading through this MASSIVE wall of text and taking the time to comprehend it. I look forward to seeing if anyone replies to me. Again, thanks for reading, and take a cookie as your reward. ;)
    Shad0w Viper and Tex like this.
  17. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
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    In truth they shouldn't. Its just wrong.

    But thats not the problem here, because kids, no matter how many warnings and so on there is, end up getting there hands on a copy and playing it.

    It might be OK, unless the child playing is very immature, and havnt been raised in the right circumstances or way. For example, Im twelve. I am what you would call a child. I can handle it, but I know a lot of people my age that cant. They get addicted, and become violent.

    Halo isnt that bad, and I agree it shouldnt be rated Mature, but other games like GTA4 and COD4 are horrible for young minds. Little kids (under 10) should stick to less violent games.
    Shad0w Viper likes this.
  18. Supahman42

    Supahman42 Ancient
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    I believe that this a very important subject, and can be viewed in many different ways. I agree with Pegasi Delta. There are much more violent games in the world than Halo 3, but still, what kind of toll is the violence, and the profanity taking on the mind of a young adult, or even a child? Is this introducing children to a world that they have never seen before? A world where people mindlessly slaughter people each day? As Pegasi said, I'm no psychiatrist, but I also believe that it's having at least some minor effect on the human mind, in matchmaking. I've been playing Halo 3 for quite some time now, and I cannot even begin to count how many people who I've seen cussed out (including me). I could be making a simple statement, such as "There are children online, and I would appreciate it if you didn't use that type of language." More often than not, that shuts the others up, because they too are children, but sometimes, that fuels an even more intense argument. Those children in matchmaking may be picking up traits of an attitude that they hadn't shown in any other period of their life.
    Shad0w Viper likes this.
  19. ProBoy117

    ProBoy117 Ancient
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    I think children should be able to play at age 14.
  20. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    You know people who have become violent due to an addiction to M rated games?

    I highly doubt that.

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