Think of a cut off Black Out with some teleporters and you get Locked Out! 2 - 8 players. Locked Out v3 First off, here's pics: Attackers base (downstairs) Attackers base (upstairs) Sniper-side base (angle one) Sniper-side base (angle two) Middle area near attackers base Defenders base (upstairs angle one) Defenders base (upstairs angle two) Defenders base (downstairs) BR Tower-side base (upper level) BR Tower-side base (lower level) Hall way linking Defenders base upstairs with BR Tower-side base upper level Here's the list of weapons/equipment on the map: Weapons~ Needler: 2 on map, 60 sec. respawn, and 2 Spare Clips. Assault Rifle: 2 on map, 30 sec. respawn, and 2 Spare Clips. Battle Rifle: 6 on map, 45 sec. respawn, and 2 Spare Clips. Carbine: 4 on map, 45 sec. respawn, and 2 Spare Clips. SMG: 4 on map, 30 sec. respawn, and 2 Spare Clips. Spiker: 2 on map, 30 sec. respawn, and 2 Spare Clips. Brute Shot: 2 on map, 90 sec. respawn, and 1 Spare Clip. Mauler: 2 on map, 90 sec. respawn, and no extra clips. Plasma Rifle: 4 on map, 30 sec. respawn. Equipment~ Frag Grenade: 2 on map, and 30 sec. respawn. Plasma Grenade: 2 on map, and 30 sec. respawn. Bubble Shield: 2 on map, and 60 sec. respawn. Grav Lift: 2 on map, and 30 sec. respawn. Regenerator: 2 on map, and 60 sec. respawn. I haven't really tested out Locked Out v3, but in Locked Out v1 and v2, they were all FFA's. In the first one I had shotguns on the map, which proved to overpower it and ruin it, the second one I changed a few things and everything was alright, nothing was really overpowering anything but I felt I could do more with it... So in v3 I implied my final touches to this map and now am happy with one of the first maps I've ever forged. (I forged the v1 back when I hardly even knew how the whole spawning system worked) But if you do download this, then be sure to do a FFA, I'm sure you'll enjoy those the most. I'll do some testing for CTF, Team Slayer, Multi-Bomb, and Territories next time I'm on with my testing group. (Action Screen shots will be taken and posted as well)
too many teleporters.. its ok but id never know where to go and how to go there.. its pretty good... nice job on not using foundry though..peace! and rick da grunt this is the coolest and greatest signature EVER!! its SSSOOO true lol
There's only 10 in the map and that means basically a channel system of only 5. But I can see how it can get confusing...
i agree that there r too many teleporters but it looks like an old map i found called room wars on the pit. it was basically just like this with a bunch of guns in all of these different rooms and u take teleporters to go from room to room.
Its a good idea to test out your map before posting. Personnally, I think it looks like you just put a bunch of teleporters everywhere, and there isnt really anything quite special about this map. Dont take this badly, im not saying the map is bad, just not really special. 3/5. MattDGiant
I'm sorry, but I believe Blackout has enough items to be placed to make something more than a remake of the map. All I see is basically a closed off map. And too many teleporters. 2/5
i like this map but is all you did just block the doors and put teleporters in but well anyway so ya nice job
I think this might be a better gametype for Infection. It seems like there places to hid for it. I may be wrong though I have never played the map and don't think I will. If it is for slayer then there are way to many teleporters.
nice map i'm glad to see you used blackout, check out my blackout map, its located in my signature, their both really good nice work 5/5