I have played this map with the real creater of this and your not him. This is the same exact map but different name and different describtion.
Yea this map is played practically every custom game session these days. I'm still a bit shifty about whether you made this or not, next time write ur GT in guns when you make it (personally i hide my "signature" so people can't edit it out.
Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Notice this guys post? Paukatt well well would you look at that, this is my map. which allot of people seems to be playing. anyway im going to post this map on here in a few seconds with a ton of pics and all that so please direct you're attention to what i renamed the map to station 42 Now lets review the page 8 ratings 344 downloads 344 Dl's ? Now lets loom at Paukatt's. 7 ratings 99 downloads Mmmmm, Weird so if your not stealing someone elses map why does the someone else have more DL's...Hmmh...
True but on that guys post he says this "All credit to whoever originally made this map. Apparently it's Bungie's. (IDK) I have not seen this ANYWHERE else so I thought it might be a good thing to publicse it. If not, PM me and I will delete this post. (IDK if Bungie really made this map or some dude called Bungie)" That person did not create it... -Donuts
I've played this a hundred times over. If you are the actual creator, then I LOVE this map. Very well done.
ive played this map before but i dont think it belongs in casual maps. Probably mini game. I also suspect that you didnt make this. Just saying
I'm sorry but I'm pretty convinced this is someone else's map and (not mine) because I have been seeing this map played since March. and the fact your a trainee and I have no idea who you are doesn't help either.
I have played this a lot with cops and robbers, its a great map and it will take about 50 games to break out AND find all the hiding spots, I love it, great job man.
Is this supposed to be like the original cops n robbers on Halo 2? other then that, the map looks very good, especially for your first post
i have played this many times before. are you related to dakman or flufman because they have this map. i think you didn't creat this, but then again you know how much people lie about dl then claming they make it. if you did make it i played it and it is sooo much fun!
i love the idea and its done pretty well, looks very detailed and its really paid off, it isnt without its flaws but looks really fun
I really like playing on this map when the party goes by the rules, which isn't always the case. And your right, people do edit a couple things and say it's their own. My only complaint is: The toilet looks more like an electric chair, it's too shiny. Make it a crap shack.
I always get the 3 year olds in my party and then me and Asper just try not to get killed by the crazy cops that massacre us in our cells. lol but yeah when people play by the rules the game is fun. PS I thought that was an electric chair not a toilet lol!
Heyy i played this with you a while back nice map, and the really cool thing is the doors, and after you break out theres aton of structures the one thing i didn't like was the teleporter in the blocked off area, and the gernade pit, kinda unfair