
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by X Morcam X, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Fortress- Revelation


    Note: This map belongs to the "Fortress" map series, of which I have released 4 maps. The others are simply inferior to this, as all the maps keep evolving, but please note that the name "Fortress" is only in the title because that is the map series. This is not another generic invincible fortress clone. It uses a unique gametype based around protecting a "King" and everyone has an energy sword. Thanks.

    Fortress - Revelation is the newest map that I have made, and it is by far the best map I have created. This is another fortress made by me, but while this one follows the same theme as the others, it is far better built and plays much more smoothly. The game is still medieval themed, with swords and snipers, with some wraith (Catapult) carnage as well. You have to play the map like this or it just downright sucks. The attackers still have to break into the base and kill the VIP (Lots of health and no shield recharge), but this one is far better balanced. Combined with a new gametype, it is incredibly fun to play.

    This one has a pair of wraiths knocking down the single gate, and has the attackers climb all the way up a tower to kill the VIP at the top. The limited wall access with only a pair of sniper towers is back from the first fortress, and it works flawlessly.

    The gametype is now timed, with the defenders acquiring a point every 15 seconds, and the attackers getting 10 points for killing the VIP. The sides switch every game, and the four games allow a possible comeback by one team.

    The action is just like the other maps, with the attackers starting out with wraiths, and using them to break down a tough gate. The VIP rushes to get up to the top of the keep, and the defenders move up into the sniper towers to snipe down on the attackers. Just like the original fortress, you can't get up on all the walls, just the sniper towers. The towers are also the only ways out for the attackers. VIP STAY INSIDE! The attackers can defend themselves with snipers of their own.

    Once the gate is down, everyone pulls out their swords, and sword duels begin everywhere in the courtyard. They battle through the courtyard, and fight their way into the keep. The attackers must climb up all three levels to get up to the top, where they finally reach the VIP. They must repeatedly push their way into the keep, and kill the VIP. The clock is ticking, though, and the faster you kill him, the less points the defenders get.

    Something of note is the flamethrower that spawns at three minutes. Due to a Bungie mistake (I think?) It will always kill the VIP if you set him on fire. All that is required to break through his four overshields is a tenth of a second of flame, and he is done. Also, the defenders can somewhat camp with it if they get their hands on it. A shield door at the entrance to the top of the keep somewhat lessens this, but not completely. If you don't like the flamethrower's potentially imbalanced effects, just go into forge and delete it. I don't blame you if you do, as some of my friends have done this already.

    Also, party leader, do not hesitate to boot a stupid VIP. If they run on out of the base, they are just being stupid and are going to get killed. Once they are gone, a new VIP will be automatically chosen. This generally only happens with little bored kids. To be honest, I would rather be a VIP than a fighter, and many of my friends agree.

    REQUIRED Gametype is HERE
    No, seriously, just DL it or you won't have fun.

    Map is HERE

    Pics, of course, describe it best. Some overview pics, followed by some action!

    The courtyard

    One side of the courtyard, and the entrance to the keep.

    The Keep

    The upper keep (With traffic cone for VIP)

    One of the two sniper towers

    Half of the attacker base (The other half is identical)

    And now for some action!

    Destroying the gate

    Invading the fortress

    Forming a defense in the courtyard

    A sword duel on the side of the keep

    Attacking the VIP

    The VIP TOTALLY PWNING the traffic cone

    Thanks for any DL's, and please leave comments, here or on the bungie thread.

    The traffic cone is a funny addition. A bunch of people complained that being VIP on previous maps was boring, so I gave them a traffic cone to play with.

    Also, since I know someone will say it... Yes, I have done this before. Yes, you probably think I have released too many of these. But NO, this is not another clone. This is the same idea that I have absolutely perfected. I may make another of these in the future, but I very much doubt it will be as great as this one.

    For the tl;dr people, DL it :p

    #1 X Morcam X, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2008
  2. TehOne

    TehOne Ancient
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    The fortress looks pretty cool. It looks like it has good gameplay as well.
  3. Verno

    Verno Ancient
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    OMG that looks so epic! It probably adds a lot of thrill to the game.
  4. Kittycatwitcowboyhat

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  5. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Even though you can't hurt people through it, it's also still a lot of fun to be standing at the top fence box with wraiths shooting at it. It actually manages to get a real sensation of being shot at :)
  6. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    This looks rally cool, but I do have a couple problems with it. ONe is the title "Fortress". This is a generic, overused name. Most people, myslef included see this and think, OH TEH NOES, another unbalanced crappy fortress. So maybe you should change that.

    The other problem is that it doesnt look like you did a ton of interlocking. I see some interlocked stairs in one picture, but thats about it. This isnt really a problem, but generally interlocking shows that the creator spent a lot of time on his map.

  7. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    yea again with the rating out of 5 thing it seriously look at my other post i dotn want to type it again. about this map well i like the idea but the wraiths work but at the same time dont work. basically once th gate is down yuo cant shoot anyone coming through the gate on foot because in the game i played there was always someone in the wraith shooting at the opeings in front of the wall so you could only shoot the people once they came through so that needs sme rethinking. also yea it dosent look like you spent a ton of time on the map because of the lack of interlocking. sure oyu interlocked but there could of been way more of it done
  8. Bacon Luvr

    Bacon Luvr Ancient
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    this is definitely a dl and looks really cool
  9. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    The only reason it is named "Fortress" is because that is what every one of these is called. EX: Fortress Siege, Fortress Invasion, etc.

    Also, there is not exactly a lot of material left over to do interlocking with. There actually is a surprising amount of "Invisible" interlocking here, but none done purely for asthetics. There simply is not enough money, and not enough materials. Also, since you'll probably say "Infinite money canvas!" No, that won't work either, since the number of double boxes, single boxes, and other materials is still limited. The only other choice is to make the fortress smaller, which is simply something that would ruin the look of the entire construction. If you get bungie to give me infinite stuff, I'll make a map that uses all of it :)

    Okay, well I think you're saying that the wraiths can shoot through the gate once it is destroyed? Yes, they can, and they can kill any people who are foolish enough to go into the gate once it is gone. I considered this once upon a time, but I found that it was not really worth trying to block this off. The wraiths only have a tiny amount of area that they can cover to kill defenders as it is, might as well just give them that little area.

    Yay, I edited that in, so now I don't get an infrac for double posting! :D
    #9 X Morcam X, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2008
  10. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    oh look another fortress map! but this one is different, and i like it. but you should make it where it supports all gametypes instead of just the required one because most of us dont have enough hard drive space to download specific gametypes. but other than that, it looks pretty cool, ill check it out
  11. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    While this might seem like the case, it doesn't actually work in practice. This simply is not a suitable map for assault, no matter how you twist it. CTF doesn't work at all, and even with these, you need to have a special swords and snipers gametype. Sad, yes, but in the future, I promise I'll set a bomb plant point in the keep :p
  12. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    looks pretty nice although more cover would be good
  13. a P3Rson

    a P3Rson Ancient
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    i like how it's blue vs. purple sailors vs..... gay pirates? lol. anyway it looks really fun I love medeival games with castles and epicness and such. BTW was vip going rogue common? i hate kids who ruin the game by being stupid
  14. Kittycatwitcowboyhat

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  15. Shadow Blink

    Shadow Blink Ancient
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    i might download it looks kinda like a lot of other maps ive seen but i still give it a 4/5
  16. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    its pretty sweet looking.its dif. great job. 9/10
  17. Haha Joemomma

    Haha Joemomma Ancient
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    Wow! Very well made map! Lots of Geo-Glitching and Interlocking! Love the idea with the door that the Attackers need to destroy to gain acess to the courtyard. Also like the idea with the Catapult/Cannon that shoots at the door!
  18. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I like how the wraiths need to blow down the wall. Thats all that seems special in my eyes. Its still a descent map.
  19. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Not particularly, it's usually some bored little kid who does it. They have a great view up in the box anyways, so there's not a large reason to leave it.
  20. Markkus

    Markkus Ancient
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    Soz, You Fail.

    Xbox 360s have a 9GB hard drive.

    So, why wouldn't they have enough?

    1 kilobyte (KB) 1,024 bytes
    1 megabyte (MB) 1,048,576 bytes
    1 gigabyte (GB)
    1,073,741,824 bytes
    1 terabyte (TB)
    1,099,511,627,776 bytes
    1 petabyte (PB)
    1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes

    9GB = [SIZE=-1]9437184 kilobytes
    Game Variant = 55 Kilobytes
    Im pretty sure everyone has enough space... [SIZE=-1]

    #20 Markkus, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008

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