I'm going to start a map soon, but I want to base part of my design on having a sort of building or construction held up by Fence Walls merged together in an X shape, about two of these "X"s high. It would look something like this: _____ X X Yes, it is a rough sketch. But you get the idea. The only problem is, I'd like for these fence walls to be placed vertically at a 45* angle. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to create this?
Take a rough guess, then after just trial and error. If you can get ahold of a spare controller use that as an extra eye in Forge.
Like that? Lolzz For what you are describing i would position the fence walls between double boxes to make sure they are all at the same angle. Being exactly 45 degrees isn't that important as long as the structure look symetrical ._.___ ._ |_|__.|_| |_|\ /|_| |_|/ \|_| ^like that (the bold slashes are two fence walls interlocked)