N00B TALK: I r a n00b so i r not noin wut t3h red rings of death r meanin. n33d h3lp.k thnx bai. TRANSLATION: I'm new to halo 3 and do not know what these so called "red rings of death" mean. If someone could tell me what they were, then please do so. thank you, and goodbye. WHAT I WOULD SAY: what the f*** are these stupid red things?! EDIT: i dont have the rings, i was just curious as to what they are.
the red ring of death, as i know it, is when the first, third, and fourth player lights surrounding the xbox 360's power button illuminate in a red color. This signifies that your 360 is broken or corrupt. When this occurs it usually means your 360 is beyond repair, hence the name 'red ring of death'. Do a google image search if you want more info.
EDIT***whoops this is closed. my bad. There is a rumor that if you turn your box off, wrap it in a towel, and turn it on again, it goes away according to many people, it works, but i dont know the details
The towel trick consists of re-melting the melted parts of the 260 which cause the RRoD, fixing it. Take off everything but the power cable, wrap it, let sit on for 15 mins. Take it off, turn it off, unplug everything, and let it sit in an air-conditioned room for 20 mins. Should work for 5 days on end about.