We've all heard the suggestions, make the geometry less complicated to work with, have better angles, snap to angles, make it bigger and such. What are some ideas to add to it that aren't obvious. I say have a "sphere" (using the legendary spheres as a reference) if you will that mirrors one side of the map, hence making symmetrical maps a cinch.
I understand what you mean, a sort of axis of symmetry where something done on one side will instantly happen to the other. I thought that was what the Symmetrical-Asymmetrical option was at first. I wish there was a texture option.
i would like to be able to change items properties such as mergable/non mergable and be able to enable a feature that just makes the object float when let go of without ending the game
Yeah another thing you might want to be added is a water tool. That would be freaking awesome! Anyway, your idea of symmetrical whatever sounds awesome. Only problem is, it wouldn't work on Foundry because of the weird walls and cranes, so they would have to make a pure forging map (outdoors) with all of these ideas. They could allow you to change the time of day, make hills, change the textures, make water, have unlimited budget automatically and have unlimited boxes, and have slidable walls to automatically choose the size of your map, ranging to the size of Sandtrap. Maybe these expectations are a little high, but I have confidence in Bungie.
A wall that you could size so you could block of the sides of foundry in a single wall, or just make a big wall that doesn't take alot of time. A pure forge map. Forge glue, for all those pesky movable objects. Think of all the amazing vehicles you could make!
i wish there was a way to make switches not so complicated lol. just like oh elevator option *Poof* it appears lol. but its not gonna happen. btw anyone got a step-by-step guide to make an elevator?
Plant life, different windows, fire, water and wind effects(like a neutral blaze or rain effects) better building pieces(enough making rooves out of foundry wall corners!) working doors, realistic signs(such as BioHazzard, No Entry etc) damn does the list go on. C'mon, Bungie! Enough fooling around. How about a real forge map?
I would like to be able to lock the orientation of an object so that when it runs into a wall (while I am trying to place it), it does not rotate. Also the "snap" function would be great. The other thing I would love would be to be able to make a wall by simply marking both endpoints and setting a hight (it would be good for closing of the outside of the map.
A search bar, so you could see how many forums we have of this lol its hard when posts die, but there have been many of these before, i would say custom walls, or plant life
like a checklist of things you want to happen (like unlim. budget glitch, snap to things, block off foundry wall, crane in foundry there or not, etc.) and adding like the B button as the "hotkey" for this checklist....plus, its toggle on off......
i want a rotating option, allowing you to rotate it to the exact degree instead of guessing and trying to do more than one step operations to get the exact degree and make it even. If they're was a tool to do 25 degree turns, 90, 180, and so fourth it would be great.
"Weld" things together. For example, say you make a tube using 6 bridges, and they are all standing straight up, since that would be the easiest way to arrange them in that manner. Then, you can "Weld" them together, or make them stick, so they are one object, that you can pick up, and then place where you want.
hmm, i like your idea but what if there was a fill setting? where you could just fill an area with wall, sort of like the invisible barrier thing though
to make transparent outlines of objects not spawning at start wen ur in forge. it'll make interlocking a heck of a lot easier