Bunker Wars This Map has no-way-out, it has two bunkers, there are two main tunnels that take you to the other bunker or to the middle of the map, the point of this map is to blow up the opposite bunker... Made fun for ASSAULT- Custom Variant- BA V-2 Look Below For Pictures Of The Map... Bunker B Bunker A Dome Inside Bunker A Tunnel Tunnel Exits Inside Bunker B Spying on Bunker A Home of the Bomb The Safe Way Blowing Up the Bunker Blowing Up the Bunker 2 IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SAW THE LINK BELOW IS THE PATH FOR DOWNLOAD... ICON Map Download-Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game Variant-Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Well I hope you enjoy!
ah yes. i've seen this map before. this is a sanctioned map for the IGBL (InterGroup Battle League). except Muskrat, Mitone, and I forged through this by adding a better roof and a couple tweaks to change up gameplay a little. but its a great map, a good idea, and im looking forward to playing it in the future.
Your third to last picture said it all, camping with shotgun anyone? Good idea though, looks fun 2v2, I can't say much else because I haven't played it yet.
Wow, great first post! I like how you left the ceiling open but still made it like a dome. and since no1 else has said it yet, WELCOME TO FORGEHUB!!! we hope you enjoy your stay and will continue to be an active member of this community, etc.
Great first post dude, signs of a good forger. 4/5 because It looks good and fun, but the tunnels are kind of plain in the fact that if someone had a rocket launcher he would kill anyone in there.
I'm sorry, but is that REALLY how you look? Because I thought that picture was anime! And be careful with call out what post you are, you might get an infraction.
Wow I didn't get to catch this one by you, this one is deffinetly your best. It really looks fun, shotgun might not be a good idea considering how small, narrow, and close-cornered it is. Very awesome layout and you did a very good jobwith the interlocking. -CaMOfo
I like the design and it looks really competative since both bases are so close. Making the walls curve back over your head instead of making it really high is a good touch
Looks great, good job. I haven't seen a map like this before. You get a cookie for originality. It could use a bit more cover though, trying to get safely down that long corridor with the bomb would be hell. 4/5
i like it without a roof because it is a dome, also there is a time limit on the downloadable game variant, i thought of it....