Originally I found this picture trying to take another one. I saw the position he was in, and started laughing. XD I put it on my fileshare, but didn't know it got so popular so quickly... I put it there only for fun, then saw it already had 130 DLs in 4 days. So I thought I would share this with you. LMAO I guess could represent the position he is in, too. Well, Enjoy! Moose DL Link (<--Clicky)
ehh, no offense but I feel it is quite plain. Just a guy looking down on a turret. I see what the joke is, but I'm not feeling it. :/ sorry...
Everyone who looked through my file share and saw it thought it was halarious. The main point is to look at his gesture, not just the turret. You can not do this normally, but thought it was funny how it ended up looking like that. ^_^ I personally, as well as others believe it is funny, I am sorry if you can't see it :/
Hey! I played you before on Swat! I remember because I threatened to sue you for reminding me of past experiences with mooses... lol. Other than that the picture is quite blan
He looks like a freaky guy in jail whos crouching and looking through the bars That is if you ignore the turret .. Good job and very funny
I agree with Zstrike. I get the joke, but pretty much all forgers would have seen it before, it is pretty funny, but not anymore IMO.
Well I am a fan of this humor, it looks like he's in battle, but also he has to take care of some business if you know what i mean lol
I know the point your trying to get acroos.But only a underminded 9 year old could actualy LOL at this.