Without making the thread title too long I'm going to post the full question right here... Should we have World Peace for 10 years, then directly after the 10 years the World ends, or should it continue the same way it is now, and we live on for a while, until the natural time of the world's end. Personally, I think we should continue the way we are, we have had so much good things happening as well, even with war and such. I could also say that World Peace for 10 years would be amazing, imagine the technology we would have? With everyone working together technology would take a jump start, but then it would abruptly end sadly. So post your opinions, and Debate! After all this is the debate forum.
hmmmm.... not a very realistic thought experiment. I'm not even quite sure what you're suggesting. Do you mean the universe ceases to exist, or just us humans? Speaking of which, anyone familiar with VHEMT? I think it's bunk, but the ideas are worth reading up on.
Kill em all, and rape their corpses. Nah, I'm kidding. World peace would be nice, but i think it's a bit out there to think that everyone would work together for technological gain. It would be a false peace, and people would all be making plans behind the scenes for war anyway. That's just how shitty us humans are. I'd really like if we could become spacefaring before I die though. I would be the first to sign up to be cryo-frozen and shipped off to a new colony light years away.
**** yeah, man. I'm just hanging on to the hope that the whole 'space tourism' thing becomes accessible in my lifetime. that's my only chance.
Well you'll just have to wait for the rapture. One day when masses of people dissapear into thin air, and they all happen to be Christian, then have your Apocalypse. Then after a failed peace treaty, have your 1000 years of peace with Jesus's reign. Oh then a brief period when Satan is let loose, but in the end everything will be Kosher... you know...
I'm pretty sure the point he was trying to get across was "I believe in eternal salvation", but he phrased it in an utterly stupid and confusing way.
I'm kinda against, you know, the apocalypse. Something about the evil horse riders just creeps me out. The everyone dying part isn't great either.
I would have to say that any the closest to peace would be right now. The world will never be at peace, it's human nature. It's the way we are. I know that I couldn't get along with someone who annoys me or whom I hate.
Even though you are banned, I will answer the question for you: Will the world end in 2012 thread Anyways as for the topic at hand, I don't quite understand your question... Peace is great, but will never happen, this debate is rather...null...
It's sad isn't it? If we as a race could simply cooperate, we would be light-years ahead in our society than we are right now. And face it, we should be farther than this. We've been held back by our differences for too long. It's time to suck it up and stop being pussies. We are royally ****ed if we do not start picking it up, in fact it might be too late. We need to get off this planet, or at least colonize other celestial bodies. We are way too overpopulated and crammed together. No wonder we have war. P.S - Permission to make thread on VHEMT, Predicide? Or can you at least?
world peace isnt possible. it would require all the "higher ups" to respect the lowerer classes and everyone to feel an equality among each other. this is completely opposite of human instinct. world peace=a world without sin, a utopia.-not gonna happen.