If they decide to keep it, then I want a motorcycle forum. I need a place where I can talk about bikes and riding and all that stuff and I'm too lazy to go find and join another website to do so.
I like this idea, it takes flame from the off-topic and focuses it into a slightly more structured debate
I just keep getting more and more annoyed by this forum... There are a few "debates" that are particularly annoying... *No offense to the originators... the rap turns people violent thread Video games n violence Video games & religion thread the vegetarian thread gah... it's just they are annoying topics, and the people discussing them make the topic even more annoying... I hope you don't mind me quoting this Titmar, I'm sure you won't considering you said it. Truth.
I dont mind. And yea, this was pretty good at first. I was all like: "Sweet something thats actually worth talking about..." But it has gotten pretty lame pretty quick. (the debate forum, not this thread)
Great verification, and I'm glad to see someone agrees...though I kinda anticipated you would...lol... Anyways, I would just like to give a few examples of what a post should look like in these forums (as posted by me...please ignore my conceitedness...) *Note, you can click the titles of each debate to view the entire debate or click the next to each quote to view its origin. Will the World End in 2012? Debate: Marijuana Debate: Smoking Ban Debate: Or something even smaller: Americas Oil Debate: (as posted by Lone) Anyways, the whole point to all this, is that these posts go unnoticed, and the fact of the matter is, I feel if people would take the time to read these, then they may see things a little differently... On top of that point, if people were to start citing their sources their point may be taken a little more seriously...I find that a sourced post is much more valuable then one that is not. Considering I don't trust the internet and its lies...
Just for the record, the posts don't go unnoticed (at least by me). It's just difficult to debate against sound logic, and there are few people here that take the opposing side that can debate properly anyway. Hopefully this can/will change as this forum continues to mature, but until then, I'm afraid you'll have to deal with such uncited "proof" that gay people are just the same as murderers. How to debate effectively and rationally
This forum is comprised mainly of younger people who were linked here from bungie.net. The forge hub population clearly cannot handle a debate forum, and even if they could all this forum does is make people find ways to dislike each other more. I still think this is a bad idea.
yeah, i just got another lame - rep saying "****in hippy" for my participation in the Vegetarian thread. This isnt the first rep ive gotten from this thread and its getting ridiculous.
I've actually gotten only positive reps for my debate posts *so far*, and have tried to give the same credit to the kind of posts that Tex was pointing out. I do think there is a problem with some users just being overly aggressive or defensive when putting forward their opinions, or even not putting forward real opinions at all. But alot of the discussion here is informed and respectful, even if some people don't find some of the thread topics interesting. This forum has the potential to provide a structured outlet for debate that has no place in the other forums, but which is still important to many members. You are going to get some people who break the rules and descend into rudeness, but that is what infractions and the good ol' banhammer are for. My only concern is, along with others, that this forum is going to be much more subject to the moronic posts of small children, and that to keep this forum tidy will require to much attention from the staff. If the forging section feels the strain because this forum requires to much upkeep to keep it tidy and informed then there is a problem, forging is what we are about and other debates must be second to that. I just personally feel that we shouldn't be denied a debates forum, which could become a really interesting and important part of FH, because of the members who can't be bothered to communicate opinions in an understandable way, or refuse to obey the rules. We should not suffer because of them.
Wow, I couldn't have said that any better myself. 100% agreed good sir. (This is where I rep you =] ) edit...too much repping in 24 hours -_- STILL!?!?! its been saying that for like 6 hours now!! cmon....
Don't worry Tex, I repped you instead for appreciating a good argument. I've taken what you said on board and tried gone through threads giving rep for good posts, respectful/well constructed arguments and good citations etc. I have +repped a few but did notice that there are alot of posts that just disappoint -"so and so is good/bad"-no real reasoning or contribution to the debate. The problem is maybe a little larger than I appreciated, but I stand by my support of this forum. Maybe if the staff support a zero tolerence approach to stupid posting for a while then people will get the message and use it sensibly. Here's hoping anyway... Live long debate forum.....
Actually, I'm happy to see someone else going about repping away, though one word of advice, if you are looking to help the forum through means of rep, -rep those posts you were talking about, the ones with no purpose, and should be deemed "spam"
Im gonna do so now. I'm not gonna be harsh, but do want to discourage these senseless posts and help make this forum better. I think I must be close to my limit for now but I am gonna be back in this forum alot, I like it here.
Mkay, I added a wall of text to the original post...I wonder how few of people will actually take the time to read it, or at least skim to get my point..
My opinion also. If the debate fourm stays serious, then its worth it. If its the same as the rest of the fourm, well... One thing that bugs me about it is the sigs. I think the sigs should be removed from the debate section, because they are really distracting. It would discourage the "1337" speaking people because their beloved sigs are so precious to them. This section needs people like Furious D. And -rep in the debate fourm is petty.
Well, it appears that the debate forums are finally dying down, all the flames are starting to moisten up, and the amounts of new threads are rapidly decreasing, this is a new day for the debate forums! I'm both pleased and upset by this though, on one hand, it's really boring now, and on the other, people aren't trying to rip eachother's throats out...
I figured as much. People have moved on to the next shiny spoon to briefly hold their attention. Hopefully it will stick around, because some of the threads were rather interesting. Some, but definitely not all of them. And you know there will be a "Cold Storage vs. Chill Out" debate thread coming soon...
I think that the debate forum is a good thing, because it still allows the debates to go on, but in a more organized fashion with stricter rules, and because of the stricter rules, they make the debates much more factual and serious, rather than just a flame-fest
Umm... yea... it kind of IS a flame fest. Just another form of flame. I think it was a great success the first couple days but its kinda failing hardcore now. Imho.
Well apparently I'm logged in on my friends computer and he's been posting things, but either way, this is pretty stupid. I mean, just look at the presidential debate thread. I also don't like the whole "I'm always right, your wrong *****" attitude that seems to be so frequently displayed amongst these forums.