Crazy 8 Made by me and my friend New Slayer. This track does not alow cheaters. Any problems contact me and ill fix the problem. Start: The cross over: Extra mongoose: Finish: Download: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game type: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Looks ok but more images of the actual race track would be nice (assuming that the cross over is not the whole race course) and a way to get back to the beginning to start the race over with out having to drive all the way back or start a new game. would be helpful too . Will DL though.
it looks good but i dont like the crossover because of those shield doors they'll bounce you around between them making you go really slow
there is not alot to the track. we put one jump other than the cross over where the extra Mongooses are.
Looks very sloppy in some parts, and you should have properly blocked off entrances with immovable objects. 3/5, poor quality overall. It might not allow cheaters, but it doesn't have a scoring system present, either.
the shielddoors should be fit so that they connect to eachother, the doesn't seem to be any obstacle at all except for the middle bridge. Have you at all tested this map? i'm guessing it's like original rat's nest race, but with a bridge to connect the middle. i'm pretty sure you can do better. take a look around at other racing maps in the "race maps" section, i'm sure you can find inspiration there.
Could add a link to that gametype in your original post? Also does the gravlift actually stop the mogoose or is it just there to signify the finish line.( sorry about not putting that into my original post but i figurered i might as well not waste this post)