Debate evolution

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ezekeil20five17, Jun 24, 2008.


    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    EDIT: **** everything I just wrote, I'm not arguing about religion vs. science or religion vs. anything on a website centered around a feature in halo 3.

    Lightz out.
    #41 HITtheLIGHTZ, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2008
  2. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Actually a harder theory to accept would be that we are made up of strings that vibrate at different frequencies. That theory also says that we were made by a p-brane collision which converted pure energy to matter. It goes on to say that the 11th dimension, where p-branes are, contains our universe and many more universes but is smaller than a human hair.

    We're not talking about string theory or super gravity, so I'll just cut to the chase.

    That is somewhat correct but evolution is not all random. Also I don't believe in evolution, I accept it.

    I'll start off small and work my way up to us humans. If you read what I am about to tell you and do not accept evolution then I will concede the arguement to you and carry on.

    Fusion, and ERV's.

    Fusion of a ****-sapien's 2nd chromosome. Many people will argue against evolution by way of saying they are not a monkey. Of course evolutionists know you're not a monkey, nor will you ever give birth to a monkey. You are cousins in the evolutionary tree and share a common ancestor. Of course, proof for most, including scientists, is not skin-deep similarities. We as humans have a 46 chromosomes, while apes have 48 chromosomes. For us to have a common ancestor with a species so closely related to us our ancestor would have to have had 48. Which we do find in ****-Erectus.

    Most would argue this is proof that evolution is fake, and indeed it would be. There are two possibilities for what could have happened to the missing pair.

    One, it got lost. Which is impossible because if you remove a chromosomal pair the ape dies. Which is a problem because we have 46, while they have 48.

    Two, the chromosomes fused. So scientists began to look at the chromosomes to find the smoking gun and indeed they did. Biologists know the chromosomes have markers known as centrimeres. Which are DNA sequences that are used to sepearte chromosomes during mitosis. Chromosomes also have tilomeres at the tips of the centrimere. What we would find in the case of a fusion of a chromosome are two centrimeres. The precise fusion site has been located at base number 114,455,823 to base number 114,455,838. They are located within 15 bases of each other. They also have multiple selftilomereic mutations, which do not belong in the center of the chromosome since the should be on the tips. The centrimere inside chromosome 2 that is inactivated is chimp number 13.

    Which confirms the prediction of evolution.

    ERVs or endogenous retroviruses are atypical viruses in the sense that when they invade your cells it becomes inactive and merges its DNA with yours. If it happens in a body cell then it is lost, however if it happens in an energrous sperm then it will be passed on through generations. Viral DNA will be permanantly in our genome.

    To put it simply the human genome is 3 billion base pairs long, something you would think I consider random. An ERV is typically 500 base pairs. What are the chances that a human and a chimp would share an ERV in the same place with the same information?

    1 ERV in the same place = 0.0000000016%

    What would you say if we found two? Four? Fourteen? What are the chances that these would not only contain the same info in the same place, but that they would correspond to the phylogenetic tree as predicted by evolution?


    I'll get more detailed but Summation is basically the fact that Evoultion unites Biology. Meaning that you can confirm yourself across main diciplines. Like anatomy and paleontology. You can construct a philogenetic tree from embryology and from paleontology and get the same answer through evolution.

    Summation explained through embryology will be my choice route, though I could have taken any dicipline and gone from there. When we are embryoes we represent what we evolved from. Whales growing legs and then losing them, people growing tails and gill slits in the womb and then losing them. To disprove evolution you just need to find a non-mamalian that has nipples while in the womb, which you simply won't find. When we construct and embryological tree by looking at how it devolpes and also look at paleotonolgy's philogenetic tree. You will find that they yield the same result. You can keep going and get the same result from comparative anatomy and so on. They all yield the same result no matter which field of biology you use. We could go further and make a philogenetic tree based on one gene and do it for 5 thousand more and get the same philogenetic tree, point toward common decent.

    ImageShack - Hosting :: phylogenictreetf8.jpg

    This image should help you understand evolution a little better.

    The Fossil Record

    This will be short and sweet. We find less complex life in older strata and we find more complex newer life in the upper strata. We don't find bunnies in the cambrian or humans in the cretaceous.

    Look around evidence of evolution is inside of you, your family, the ground you stand on, and the animals that you see. God is only proven in a book written 2,000 years ago, by people who never had formal education.

    Only one thing is random in evolution, that would be random mutation. Which is good because if it wasn't we probably wouldn't have evolved, we would just have super pond scum covering the planet. Natural selection is a huge factor in determining evolution and it is powered by the very thing you say isn't real.
  3. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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  4. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Bible facts? Beating slaves, not allowing women to speak in church, talking snakes, apples that give you painful child births, and of course a blessed virgin who never knew a mans touch gave birth to my personal savior, Jesus.

    1). I don't believe in evolution, I ACCEPT IT.

    2). If someone told you not to drink acid and gave you the reasons and facts behind it, would you still drink it if the bible said it yielded magical powers?

    3). How could Adam and Eve have been deceived if the tree they ate from was the tree of knowledge. The had no concept of right and wrong, that's why we don't call babies immoral because they have no concept of it.

    4). They ate from the tree, so all man is punished. I was never given the choice to eat or not to eat. Christians will claim sin is passed on but at the same time say that God does not send babies who die to hell. They never came to know Jesus and they are surely being tortured for their ancestors crimes. Similarly we don't convict people because their great grandfather was a murderer.

    5). Satan is not evil. Look at him like Prometheus. Prometheus gave fire to man, which helped man, but Zeus punished him. Zeus punished him as an example of his power. He was showing off. You can clearly see that not only are Satan and Prometheus parallels, but you can read about God going on power trips in Job and other parts of the Bible.

    Satan knew it was not fair for man to live in squalid conditions, as slaves to God's whim with no discernment from right and wrong. They never knew love or happiness as some will claim. They were not given the instinct to be attracted to one another.

    But really, an apple? Is it that big of a deal? If I eat a "tainted" apple filled with knowledge, truth, and understanding will I go to hell?

    6). You can not trick someone who lacks ability to discern right from wrong!

    7). Satan killed Adam and Eve with disease because they obeyed him... Science has cured some diseases, does that make them God? If Satan causes, does God cure?

    8). Scientists have only done some good things?! Everything artificial you see was from science, everything you use. Your church was built from science, you were born with science all around you ensuring your survival. Who has turned his back on who? Science has given you everything and asked for nothing in return. Unlike your God who spreads intolerance, slavery, and basic ideas that go against human morality. He even has the gal to ask that you believe or burn. Science doesn't make you choose, and if you choose wrong, science reeducates you.

    You will find no afterlife.
  5. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    You didn't read my post...I specifically explained I'm not a monkey. You have to be one of the most ignorant persons I've ever had to talk to.

    Even without religion to blind you, you still do not accept it?
  6. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    I agree.
    #46 the other dark, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2008
  7. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Ignorance - lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact.

    What do you think happened then? No God, no evolution. How did we get here? Why were you quoting the bible if you don't "accept" God.

    And for the last time I don't believe anything! I ACCEPT IT.
    Chipsinabox likes this.
  8. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    Nitrous, + rep to you for making solid and logical arguments, but this is another thread in which people will not listen to the other side. It's always going to be science against religion, and nothing is going to change that, because people are raised to believe certain things. All Im going to say, Is science has backed up their argument, so why can't religion? All religion has to follow is a book, telling them what to do, claiming that god had created us, and women was born from the rib of man. I'd really like to see the religious side back up their arguments
    #48 Chipsinabox, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2008
  9. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Well I tried to make it a debate. You wouldn't debate.
  10. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    So what you're claiming, is that everything us non believers say is complete crap. If we're so wrong, why not educate us with your obviously superior thinking which is filtered through your religion?
    #50 Chipsinabox, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2008
  11. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    >>THE TRUTH!<<
    #51 Bottlecap, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2008
  12. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Well actually the Big Bang, string theory, and super gravity pretty much explain how the universe got here and how it will continue. But that's another topic for another day.
  13. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    The short version of the big bang theory sounds kind of silly.
    Millions of years ago, there was nothing, which exploded and made the world. I'm not disputing it, just saying that when its simplified, it sounds retarded.
  14. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Nitrous I never said I don't believe in evolution (accept evolution, same thing) I just believe whatever it is there is a god behind it, and I believe that intelligent design is a much more plausible to me than the combined sum of all the scientific theories (I read everything you wrote) but they all probably go together in some way IMO. However since this topic expands beyond evolution I want to drop it and steer clear of any argument that contain religion from now on.

  15. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Omg! Why Hath None Seeketh This Truth Betold Unto You! Listen! Look! Learn!
  16. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    #56 Scopulus, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  17. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    No, there's almost no way that it could have happened. But there is a small chance, and that's all that is needed. Actually, the fact that we are here is proof that it happened. It may have been improbable, but it happened. But when you consider the age and size of the universe, it may not even be all that improbable. It may in fact be likely. Wrap your brain around that!

    But there is a large and important difference between science and religion. Science is motivated by what is unknown. Scientists see a question and they try to answer it. Religion sees a question and it teaches us that it is an insult to God to try to answer it. And scientists have no problem admitting past mistakes as they incorporate new information. They happily throw away old truths in favor of newer better truths. Religion almost never admits mistakes. They need to throw out the Bible and come out with Christianity II.

    I'm beginning to think that you would rather enter a flame war than a debate. Please refrain from using all capitals.

    I also find it funny that you say you won't change for evolution. When evolution is all about change. Meh, it's funny to me.
    #57 Furious D 18, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  18. xRip U Up247x

    xRip U Up247x Ancient
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    Is it like uncool among gamers to be Christian or something, let's all hop on the athiest bandwagon? Flame me.
  19. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    No thanks. I have morals that prevent me from doing it. :\
  20. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Someone gave me neg rep for that, wtf.

    I commented on Nitrous's post.
    Here's his post.

    And I responded
    And someone gave me neg rep.
    kayaman132 likes this.

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