RIP, my beloved Xbox.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Azrius, Jun 23, 2008.

  1. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    So, you guys might not be seeing much of me for a while. My Xbox 360 that I purchased three or four years ago has, after outlasting every single one bought by my friends, finally gone to the big junkyard in the sky. I was playing a few games in the Live Arcade earlier, then I turned it off. After realizing I could not sleep, I decided to play some Halo. I pressed the button, and instead of the green controller indicator, I was greeted with a glaring, flashing red semicircle. Disbelieving, blinking in confusion, I turned it off then on again. Same thing. After listening to the way the system sounded and trying a few of the things I did to get it working before, I gave it up for lost.

    Oh well. We had a good run.

    I guess all I can do now is see if Microsoft will replace it.

    RIP old boy. You did good.
    1 person likes this.
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    These stories always kill me a little more inside...
  3. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Junkyard in the sky? In heaven, it's metal is scrapped and recycled into a warthog chasis!
  4. garsykat19

    garsykat19 Ancient
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    May we have a moment of silence to remember our beloved xbox 360s that have passed on



  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    ive never ever been asked about my warranty for my xbox, and ive sent them in twice now... i dont even have a warranty to be honest. i believe that microsoft extended the warranty of everyone to like.. 3 years or something, but im not sure.

    just try calling in, and see what comes of it.
  6. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Yeah, I'm going to be calling in tomorrow, most likely. I entered the SN on the Microsoft website, and it informed me that the warranty was expired, but a friend of mine had it tell him something similar and was told that they could still replace it under warranty over the phone.

    Thing is, I REALLY don't want to wait six to eight weeks for my 360 to be repaired. I might just put aside some cash from the next two paychecks and put them towards an elite.

    Ugh, so much to do...I'm too burnt out to contribute much to...well, anything, lately.
  7. SLY JD

    SLY JD Ancient
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    Not for me, it would take a year to reminisce on my 360 and its products.
    Instead I'll just make a list.
    - On my third 360
    - Two controllers have joined my used deodrant cans deep in my wardrobe. (90 day warranty, M$ can shove it, I was 2 days out of warranty the insensitive....$%^& ....)
    - On my second oblivon disc (first one never worked :confused:)
    - Halo 3 disc number two, aswell.
    - Plug and play charge kit is now plug and play extra weight!

    Sick of reading? I'm sick of faulty products...
  8. Ty

    Ty Guest

    two words for you

    HA HA

    j/k you need to ***** customer support out hardcore
  9. AqueousBeaver

    AqueousBeaver Ancient
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    That sucks... now you get to listen to the Halo theme while you wait on hold with their customer service (they do that to rub it in).
  10. garsykat19

    garsykat19 Ancient
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    But they do have some sweet hold songs on there don't they:D
  11. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    goodbye isnt the word. just... "until we meet again...."
  12. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    "Until we meet again, and you eventually yet inevitably die once more"

    Seems somewhat more a realistic approach. What can I say? I'm a cynic
  13. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    I feel sorry for your Xbox
    I got a special 360 that came out this year!
    Microsoft fixed the radiator inside of it so HOPEFULLY it won't explode with doom!
  14. SLY JD

    SLY JD Ancient
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    Two words: I did.

    Firstly when I rang about my controller that was two days over warranty, I asked if they could repair it for a fee as they wouldn't replace it.
    The lady said, "No, we only repair consoles"
    Therefore I asked, "Are there any third party repairers that could fix it?"
    She answered, "No, opening the controller would void the warranty"
    (Isn't that contradicting?)
    Then I turned around and said, "What can I do about the controller then?"
    Her answer, "You can buy a new wireless controller."

    BUY A NEW ONE? Wow, someone dosn't work for a money hungry coorporation...
    This drove me over the edge. I continued;
    "Considering my controller dosn't work, I use my Xbox Live membership. Therefore, aren't I entitle to a refund on the live subscription considering it's your companies fault that I can't use it?"
    She hang up. What a rude <I'll leave this bit blank> that works for a <and this bit> company.

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