The starting system which I haven't seen before and the fact that it uses the warthog. Anyway to answer the question about people getting in the gunners seat, well you set the damage to 0% so that it doesn't inflict damage onto the other players and hence they dont die. The warthog its self can be set to indestructible to stop anyone from trying to destroy it. I like the idea about the ghosts and I will look into it. Hopefully that helps to clear some things up.
Wowshit. I've always been a big hog fan, and this map looks awesome. That ramp turn looks perfectly built and is super aesthetically pleasing. The rest of the structures look well-built also and seem like they fit the race layout well. Great work, great,great work. P.S - Change your thread title to only the name of your map.
I really like the turn in the sixth picture. looks nicely forged and smooth can't wait to drive on it. 5/5
yea, but the part i think is kinda bad is the ending, theres alot of miss interlocking and edges sticking out
I noticed that when I was building the map, however this does not affect the racing line and doesnt affect the smoothness of the bend but I can see your point as it "looks kind of bad". I have took the time to fix this problem while im working on a ghost/mongoose variant. Everyone needs proof so here it is, Before Reconstruction : After Reconstruction : Hopefully that takes care of those problems and thanks for bringing this to my attention.
this is the best avalanche racing map stright up it would be even better if you made a lap counter so the race could go multiple laps but it would be mroe of a circuit then great job love it make more please i occasionally check out racing maps
i love racing my friends on this map. although they get pissed at me because i knock them off the track often
To answer your remaining questions, It doesn't have to be a 1 lap race as you can set the score to win to a predetermined number such as 10. This is a circuit race and I hope you guys continue to have fun on it. I have finished the mongoose variant so look out for that as well as another map.
yea i played it a week ago you did what i thougth wasn't in there the hogs tend to flip when you start the race so i believe the starting gate could be done better but other than that great job also the power up line can be driven through as a shortcut so if left over materials please fix and tell me thank you
this is one of the best looking race maps I have ever seen, this is about the second race map I have ever downloaded on forgehub, and I might actually keep this one
I always try to make innovative maps. I have fixed the shortcut through the power ups in my mongoose variant.
Dammit. Another good map on the legendary map pack. That's twice in aobut 5 minutes. I really need to get that map pack. Looks really good
yeah there haven't been to many on avalanche. but this one is good. 9/10. good job. i like the turn off the edge..
wow nice map. i like how you used something noone ever uses for race maps. they usually dont use warthogs.