That wouldn't help because I'm fairly sure the effects of overloading don't remain after you strat a new round or end the game.
In your 4th pic, the one with rockets, I think you could've added more cover at the bottom, where the hammer is/was. Maybe just add crates that are hugging the walls so people can either hide behind them or use them to get to higher places. It looks fun, add some plasma grenades as well. If it helps, try to make the map feel like Colossus from Halo 2. That's what this map reminds me of. Use crates for cover along that whole area from the custom powerup to the other side with the mauler, etc... That would make it a bit more tactical instead of "Hide and wait until someone goes through the middle." Overall, the map looks fun compared to the old epitah, and I'm looking to play that map again. 4/5, and you got my dl.
thanks for the DL. but i thought about putting crates in the middle hallway but because it is so narrow, they took up practically the whole thing making the player hop up and down to get from one side to the other and there arnt any other places to put crates that would allow anyone to get to higher places. and if you DL the map, you'll see that there are a standard number of frag and plasma granades as well as 2 carbines and 6 BR's with the old epitaph yes, but not anymore. that was one of the first problems i addressed along with the camping. i know that there is a way that does NOT involve trip mines. if you know how then i would like to talk to you about getting rid of the shields i had made it my goal to redo epitaph and make it better so that was the reasoning behind choosing the worst map i could think of. and to everyone who thinks its boring and i didnt do anything, i deleted everything and re made the whole map. but the truth is, there really isnt a whole lot you can do with a pre DLC map so i did my best and i think its a really good map and to say the least, a billion times better then the original epitaph
Yea the way i do it does not involve trip mines.. just pm me on here or talk to me on xbox live GT: XKG x Oblivion and i do like the map.. Just the fact that you actually tried something on epitath makes it good.. and i like how you placed everything.. id say 4/5 just need to fix those shield doors... Got my DL
Unfortunately, the shield doors make it non MLG. Zander was right in that. I'll give you props for trying though. I believe someone made a version without shield doors by overloading the map. I suggest looking for it, and using that as your template. Kudos for the try.
everything else is MLG but you are right, the shield doors ruin it. but the map does play very nicely with the changes and additions ive made