I know this is a bit random but it's still Halo related lol Whats your favourite noise in Halo 3? Well mine has to be when two people shoot a sniper at the exact same time or when the announcer says Perfection or Extermination
i love the beginning sound at the menu when you first start halo up because the monks still puts a chill down my spine to this day
Yeah I know what you mean but I actually like the female monk ones in Halo 2. (Not in a perverted way btw)
I like the sound of SMG's firing from a distance. It sounds so cool, like a torpedo underwater. FWOOSH.
I liked the wort wort worts that the elites used to make. Now they speak English like it was extremely easy to go from grunts and worts to actual words and such. I want to hear them speak Spanish!
^ lol well actually it was johnsons voice backwards and then tuned deeper, it was on a site somewhere. But what i loved was chasing a grunt as he ran away and he screemed. good times.
I either love the Mongooses horn or Grunts threating you or running away "He will crush us with his big hands!"
Oh god, I hate that skull. It totally ruins campaign. I now the most annoying but satisfying sound... the scream of an elite getting pwned.
I like the horn of the elephant on sandtrap. it's so deep and sounds like one of those huge horns that people blow to get everyone's attention that are in those mythological movies. I just think it's awesome.