Debate evolution

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ezekeil20five17, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    No no, it does it for it's self.
  2. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    what i meant by that was that gay marrage its an issue that is not really that relavent and it will never be resolved no one side will be happy with any outcome its just a arguement with no end something to keep peolple busy with as for my spelling and grammar i didnt realise that we were marking down for spelling mistakes and i dont care its not a test its a post on a website and seen how this has gone on for 10 pages i think i got my point across why dont you male a contribution instead of pointing out someone elses mistakes to make yourself feel big about your own shortcomings

    I have also been given 2 negative reps for starting a "SILLY" debate topic you know who you are you are wrong and pettie

    I would like to thank the people who have contributed there have been a few thing that i learnt about and a few things that made me laugh*{nick cage bird pic}

    Also I think its safe to say that evolution is a real issue{which i found suprising} not just media hype

    I think this will go on and on but i am not posting anymore its not worth it

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    I kind of get it now, but in a debate spelling and grammar makes you look smarter, most of the time it means you are. I did not give you those negative reps as I am negative myself, my rep would hold no power whatsoever.

    Onto the debate, I believe in evolution, mainly because; what else? Religion is stupid and only stands to start fights, if God was real, he wasn't a nice guy. Evolution is just too plausible not to be real; it has been observed,tested and proven.
  4. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    out of 100 odd posts your the only one to comment on my spelling and grammar you must be fun at parties

    last night i watched the simpsons about evoulution falnders tries to sue because the mueseum says creationism is a myth,which i think it is,very funny very satarical its from the end of season 17
    #84 ezekeil20five17, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    the holy wars.
    #85 thesilencebroken, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  6. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Stem cells are sex cells(basically). Yes, all cells in the body can trace their roots back to the few stem cells, but the reason we use stem cells for cloning are vast and many. Stem cells are versatile cells that go on to make body cells, brain cells, blood cells, etc. Once one of these cells becomes one of the cells just listed, they can not go back. It's like a one way door. They lose the properties that make them perfect for cloning and curing disease and such. If you wish to debate this subject competently I suggest you study it and not speculate about random nonsense.

    I haven't heard of Lucy so I won't pretend to be an expert. My guess is Lucy is a broad term for the oldest human species found, and creationist websites have made it into some strange story about a single human was spread about the world.

    I didn't understand your marble arguement so I removed it.

    I want to make something perfectly clear. Evolution and God are compatible. Evolution and orgainized religion are barely compatible. If you believe that your God lacks the ability to make something so beautiful through natural means then you are selling God short.

    Your depression has nothing to do with accepting cosmic evolution. I'm sorry you felt that way and I am glad that religion helped you. However, you should not blame science for your depression.

    The Big Bang is not organic, therefore it can have a motive. There is only how and when, not why. If your asking how it came to be then that is something I can tell you. String theory says, a p-brane collision converted pure energy in matter, starting the big bang.

    I hardly consider myself attacking god.

    Trust me when I say this, It is better to search with a critical mind, than it is to be taught by an ignorant one. Just because I taught myself doesn't make me lack information in the subject. I have worked tirelessly to understand the subject I wish to make a career out of.

    Testimony - open declaration or profession, as of faith.
    Faith - belief that is not based on proof

    Taken from

    Look, I'm not trying to "attack" your faith. I just think, that if a religion is going to hold back critical thinking and a scientific mind, it has no place in society.
  7. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    And yet we are back to once again talking about religion and of God... Where is your evolution in this debate I mean... we have talked over so much of the religious section and missed YET again... my comments on flaws in The theory of evolution...If we keep missing it I feel its going to never really end...and I my leave this topic on the grounds of its just an undercover to agree how Religiously is blinding people...

    First Comment So why call them Stem Cells if they are sex cells? Simply there is... is it isn't really Sex cells... How any one can get to this is because Sex cells have half Genetic information AND couldn't possibly be able to reproduce..See you have a point...all life comes from Sex cells ..but BY no means is cloning restricted to just using sex cells..

    Second... Lucy isn't a code name... I will find some source... I even commented at the beginning that IN a text book is my first time reading about Lucy... its caption was... simple... OLDEST human Fossil...and it was put together body and picture... Like as far as I am understanding ither they put together a body..for w/e reason... which makes no since or they truly found Lucy scattered cross the world...

    I am still trying to understand your marbles..Which is why I keep putting it in there... I know in an old math class of mine probability and actuality's vary... so keep tossing marbles for me... because I am not fully understanding ... We say the universe is so old... and by chance it first swing was forming earth... I mean... simply put if it took this long just to once produce life on earth starting at the beginning of time... I mean lets go with your marble approach... keep tossing marbles is like every time the universe expands and contracts and resets... How many times has that happened? I mean thats almost a pure guess to even suggest that... Because every thing we see and understand are erased when the universe resets... there is no way to know that happened...I mean plainly math has been done... by atheist even about how the universe is constant no expanding nor is it shrinking... So this perfect marble out of the bunch worked for so long so well WE will keep it right? Can I call it something... How about naming it Nitrous after you? I mean lets face it.. even then there is a chance of god to still be in your marble tossing events how can you keep meaning my Religion is they blinding reason of man? I mean all the reasoning I keep seeing from this thread is Religion blinds us...but still haven't had the chance to hear your defense...If you think Testimony can only be used in faith context then any scientist than has used it that is Atheist saying God is the same thing... Testimony..if you look at what its meaning deeper down...its an understanding of what one sees and understands from the world around... its also used in Court... so be careful when using it tends not to have an example or tends not to have enough extra definitions...

    Big bang ...Standing to correct my wording now.... Lacks a trigger to cause the cosmic event... look at the research...I mean this big bang is all the energy in the universe... and some how needs a cause it to start... unless it caused by itself... Its not a why... BUT HOW? I mean the simple idea of all the energy in one spot contained..then... bam... is scattered...... NO one asked where the outside energy came from..I mean simply if you have all the energy in a bottle not doing any thing how is is going to out and make a mess of everything? Is again... HOW?

    "Trust me when I say this, It is better to search with a critical mind, than it is to be taught by an ignorant one. Just because I taught myself doesn't make me lack information in the subject. I have worked tirelessly to understand the subject I wish to make a career out of."

    Glad to see your looking into the field of this matter...but it is till you know your ignorant that you truly learn the truth... wasn't that the oldest Greek saying?even the Greeks them self kill him..NO correction made him kill himself...I mean plainly... How did science get to the point of enlightenment... lets just say there is still to be known and This Fact that a Theory of Evolution isn't done ... and The big bang which is ALSO a theory..has some big thought ordeals ...I would like to study with you on the matters of Big bang if you find out that information..l I would love to talk about it...

    I will try and not be Religious if that happens.. but you can't teach an old dog new tricks can you?
    #87 G043R, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  8. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    You haven't asked anything about evolution. If want to debate it ask me questions, not long drawn out rambles about God and math.
  9. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Alright Question...

    -How does Carbon dating work... How can it possibly work..

    -How can the big bang start when it has all the matter in the universe in a stable setting... it just doesn't add up... (btw there is not evidence to prove that matter was in this state nor the energy because energy doesn't have trails of where its been it is there or it isn't...)

    -How can a Theory be fact? I mean why not call it a fact ..? I mean its almost like calling stem cells, sex cells...when they aren't... because the name in itself sets it apart...

    Maybe next time open questions are the best way... because the complex of science can't be threaten by a all powerful God that by them..Doesn't exist ... I mean I can explain lot about my Religon but when it comes to science ..its just ..left at ...IT some how works that way... which is almost the same thing My God told me...except he is in control of the Why behind it please now with out further a dew...lets get into the topic OF Evolution... ..PLEASE!

    God and math haven't changed much...The only thing that change about them is how you understand there relationship... Science has keep changing on me... to leave me confused and unanswered... So please read all of what I said and you can find my questions of Evolution...
    #89 G043R, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  10. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Well actually, the Bible really doesn't contradict Evolution. Maybe the understanding that many people ahve coem to reach, but the Bible is very difficult to interpret. I mean, the Bible says God created the Earth in 7 days. But in the Bible, it says no where as a day being a span of 24 hours. A day in the telling of creation may as well have been 1 billion years. And yes, Humans could have evolved from other organisms, but hwen God touched them with the Holy Spirit, that is what made us sentient. Really if you study the Bible enough, and don't take it literally, you will se clearly it does not head on contradict Science. I am a Christian, I accept God and Jesus, I am confident in the Big Bang theory as well as Evolution. The Bible just ells of God and his creation, son and theHoly spirit. it doen NOT actually tell how he did it. Meaning he could have created the Earth through means of the big bang, and gotten Humans to be evolved far enough so that he touched us with the Holy Spirit, thus making us sentient. My point is that the Bible surely does not say anything about Evolution being false, nor the Big Bang theory. For all we know Science is exctly right and that is how God did things.
  11. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Before I start, all of the answers are simplified.

    Radiocarbon dating operated by analyzing the half life of C14, and is accurate up to 60,000 years. C14 is used in photosynthesis and incorporated to change CO2 into organic material. The levels of C14 approximately match that of the atmosphere, errors can occur due to isotope fractionation but are correct in the lab. When the plant dies or is consumed by animal life, the C14 decays at an exponential rate due to radioactive decay, which is measurable and can be converted to a calender style date. I.e. 5,543 years.

    The Big Bang was far from stable and it was far from an explosion. As stated earlier, a p-brane collision converted energy into the singularity. Once it's "creation" it began to expand rapidly, and the expansion is continuing today (current size of universe - 76 billion light years).

    It's just scientific terminology.

    Stem cells are cells found in most, if not all, multi-cellular organisms. They are characterized by the ability to renew themselves through mitotic cell division and differentiating into a diverse range of specialized cell types. Research in the stem cell field grew out of findings by Canadian scientists Ernest A. McCulloch and James E. Till in the 1960s.[1][2] The two broad types of mammalian stem cells are: embryonic stem cells that are found in blastocysts...

    Taken from Wikipedia.

    The big issue with stem cells in the U.S. is that we are "killing babies."


    Your last paragraph concerns me. If you think science is just "it somehow works." Then you need to attend school more than church. I have never heard such a statement used seriously.

    Science did not make up evolution and the big bang to undermine religion. Scientists creates these theories because they have evidence to support them, and they have a general drive to understand what they don't know. Instead of replacing knowledge with complacent laziness and prescribing a deity to do their work for them. Science is indifferent to religion, and religion can't stand science.

    If you want to get back onto the topic of evolution, answer my post about Fusion, ERV's, Summation, and the fossil record.
    makisupa007 likes this.
  12. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Epic Win Description of Carbon Dating

    Perfect simplified explanation of Carbon Dating. + rep!

    Check this out too, but it is explained clearly above:
    HowStuffWorks "How Carbon-14 Dating Works"

    I would like to add some information about the expansion of the universe since the big bang. Before the 90's scientists thought that the universe should be slowing down in it's expansion and would eventually collapse back in on itself starting the process all over again. This made for a nice, neat, infinite view of the universe. Scientists loved this idea! It was romantic and seemed to make sense when compared to what we know about gravity. Toward the end of the decade they were able to begin measuring the expansion using the hubble telescope and found a very different result than the one they expected, or even wanted to find. NOT ONLY WAS THE UNIVERSE'S EXPANSION NOT SLOWING DOWN.......IT WAS ACCELERATING. Every object we could view in space was moving away from us faster than the day before as if something else that can not yet be observed was pulling everything outward faster and faster. The important part of this story is that scientists, when faced with a result that was messy, a result that they didn't expect, changed their views and moved in a new direction when faced with observational evidence. A creationist's view stands in direct opposition to observable evidence that has been coming in for 2000 years and has not swayed in the slightest bit.
  13. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    XD it was hilarious. The last day of school a child running for student council gave a speech about cancelling the teaching of evolution. He almost won, though. My school is incredibly immature.

    But I accept evolution as a solid fact. It needs some research to be explained perfectly, but it makes more sense than the man in the sky wearing robes that made us all in 7 days.
  14. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Sit back Fokes this could be a long one...

    ... So lets go with the top of the cake and work down shall we...

    Ever tried to date a living thing to its death date? I mean really its impossible...I mean simply if you clocked an animal from its death to its total decay you could get a good understanding of how old it is... but thats not how it works at all with Dinosaurs... right? I mean we jump in with have ever much left C14 is in there remains...Which to have it..isn't much... its like... 0.000000000000000003215654 and since we have no idea how long it take for an undetermined about of carbons in a dinosaur body when it can you come up with the time of Death or for that matter amount of decay... Its a plot hole to the math... I can say math to equal what ever...

    that's why I support I think so there for I AM! and then wait for his next idea... lol...

    So on to the big bang...I like to see some info on it expanding...
    Albert Einstein...

    Which we all know and love ... did both sides to this far as I am understanding its He wrote an idea, either we are going to Freeze or we are going to melt...(expand or condense...)

    when He went in with his notes its seems consistent..with either...both were happing at the same time... so alright find me some math proving that its speeding up?

    Alright want to start from the bottom up on this one... I don't hate evolution... I kinda agree with Brute Captain... as well my opening statement... Fusion, ERV's and Summation... I really don't argue with it works

    ... I mean Simply its how your dating events over time..thats a major problem... Look at fossil records... and try and make up your own line with your own work..Its really freak en messy... Carbon dating has to method of working... unless you pass me a working formula that you your self could exacute on a random carbon i could fnid... I mean the idea of half life's don't really work again... what if your in the middle of a half life...what do you do then? its not like the numbers in 14 go ok..guys.. its our 150000 death day.. Lets kick these other guys out and get older...because it doesn't work... I mean half lives exist but its not really simple to execute like the formula shows... I know of it well but its a child formula ... your not seeing the full picture of how carbon dating works... Its based of of what we have already known...which by all means is how an object decays for less then 100 years... and when your comparing 100 years decay rate with say 100000000 years..(kinda overdid the zeros but its the point behind it right?)...

    As for concerns for how Science thinks... its processing facts now and applying them then... SO to get to a fact of elements there is a line of information taht clearly draws you to big bang which ball all mean was together for some random AGAIN Cosmic reason and went off ..I mean evolution does occur... its a fact of life some of the ways we understand it could be flawed thats all ... Big bang is an open theory... I mean its not explaining any thing its putting together material notes to form an idea... THOSE same note they Read ..I read for a god to still exist... Reading material and understanding it is to big difference... I was asking so much about Carbon dating because its almost the key stone to any time line of our Way distant past...

    I mean yes carbon 14 decays very constant..but half lives keep decaying over a even the second you test a Carbon 14 its number should some what change...think in math terms towards should get it... but I have to leave soon... but simply Carbon dating can be said to work..but its almost a Faith based system apon those that tested before you...
  15. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Ok, with your sentence structure I have a hard time understanding anything you say. I did see god and book.

    So to rap up this somehow recurring religious debate, I'm going to say I get my knowledge from a book, you get yours from another. One book is more valid than the other and backed up by evidence, while the other is sheer impossibility. I think it's great you have faith, I'm not here to take it from you. I just want to debate whether or not evolution happened.

    Your perspective of C14 dating is flawed, and I will go ahead and concede the arguement to you, just to break the monotony and ignorance of facts that you bring. I'm tired of debating a proven fact just to attempt to educate you and others. I'm sorry you don't like the idea of C14 dating or evolution, but it is real and it probably won't affect you throughout your life. There is no sense in talking to you about it.

    I've made my mark.
  16. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    citation needed.
  17. Verno

    Verno Ancient
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    (Sorry if this has been mention, but I don’t have time to thoroughly read through 12 pages of post)

    Why can’t evolution and God both exist; I believe in both. I mean, the bible was written so people could understand a thousand years ago. Half the bible shouldn’t be about explain evolution. God created creatures through evolution. Also a long time ago people denied the fact that the Earth wasn’t the center of the universe (more so galaxy, because common folk didn’t understand how vast space was either) and it’s now common knowledge and does not inflict with the Bible. Evolution will be the same soon.
    #97 Verno, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
  18. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    From what I know, one pound of mass wants to escape from the pound, obviously since there's no room for anything in there. It pushes and pushes and bang! **** expands. Compare this to creation, where it all appears, pre-made, from nowhere. How?
  19. xRip U Up247x

    xRip U Up247x Ancient
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    I've noticed a funny pattern here everytime someone supporting religion has a descent point a team of mods and senior members practically team's up on them, and in most cases belittles them. Throwing sarcastic or straight insults. It's sad.
  20. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    would you like to gather evidence and show your proof before throwing that accusation?

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