White Forest

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by robotic nerd, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. robotic nerd

    robotic nerd Ancient
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    Hello people of ForgeHub.
    so, this is the first map I have put on ForgeHub, and it's the first map that I actually took seriously, so it may not be the best you have ever seen. If there are any problems with the post, please tell me and I will fix it as soon as I can.

    This is a very small, very symmetrical map. It works with pretty much all gametypes, but I suggest capture the flag or assault.

    OK, so the map has two floors, and each base is identical to the other. You start out in a small room with two exits. One way leads to a pallet that must be broken, and you will come into a room looking at members of the other team through a fence wall. You can stay fight them, or head up the stairs to the second floor. The second way you can go is around a corner and into a large hallway. This hall leads to another set of stairs. There is another fence wall and more of the opposing team. Once on the second floor, there is nothing but a large room. This is where most of the fighting happens.

    Now onto the screenshots...

    One of the respawn rooms

    The other respawn room

    One hallway

    The other hallway

    One way to the top

    Another way to the top

    The top

    So that's my map. If there is anything I need to add. Please tell me. Here is a link to the map

    Download Map

    So people have been asking me for a gametype, so here it is. It is based of of a part in Half-Life 2 when the Combine attack White Forest base. The Combine (Zombies) Start out with only one. Their job is to go and "enlist" some new members. It is Gordon's (Humans) job to stop this. The Combine move a little slower and have a little less health than the humans, but they do more damage. The "Gordons" are basically normal. The last man standing is the true Gordon Freeman(by the way, this isn't really how Half-Life 2 is).

    Download Gametype
    #1 robotic nerd, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2008
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    this looks pretty cool. a style less over-saturated nowadays, but i do suggest that you flip the bridges for the floor, because they are very sore to the eyes, and flipping them would also make for a smoother walkable surface.
  3. robotic nerd

    robotic nerd Ancient
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    Yes I was thinking about that when I was making it but i didn't think it would matter. But I will keep that in mind for my next maps
  4. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Your download link is broken. :)
  5. Naptiva

    Naptiva Ancient
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    Looks interesting and well put together. That said, if you can be more descriptive about the layout, that would help alot. Right now it looks like just a bunch of hallways. So any sort of description would tie things together. And by description, I really mean like, overhead drawing of some sort.
  6. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Even the the map is very very good for your first post.....i will never know what the gametype is like with no download link :(
  7. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    An overhead drawing would be nice, but I suggest deleting the upper level and any roofing, then taking a picture of the hallways, so we can get the big picture, then the same for the upper part.

    All of those hallways look the same. =)

    Edit: White Forest
    That's his link. He added an http.com before Bungie. >.>
    Maybe He'll fix it.
    Until then,

    White Forest
  8. robotic nerd

    robotic nerd Ancient
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    this is a bit embarrassing, but i am new to this, so could someone tell me how to get to where edit my thread...?
  9. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    i know this sounds stupid but i don't know how to post new threads. i think i have to be given permission or somthing but whatever. i thought this was the best place i could find to put this

    i am looking for testers and people to help me finish my new map (name pending) i don't have a name for it yet. any way, if your interested then send me a message or FR. my gamertag is stin10, also if you could put a response on the forgehub thread that would be appreciated. thanks
  10. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Bottom of your fist post, on the right, there is an edit button.
    Ignore the two posts above me, I PMed him with help, and he shouldn't have posted at all.
  11. robotic nerd

    robotic nerd Ancient
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    Ok, the link to the map is working now. And about the gametype. Is it required to have one?
  12. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    No, no game variant is required. But if the map does not function without a set variant, I would say yes.
  13. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    good first map. looks very good for close quarters and reminds me of that one on rats nest where everything has been closed off and you fight in the middle... something like attic...no... watever
  14. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
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    Looks nice, like some sort of building. I see no forests, but I do like it. 4/5
  15. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Is this meant to be based on Half Life? Because the map description on Bungie says something about Combine. . . and the name seems familiar.
  16. robotic nerd

    robotic nerd Ancient
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    It's not really based off of it, but i just needed a name and I am not to creative when it comes to that.
  17. Dodfrontlines11

    Dodfrontlines11 Ancient

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    umm nice map kinda basic but not bad for a first post I probably would of added some more cover like walls interlocked into the boxes you know just so there is a little more cover but nice job otherwise
  18. robotic nerd

    robotic nerd Ancient
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    I made this map so there wouldn't be a lot of cover. I wanted there to be a lot of open combat. But if most people prefer cover then I will put more of it in my next map.
  19. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    Nice first post but an overview would be nice the stairs are very creative i like the seperation of them it gives the map a unique feel
  20. robotic nerd

    robotic nerd Ancient
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    Ok, so I want to know if anyone has downloaded it yet. Nobody has said that they have...
    And an overview was kinda difficult because the map is so small. Or did you mean like a drawing or something?

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