Hahaha, when I was in forge recently I fell off a cliff and my Spartan was like "AAahahahahhhahahooooooahaha!"
That really loud, piercing sound the sniper sometimes makes. Commonly happens when two snipers are shot at once.
I love "Open Season" And the opening music when it first opens up. In fact halo has many awesome sounds, it's hard to narrow it down. Oh, the grunts hilarious remarks.
oh yeah, I love that sound too, I can remember a game of TS on Narrows, I hung around waiting for the camo to spawn just sitting there listening to my needler.
The asian anouncer guy saying killing frenzy...he goes: "sha sha sha" (select the last language on Halo then get a killing frenzy...itz Hilarious)
I'd have to say it's a close call between two sounds... Firstly the sound of an barrage of needles from a needler [Pink Mist FTW] andThe Mario death sound in the Beta ♥
I love the sound of Master Chief from "Masterchief suck at halo 3". (It can be found outside of the citadel on the left metal thingy in "The Covenant".)
Either the sound of an empty machine gun turret trying to shoot. Or The sound of a Soccer Ball bouncing around in a tightly fit shield door square. It's all squishy.
Oh yes. Best noise EVER. The announcers voice is pretty awesome though. Like in Halo 2 when he says "Un-frigginbelievable". Also, whenever I get the laser, I keep tapping the trigger to do the shing noise of the charge. But who doesn't do that with the laser OH YEAH! The elephant horn....awesome. Pure win. Like an opening to an epic song. If the horns didn't run out after too much use, I would be doing that all day
i love hearing the plasma beep when theres a stick.. you get 1 of 2 feelings. "SHWEEET!" or "oh god" BOOOOOM! lol and the absolute worse is when your sniping and there are three people in your scope and you get 1 head shot all epic then "click click" :'(