
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by skiwell21, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. skiwell21

    skiwell21 Ancient
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    This is my first post on forge hub. I hope you like my map it is a castle. This map is more of an asthentic map but can be played on. It can be played with slayer, juggernaut and terratories. the terratories are in the castle.

    This is the download link. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing


    It is a two sided map some will spawn in the castle and some will spawn in the base with g-nades and some equipment and vehicles.


    This is the castles anti vehicle turret.


    This is the armory for the people in the castle.


    This is an over view of the castle's interior.


    This is the front of the castle the pillars also have weapons on them.

    That is my map a want to hear what you have to say. hope you like it and please DL
  2. iTz Me

    iTz Me Ancient
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    Looks pretty good, can't see much interlocking but why did you put sheild walls around the tank when you have the barricades?
  3. skiwell21

    skiwell21 Ancient
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    so the tank can't be shot from behind or the side.
  4. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    This map looks pretty lame. I know thats harsh, but basically, its another Castle. Let me repeat that. ANOTHER CASTLE. Can't you think of anything original? Also, you included armories, which generally tend to suck.

    Sorry, but 2/5.

  5. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    MattDGiant u suck..... u say this is harsh but for **** sake, keep ur negative **** 2 urself eh? to the map maker. it looks fun but remove the shield doors from around the tank.
    MattDGiant likes this.
  6. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    armory's suck, I even like a fiesta better, jeez, stupid castle.
    Ok what you have to do is:
    -put the peeing brute in front of it
    -remove the armory
    -remove the shield doors and make something better for the scorpion turret.
    and voilla you have made a decent map.
  7. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    YO man, chill out. I was talkin to you was I? I was being honest, and you ****in shoot me down. I'm sorry, maybe I did go a little overboard, but honestly I really don't think that this is something to get upset over. It is a mediocre map. There I said it. Don't flame me about it. I proved my point before and gave reasons why it wasn't worth a download. Unoriginality, armories, shield doors, way too many vehicles, the list goes on.
    Overthehodge? Well. You showed some real maturity by saying that, because you just pissed yourself oversomething that you know is true. Unless you honestly think that this is the best map you've ever seen.

    To the maker- I'm sorry for being a douche, but really, I know you can do much better. Try and think of stuff that hasn't been done before. Look at Cosmic Rick's Pallet Parade map. He made a conveyor belt, something never done before. Now I'm not telling you to make a conveyor belt, just to think like him. Try to figure out something that hasnt been done before. If you have trouble, check out the forging 101 section to find some forge tips and other cool things.

  8. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
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    So basically it's a smaller Avalanche, but I don't believe it's closed off. Honer Rule Sucks. And the castle idea is so over used. I know this is your first post, so never do another castle. Do something origninal and a more playable map. 2.5/5
  9. Kittycatwitcowboyhat

    Senior Member

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    its an ok map, but the tanks doesnt seem to have much to fire at since theres sheild doors. And anyways it would be to cheep if the tank is protected like that.
  10. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    If you want a better Castle, use the Castle as the part that blocks off the other side. Spread out some weapons, and if you feel like it, you can Interlock. Click Interlock to go to the Thread that shows it. Other than that, I can't do much else.

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