i just played it with some people, and may i say: this is a great infection game, there is NO camping! its scary, and very tactical. it was a TON of fun, and the armory is not a huge advantage. it is still extremely hard to stay alive for a long. 10/10 for this map, i love it. great job.
I think chaos would fit it as well as random yelling at each other to cover you. Zombies are going to have a field day on this map when it comes to confusing the humans lol.
yup confusion,communication, and teamwork will help u stay alive for 6 minutes. Enjoy and thank. oh yeah kronos i added u on live
this is a great map, i played on it yesterday and i got a pretty intense video: here it is: AHHHH!!! check it out, its pretty awesome and it shows how intense this map really is.