Debate 2012?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xxAl Capwnagexx, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    That was pure ignorance...

    How do we prevent global warming today?

    How do we prevent earthquakes today?

    How do we prevent tsunamis today?

    How do we stop acid rain from occuring?

    How do we stop running out of oil for production?

    Please, cite your sources when you have something extremely contradictory to everything else that has been said....
    #21 Tex, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
  2. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    In December of 2012, the Earth, Sun, and the center of the Milky Way will align. In history (dating back to pre-industrial times), ancient astronomers always viewed the part of the sky that is the galactic center as "evil," and as such a triple alignment between the Sun, Earth, and the black hole (we all know it's a freakin' black hole, duh!) supposedly represents something evil happening. The Mayans interpreted this alignment as the end of a "cycle" (like someone mentioned earlier).
    It all really comes down to astrology, and whether you believe it holds any merit or not.
  3. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    i really dont believe that the world will end in 2012, i mean look at what all the other predictions turned out.... im still here. although as someone said earlier that we are running out of oil and creating 'global warming' it doesnt mean everyone is gonna die. For example our next source of energy will be hydrogen; i gaurantee it, but before we even get to that we will probably strike oil again in some paki-land. then weve got nuclear fusion to look forward to which is economically friendly and lasts for infinite years. also if an astroid hits us then some bugger will end up as a new species and re-populate earth, ive always thought that the earth has a funny way of repeating itself and if the world ends in 2012 then u can all be sure that i was wrong. my anwser is simply the WORLD AINT ENDING FOR A LONG TIME AND THIS THREAD IS GIVING SCIENCE FREAKS FALSE HOPE!
  4. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    I am a Christian/catholic. So, my thoughts are pretty much the same as staed above. I do believe that the human race will end, not in 2012, but soon.

    I was watching the history channel about this once. It was very, very intresting.

    "Apocalypse literally means uncovering or revealing. I think the process is already under way. We're on the verge of transitioning to a dispensation of consciousness that's more intuitive, mystical and shamanic,"

    The Mayans were very smart, we all know.

    One of their several calendars was called the Long Count. It was set up around 355 BCE, and had as its chosen starting date, which corresponds to 11 August 3114 BCE. And on 21 December 2012, the Mayan Long Count calendar will read
    Now here's how it works. Our numbering system is based on 10. But the Mayans had a counting system based on 20, so most of the 'slots' in their calendar had 20 potential numbers (0 to 19). The calendar read a little like the odometer in your car's speedo (which run from 0 to 9). The extreme right slot (of five slots) would count through the days, and when it got to 19 days ( would reset to zero, and the next slot across to the left would increase by one (to
    So was one day, and was 20 days. Then was about one year, was about 20 years and with, you've clocked up about 400 years. And on 21 December 2012, the Mayan Long Count calendar will read
    By the way, the time between and is about 5126 years. Now some Mayan archaeo-astronomers reckon that the calendar should reset back to zero and start again. But others disagree and say it should continue to 20, and then reset again.
    We don't have enough information to know who is correct - but if it does go up to 20, then this completely destroys the End of Days Conspiracy Theory, as far as the year 2012 is concerned. But let's stick to the 13 Conspiracy for the time being.
    The claims for 21 December 2012 cover a lot of ground. They range from 'nuclear holocaust' to 'Harmonic Convergence of cosmic energy flowing through the earth, cleansing it and raising it to a higher level of vibration', and along the way they include 'the death of two-thirds of humanity' and 'the north and south poles will split' - you get the picture.
    But there are two problems with this.
    First, when a calendar comes to the end of a cycle, it just rolls over into the next cycle. In our Western society, every year 31 December is followed, not by the End of the World, but by 1 January. So in the Mayan calendar will be followed by - or good-ol' 22 December 2012, with only a few shopping days left to Christmas.
    And the second problem is that it is always remarkably difficult to make predictions, especially about the future, and things that haven't happened yet.

    Found here ^^

    So there are some facts. My solely based opionon is that when the humanity is gonna end, It'll be violent. Jesus and Satan will come clashing out in the middle east some where between Iran and Turkey, I believe.

    Decoding 2012 : Hisotry channel

    I highly suggest you to watch it.
  5. xxbaddboyyxx

    xxbaddboyyxx Ancient
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    Well, if Earth happens to blow up, it'll be on my birthday. What a great present.
  6. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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  7. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    To Tex: Gas shortages is lies, and soon We'll move on:
    Saudi Arabia bids to calm oil market - Telegraph

    To this topic: Yes the mayans were a very intelligent and advanced race, but they died out. Whos to say they hadn't gotten to 2012 on the day they died out. Theres too many unknowns to say for sure. I think that if there was some comet or something else, we would have notice of it.
  8. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    The HAARP...interesting, I did some research on this...and to me, I feel this is an interesting discovery, though, is it really a good thing? To me, it sounds like the next unnecessary weapon to impact our earth...
    Also: There have been many rumors of the device being used for mind control, and/or a space nuke countermeasure...

    Great, so people are going to continue to use gas, thinking they have nothing to worry about? We aren't on an infinite supply...We will run out eventually...
    #28 Tex, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
  9. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Naw we are already moving towards hybrid cars, and we will become desperate enough to lead to new invention.

    Also Tex, "psychics" rely on saying general and vague statements, than the people who read them or hear them "interpret" them to apply to their lives. IE: statement about bush, or the even larger stretch of TV. I can say to you that "in he near future you will meet the women of your dreams" I'm not a psychic, I dunno what the women of your dreams is, or what your idea of the 'near future' but you might take this as the women you meet at the coffee shop, or the women you work with 10 years later.
  10. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Not fast enough imo (which means this is an opinion based argument...this can end here).

    Philosophers is the correct term. To define a philosopher:

    A person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics, metaphysics, logic, and other related fields.

    And what he writes in his theories are oddly accurate to this date. There have been some incorrect predictions, but jesus, the ones that he's made that are correct are unbelievably close.
    #30 Tex, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
  11. Untouchable 50

    Untouchable 50 Ancient
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    no way

    every time something like this happens everyone goes crazy, buit the Mayans just decided to end there
  12. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    No, Tex. It is a terrible thing. You as an individual and all your actions can theoretically be completely controlled by HAARP.
  13. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Well, I saw that aspect, but your post was



    And that gave me no clue as to what your opinion was on the matter =/

    I completely agree though...I think it's just another step towards the end.
    #33 Tex, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
  14. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Sowee, and yep, you're probably right. Search "Chem trails" to be scared/pissed/depressed further. Oh and we can already generate extreme amounts of usable energy just from water. Check this out... Man Invents Water Powered Car and Welding Torch! - Gear6

    I think God intended water to be the most abundant resource on our planet because we can get so much from it, as you see in the vid.
    Tex likes this.
  15. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Maybe something big will happen on 2012 like a big earthquake or a tsunami. if it was a meteor we might be able to shoot it down. This prediction was made thousands of years ago and the universe is gigantic there is no way they could make a exact prediction like this right.

    No we wont die from zombie, we have people all over the world like in forests, deserts, antartica, ect.

    Nobody knows how aliens are like but if they could master space flight who knows what they could be packing

    And stop complaining about bdays being on the "End of the world" at least people wont make fun of you for it if it does happen unlike my bday that was on 9/11...
  16. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    People have been murdered on many occasion by oil companies/the government to keep them from publicly releasing the idea behind "water powered cars"...

    For example:

    You want to see something really disturbing about the guy you're talking about?

    Sad story...
    #36 Tex, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
  17. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    There is a car commercial about a car that spews water vapor instead of gas is this the water powered car you are talking about?
  18. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    No way. I was going to put "I hope the government doesn't murder this guy." in that post, but I didn't want to show my conspiracy-side. I knew that would happen...**** the world. The same thing happened to the guy who created a perpetual motion device and a new kind of energy. I read it about 3 years ago, allow me to go dig it up...

    And no, Blake. We are discussing a car that is purely powered by only water.
  19. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Ya, I was actually looking for the guy who invented the same device in about the 1920's or so...and then what do ya know, I came across the same son of ***** you were just talking about...strange...

    btw, the guy I was looking for was also murdered =/
    #39 Tex, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
  20. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Yeah the 1920's guy is the one I'm talking about. Man, quite a few koinky-dinks, eh?

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