AstroTurf v1.4

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Pegasi, May 27, 2008.


Does this map need SMGs added?

  1. Yay, more guns! I like guns!

    16 vote(s)
  2. Its fine the way it is.

    14 vote(s)
  3. Killing is bad.

    9 vote(s)
  1. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it looks pretty good but i strongly suggest to add more cover than that and be creative with the cover as well... 7/10... add more cover and u get 8/10
  2. Naptiva

    Naptiva Ancient
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    Wow, this looks awesome. The interlocking looks perfect, and thank you for including an overhead. Those make understanding the layout so much better. The only possible problem I see is the lack of cover, but that just might be pictures. Will D/L
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    A couple of people have said that this map could do with more cover. I have placed all cover very carefully and am very keen not to overdo it. The pictures are a little misleading because they make the map look bigger than it actually as, the spaces work very well in gameplay and all objects of cover are all carefully aligned. I do admit that the cover leaves a little to be desired in terms of aesthetics, the crates and spools look a but lack lustre. But I am keen to keep to cover moveable so that it is not completely reliable. This map is too small and simple to be so fixed. Also, I have no immovable objects left that can be really used as cover, apart from 2 window panels I think, so am pretty hard pushed

    The corridors are not massively wide and I don't want to create anything close to a significant division in terms of cover. The current objects can look a little sparse in the pics but please, download the map and run around it a bit. They are all perfectly spaced and yet leave enough room to make the map fluid for gameplay.

    Everyone who I have played this map with agrees that every object of cover is perfectly placed, have a look at King of the Hill for example. The objects allow the hills to be attackable and yet offer tentative places to hide when in the hill. These places are always dangerous and the cover is configured such that you often have to choose between being safe in cover and being in the hill.

    This said, if anyone has any specific changes they'd make to cover, any additions etc. then please tell me as I'm always ready to change my maps if people think it will improve it. Please try to be specific, what cover you'd like, where etc, and give at least basic reasons. I've tailored the cover of this map carefully so, if I change it, I'd need to know exactly what I was trying to achieve in moving things.

    Oh and I hate the DL limit too Nivlak, hate it so much

    Sorry to rant, and thanks very much for the feedback and comments, its always appreciated.
    #43 Pegasi, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2008
  4. Th3Bl4ckKn1ght

    Th3Bl4ckKn1ght Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You should only stick to 2 grenade types on this map because cycling through all 4 of them can get confusing.
  5. GridNaux

    GridNaux Ancient
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    looks great from the pictures, i think ill check it out. i like the interlocking and overal basic idea for the map. however i can see where Th3Bl4ckKn1ght is coming from.
  6. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Someone read my guide. :3
  7. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    I love the interlocking and the layout 5/5 :)
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is exactly the kind of feedback I need, thank you! Its concise, reasoned and tells me exactly what you want done.

    I think this is a valid point and I straight away thought that plasma grenades are pretty powerful in the tight corridors so maybe I should take them out instead and just use spike grenades for stickies. I think frags are essential though and really like how the firebomb grenades work in gameplay. I will definitely take out the plasma grenades but am tempted to stick with 3 types.
    If people have any suggestions as to what 2 types might work best and lots of people agree then I will, of course, adapt the map. The majority view rules, so any reasoned and specific opinions on this issue would be appreciated.
  9. Brain Hacker

    Brain Hacker Ancient
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    looks great nice map 5/5
  10. sickandstoked

    sickandstoked Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great the interlocking seems perfect.

    Now I will have to see what the game play is like.

  11. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Fast post for dl latter : Que is full and not near 360. will edit post latter.

    nice except that i hate Firebomb grenade's. ill add more after DL and test
  12. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm thinking of taking them out to be honest. The advice about 2 grenade types really made me think, and I have 2 ideas at the moment.
    -Frags and Plasma grenades
    -Frags and Spike grenades

    The Spikes seem a little underpowered and redundant in this map, so I would tend towards frags and plasmas, but any input would be appreciated.
    I do like Firebombs as a niche weapon, but understand that they're kind of a love it or hate it grenade choice, and I'm keen to make this map as playable and wide appeal as possible.
  13. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Great, I've had to reply TWICE!
    It looks brilliantly. Beautiful layout, looks like alot of fun, and the interlocking is on par with perfection. A definate download!

    Weapon set is great, but the bubble sheild is concerning. It could be taken by the shotgun carrier easily, and BANG! Shotgun camping. However, on the other side, it provides support if people rush Carbine. I dunno....
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a valid point. Please bear in mind that the shotty has been removed and replaced with a mauler (which has been moved from top middle), but pretty much the same is true with the mauler instead of the shotty.
    I could swap the Bubble Shield and the Deplorable Cover around, what would you reckon to this? It would balance the Mauler a bit more but would be pretty easy to grenade and destroy in the back corner, I also feel it might overbalance the opposite road with its BR and Regenerator combo.

    Thanks for the detailed feedback and useful comments, you really considered how changes you're suggesting would affect the map in different situations without just saying "change this". It really helps.

    EDIT: "Deplorable Cover" LOL
  15. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Keep the bubble, the cover can be jumped on, and could be used to break the map or exploit any small design flaws (though, I wouldn't worry about that!). I reckon you should keep the bubble sheild, as the mauler is quite far away, and with no shotgun to couple with it, it is well placed.
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, thanks for the input. I'll keep it in the back of my mind to see if it can be improved slightly in future, but am reassured you think its OK.
    I"m a little surprised you found it (guessing the plan view helped) as when I played this map my friends they ran around for quite a while saying "there's a bubbleshield? where?", no one seems to look behind that barrier much.

    EDIT: A couple of review added to the OP and v1.4 is now up, more cover, sniper moved and only frags and plasma grenades on map now, the tunnel has also been smoothed.
    #56 Pegasi, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  17. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I downloaded AstroTurf and played a 1v1 Duel on it. I was winning 7-5 and then lost 7-10. Damn! But I had a lot of fun on the map. I wonder, is it set up for oddball or KotH? Those might be fun with 1v1 or 3 player FFA or something. Also, with small maps like this I always wonder how it would play with different weapons or equipment. I'd love to hear about other variations you considered, and why you went with the ones that you did.
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Lol yeh it does that to you, did you find yourself both moving around one of the triangular divides with the enemy just out of sight? Funny you should say Oddball and KOTH, as those are the two gametypes this map is set up for, I enjoy KOTH most, especially with 3-4 people, as I placed the objects so its hard to be safe and in the hill. But its pretty intense 1v1 Oddball and KOTH, ball play around the tunnel gets pretty interesting in my experience.
    I'm actually thinking of doing another version with a couple more weapons, and maybe slim this one down, to have a more sparse one and a more weaponed one, just to suit preferences of more people.
    Thanks for the opinions, means alot.
  19. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I did another game here. 1v1 Slayer which tuned into 3 player FFA as the game continued. To start the game, I got the deployable cover and I was all set to throw it down and shoot through it with my AR. Well, here comes Neverless with his plasma grenade.


    The way my spartan was standing when he got stuck in the crotch makes for a funny picture, in my opinion.


    A little later, I'm dual-wielding a plasma pistol and a mauler. Nev and I charge each other and I kill him right as he is about to throw another plasma grenade. It falls to the ground, narrowly missing my shoulder. He goes, "that plasma grenade bounced right off of you". Sorry Nev, close but no cigar.


    Fun map. Let's get some KotH on it some time. Maybe even some of Shock Theta and Insane's Duel of the Fates. Ever play that?
  20. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Oh yeah, I was on top of my game that match. Had quite a few good kills, but that stick was probably the best. If I had delayed throwing that plasma by just a few mili-seconds, I woulda missed my shot. Good stuff.

    Oh, and just so everyone knows... this was my first serious game of Halo since May and I ended up winning despite the confusion of someone joining mid-game. lol, I remember Furious saying.."How are you beating me so bad after you've been away from Halo so long?"
    Good map, I like it. May even keep it. :D

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