Debate 2012?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xxAl Capwnagexx, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    The Mayans ended their calendar on December 21, 2012. Many people believe that this will be the end of the world, or apocalypse.

    Personally, I think its BS. So the Mayans got tired of making the calendar, so what?

    It's kind of vain to think that our generation will be the last generation. Everyone thought that the world would end in 2000 also (hey look! We're still here!)
    If it is ending, how's it happening? Asteroid? Nuclear weapon? Global warming? Alien invasion? Zombies?

    What does everyone else think?
    #1 xxAl Capwnagexx, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  2. RubbrDuckE

    RubbrDuckE Ancient
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    Zombies! That must be the answer!

    No JK, I don't know how it will end although it has been predicted as a meteor. Our time will end when it is meant to I guess.
  3. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I saw this on the History channel. Also, like 3 supposed psychics predicted it would happen at the same time. Winter Solstice of 2012, right? Well, anyway, I'm not even going to think about this happening. I don't know whether I believe it or not
    #3 Norlinsky, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2008
  4. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    One second, will edit this post, but i have some juicy facts for you =]

    Allright, in 2012, Nostradamus (one of those "psychics" you spoke of, which he is actually an author of prophecies) said that a comet would hit somewhere near Europe & Aisa causing massive amounts of death and destruction. Now, think about this for a second, if a comet of massive proportions were to hit, somewhere near the ocean (doesn't need to, but if it did, it would be even more devastating), it will cause massive tidal waves, earthquakes on the opposite side of the planet, let alone the destruction on the surface of which it hits...

    Now, as you've mentioned, the mayans predicted this aswell, where they are basing there opinions off of, is off of The Mayan Calender, a system of oddly accurate dates, through which are predicted, and throughout use the history of our planet to predict what will happen. So why 2012? Well I will quote a page, that had a great bit of information in it, and made it easier to say then to think about this one:

    Now, at the very same time, what is going on in this planet?

    • Oil is being used up at a dramatic pace, which we rely on oil, for industries, to produce everything that we have.
    • Global warming is taking effect, more and more, as each day passes, noone really seeming to care, or stop driving cars.
    • The population is increasing at a rapid pace aswell.
    • Trees are still being chopped down, with some regulation, but is it enough?
    I have a great video from George Carlin, it shows how people are going to go away, not the planet, I agree with him. But, this is a very interesting viewpoint. Anyway, here it is:, I know his video contradicts my points. Though, he's got a great point, and in collaboration with my points...

    I hope you all can see where I'm coming from, which is:

    We are screwed, whether or not its all of us, or in the year 2012, I do not know, no one truly knows, but I do feel we have some bunkering down to do, or some fighting away people for food.

    To add to Nostradamus's predictions (or to further validate that he has the ability to create legitimate prophecies):

    • At the dawn of the millennium, in the new land of Columbus,
      The village idiot will take the crown from the wooden one.
    -Obviously speaking of Bush, in 2000.

    • For score upon score of years, and more,
      The people of the land of Amerigo
      Sit transfixed -- dumbfounded, yet unmoving.
    -Speaking clearly of television...where people sit, and stare for hours on end.


    • In the most easterly region of western Europe, a child will be born to poor parents. He will seduce great crowds with his oratory and will. A new sect of philosophers despising death, gold, honors and wealth will be born on the German borders and those who follow them will have support and audience. Under the saintly appearance of delivering people from servitude he will himself usurp the people's power and the town. He will wreak the worst by trickery with the aid of a new republic, using as text in the struggle the false ideas of the first part of his book. Many will die before the Phoenix dies. make much more noise about the eastern power.
    -This speaks of Hitler's reign, and the genocide of Jewish people across the continent.

    • Century 10, Quatrain72:
      The year 1999, seventh month,
      From the sky will come a great King of Terror,
      To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
      Before and after Mars will reign at will

    -In the above quatrain, many point out that the year '1999' and the 'seventh month' are incorrect? Some rectify this by explaining that our modern calendar is indeed off by two years due to the Pope's revision of our contemporary calendar. Also, the 7th month could indeed refer to September. 400 years ago, Nostradamus's calendar actually began with the month of March (hence the reason many of the prefixes of our months don't make sense to us - October, Octa, 8, or December, Deca, 10, and most interestingly September, Septa, or 7.

    -And to verify, this one is about 9/11.

    #4 Tex, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
    squidhands likes this.
  5. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    Let's just say this, why the heck did they stop 4 days before Christmas? If the world ends, could I at least be stocked up with GoW2, GH 4, Rock Band 2, etc?

    (I kid...I kid).

    But seriously, let's just say'll be interesting.
  6. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    2012 not 2008.
    silly, I dont really think about this the world'll end when it ends, until then I'll just make sure I enjoy life.
    xxAl Capwnagexx likes this.
  7. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    I think what I heard was that an unknown planet named "Planet X" was heading over towards Earth and that it would cause Storms worse than Natural Disasters (Flash floods, tornadoes, hurricanes)

    I myself just had a dream last night that I was one of the few survivors of this "Planet X" encounter. It made Global Warming come to life and the whole world was flooded and it was getting worse.

    I was in a paddle boat with snacks and I started sinking and I tried to take the water out with an empty orange soda bottle but I sunk, drowned, and woke up.

    But I do not believe that we will go in 2012.

    They said that about 6/6/06, 1/1/00, and nothing ever happened.
  8. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Was just thinking about that, I'd like to see the people who honestly believed that on 7/6/06 or 2/1/00 and just be like "Hey we're still here, now what was it you were saying a few days ago."
  9. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    haha wow, I'm an idiot. I meant GH 8, Rock Band 4, GoW6, and maybe halo 12 :D

    edit to Tex's post: The thing that scares me the most is Nostradamus' prediction of Hitler (or close to the name- and yes I realize that is not 100% a guarantee that he did predict it, but that's a different argument entirely). That freaks me out.

    The argument against the world ending is that the planets line up in some weird way on that date (not sure which way) and that the Mayans could of easily foreseen that, and claimed that was the end of the world as we know it. Its a common date for predictions because of the planets.
    #9 xxAl Capwnagexx, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  10. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    There was a big discussion about this on another forum (forgot which).
    Perhaps the person in charge of the Mayan calandar died and since no one could fill his job it was never continued.
  11. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    i knew as soon as i said something about this, there would be a thread made in debate.


    By the way, theres already a few topics about this across the board.
  12. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    I made one, it went on for like 7 pages and then died while gaining absolutely no ground.

    Well DUH Titmar, your God.
  13. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    I have no idea what's going to happen in 2012, but I believe something will definitely happen. It might be the beginning of it, it might be the complete end, who knows. But my reasoning for this is that there are just too many predictions, too many prophecies, too many biblical stories that point to 2012 for me not to think that something will happen. Hopefully we will all transcend or something. That'd be pretty sweet...

    Oh, and it's great that this will happen just in time for yours truly's birthday.
  14. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    it will happen on my second last day of year twelve... if anything even happens.
    i'm going to deny this just so i feel better, we learned about this in my history class the other day, and there were a lot of good arguments against it, such as how it is stated (someone said this, not me) that the mayans were talking of a cycle, cycles cannot have an exact end, they continue round and round, possibly being altered in some way, i'm not sure how much sense that makes, but it makes me feel better.
    Tex likes this.
  15. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    I don't believe it will but meh, crazy **** can happen. I'd laugh if it didn't though.
  16. SLY JD

    SLY JD Ancient
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    Define the end of the world.
    Do you mean our human race ending?
    Our planet being destroyed?
    Or good-bye universe?
  17. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    The human race ending...

    I like the video I have in the first page by George Carlin, it explains how we are trying to "save the planet" but in all actually, we are trying to save ourselves. The planet isn't going anywhere, it's been through a heap of **** the past 6 billion years. We've only been around for somewhere around 100,000 to 200,000 years...We'll die out just like any other species on this world that has...
    #17 Tex, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
  18. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    yeah nostadomas was weird he predictied the twin towers in the usa
  19. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Ima go to taco bell.

    And if it does end, i think it says somewhere in the bible that the next time the world is destroyed it will be fire and not water, so nuclear war is my guess, but i doubt it will end anytime soon
  20. Furry

    Furry Guest

    ITs merley a misunderstanding amongst people, it really means that a generation will end. A generation meaning an era. In an era many species die or evolve... I don't think we will die, too much technology, we can prevent stuff and blahty blahty blah...

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