personaly i love starwars and star wars maps really can't show what starwars is like, thats why there are starwars video games. no disrespect to the creators of those maps because starwars maps are extremly hard to make and i respect you trying. the only good starwars map i've found is star destroyer. basically one team starts in a star destroyer, which is the most beautiful asthetic object i have ever seen on forgehub, and try to repel the rebels who are in hornets and banshees. that map can be found on forgehub, just look for it, its great. i'd like to your opinions or any other good PLAYABLE!!! star wars maps you've found __________________
Theres not many but theres one called something on the lines of death star trench which is pretty playable.
Your argument is so full of holes the Death Star could fly through it. You provide no example of bad maps, no links, and then tell us about an awesome Star Wars map, completely contradicting your point. I'll post some links to some great Star Wars maps in a while; however, right now I have a slightly more pressing issue currently.
I think what he is trying to say is that he hasn't seen many really great Star Wars based maps, and is asking if anyone could point out an example of one that is worth keeping. Insane's map Duel of Fates is worth checking out, if you like playing swords.
I didn't even realise you were talking about Star Wars maps in Halo 3 until some of the replys. I'm guessing the majority of Star Wars maps are for aesthetics anyway.
Can you please post a link for that one? I found a bunch of Star Destroyer maps and don't know which one you are talking about, thanks!
Is it really that hard to understand that Halo topics go in the 'Halo Discussion'? The Gaming Discussion should be halo free.
for the people who wanted to download the map i was talking a bout here you go i really don't know how to post maps so i went to the page and copied the url, i hope it works hey it did.
on the thing it says you can talk about anything video game related Halo3=video game WOW I GUESS YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT
Hey, guess what? I don't know who you are, and Asper is a mod. Who clearly has more know-how on where topics should and should not be located than any random person.
Burn. And, before you go posting and flaming others peoples' maps, you should actually use the search feature, and there are A LOT of good aesthetically pleasing Star Wars maps. Also, I'd work on your grammar in the OP. Welcome to forgehub.
why is everyone on this website so mad all the time, no one can take a joke, i've gotten like 3 infractions because annoying people "not you aspar" keep badmouthing me, so when i reply in a funny comment everyone pms's and i get in trouble. im just defending my honor. i had one funny one on this thread but i didn't know the person i was defending myself from was a moderator so he took it off
for example, alby house, i don't need some 11 year old to tell me how to spell. pardon me if i don't get a dictionary out everytime i post, i accidentaly misspelled a word. wow the worlds ending
Let's see... Oh yes. Basically. ___________________________ Those are rep points. Not infractions. So nothing happens to you. Except for a red box. Bully that. /shrug ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
lol i didn't even read the rest because i saw Nemi's post and it just made my day but please sting, common sense? please
Nemi, WIN! Oh and Stin you double posted, now that is infraction worthy, lol. This is getting a bit off topic though. I would like to say I have seen many aesthetically pleasing and playable Star Wars maps, I understand you can't exactly get colors right, because foundry's boxes are not the same color as most star wars vehicles and what not, but looking at them, you can definitely see that they are good maps. Most of your 'funny' comments in fact are not funny. They appear to be angry hits against other people, and you feel like you get an exception to be rude to others? Please, think before you post, it's a good idea. P.S. Spelling and grammar are very important if you want your post to seem well thought out and intelligent. Which sounds better? I believe that some Star Wars maps do not fully give the true meaning of what Star Wars was all about. They do not play well, and I think that is a big part in Star Wars. OMG Star Wars maps r teh suckzors!!!! Geroge Lucas r teh only pplz tat can make a Star wArz game. ^Although the last one was a major exageration I feel like you would be more inclined to listen to the first one.