I never really liked old forged maps because you really couldn't do a lot with the material forge gave you. But, just because I don't like them doesn't mean I don't respect what you did. It's nice to see that some people are still trying.
So after reviewing your map, I think overall it's pretty solid and theres some suggestion I want to offer but then I realized it would just change your map into something completely different. After thinking stuff over I realized that I wanted to make my own Snowbound map. However, I don't want to be stealing your thunder or ideas, so what I was wondering is, after the release of my first map, a foundry map, if I could PM you a copy of my Snowbound map and you can review it and tell me what you think. I'm still not entirely sure if I'll follow through with it but we'll see.
excellent a non-permanent object map. (my fav. ^.^) This is the original forge that bungie intended (i think). Just played a 3v3 ctf on here and everyone thought prowler + snowbound = awesome. 8.5/10
This post has inspired me to make a map that isn't on Foundry or Blackout. And probably on a non-DLC map as well. Thanks!
I always thought the Prowler was fun to drive on Snowbound , much better than the ghost anyway. nice to see that people dont forget about what we used to have to forge with , great job 5/5.
looks pretty good, uv done quite good with the items provided and its nice to c a prowler, looks very fun and i want to c more pics!
vorpal saint, you have over-posted. four posts in a row that is. The mods does not like that, so i suggest you use the "Edit" button in the corner of your post if you want to add something.