Alright, just was wondering... and yea lol, I hate when people have same name, Ive had it happen like 10 times. Good idea with the Euro sign :]
LynnJynh9315 laments.... Well, I have one question, why has this thread only got 3 stars?? It must be the dratty escape issue- I knew that would burn me in the end. To be honest, I wanted to make it inescapable but simply ran out of budget. Well, I've started work on my nest map (it's based on man-cannons, that's all I'm saying) and escape has been a big priority. I expect it to be a good map. Well, I may be asking a bit much, but I really feel this map is worth 4 stars....
Considering all the plus ratings, I agree it should be more than 3 stars. But don't get to worried, people still love it regardless of the rating. It looks very fun and unique. Great post too, I couldn't stop reading. Gl on your next map, it will be a download from me as well as this. Edit: I just boosted it to 4stars ;0
I just wanted to check back now that I actually played a game on the map. I played 1 on 1 with my friend, and we had a blast! We toured quite a few maps, and this one was easily our favorite. It has a pretty heavy emphasis on close combat, but that was only more fun for us because we both like the close-range weapons. Also, it's definitely good practice for grenades. As for the ceiling thing, I didn't even notice, since I was trying to win. But it does limit the use of some gametypes on the map. I have a feeling infection would be problematic, and I think it would be pretty fun otherwise. Obviously it's too late now, but in the future you should consider using the budget glitch canvas. It really opens up your options and lets you build more object-intensive structures, and larger maps in general. Anyway, good job, and I look forward to your next forgery.
i like what you did with the stairs how its on the top and bottom. very nice.. it kinda reminds me of a map... hmm.notsure what the name is its like monotath or some ****. i donno. good work and keep it up.
Hey your map looks well thought out and original, i also like the way you have set out the forum post, very informative, made me want to download it =) I like the overall design and the name the best =D gratz
looks great especcially the bases and how you put the shotgun. i dont really get the aspect of the trucks blowing up though
LynnJynh9315 is back Odd. I always thought the Shotgun was the least effective. I mean, really. Any explosion in the box sends the weapon flying. What exactly was it that you like about that spawn?
Because they land in the arena and and cause chaos. Imagine going from one base to another, simple right? But the way is blocked by a giant truck- or maybe it came down and smashed you dead. Either way, it definitely makes things different, since the map geometry is changing even while you play. Hope that answers your question.
I already submitted a review at, but I wanted to post my thoughts here as well. First off, 5/5. I love this map for small scale skirmishes and confusing new players with falling trucks. The mounted weapons and artistic staircases are very well made. The ease of escaping the map is unfortunate, but in the chaos of game play, escape is unlikely. I played this at a big LAN I had recently, the only complaint I heard was that one player kept spawning in front of another's shotgun. Meh, not a big complaint. Thanks for making this map!
Wow this looks really fun to play on, but it looks rushed also. You might want to go back and refurbish the map in a second version. By the way your post is very professionally done and good try on the layout, but maybe you should put pictures of the guns and not the names. Good job, hopefully a version 2. -CaMOfo
except for the lack of interlocking, it's awesome! the most original idea so far! i'll download it for sure! the trucks should give it a constant feel of rush, so i wouldn't notice the walls. Interlocking would be a plus though and as a guy before me wrote, how about a version two with access to a second floor only if the truck lands beneath (which would happen randomly) ? Just ideas though, i'm still going to give it a 5/5 for the descrpiption, pics and the original idea! makes me wanna make one of my own, but i'm afraid that would be a rip-off
I'm back. Wow. A LAN party? Nice. I'm glad you like my map. The truth is, looking back on this map, I find the only true problem to be the escape-ability. As for everything else, thanks.
No interlocking?? Are you nuts?! Lack of interlocking?? I know it may be difficult to notice, but do you have any idea how long it took me to built and interlock those fusion-coil towers? Well, maybe you can't tell, but I can assure the map DOES use interlocking. Sigh.