Debate Marijuana...v2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Titmar, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    marijuana is only psychologically addictive.

    my point exactly.
  2. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    You make it sound as if it were legal then everyone would be forced to smoke it. Obviously that's not the case and I'm sure you know that. It is and always should be illegal to drive while impaired by any substance, the key factor in consideration of all this is picking and choosing your times to indulge, just like you would alcohol.

    You paranoia argument doesn't work for me because again, as with any other legal drug, there is the possibility of reactions by people that are different than the norm. If you pay attention to the commercials about pharmaceutical drugs, the possible side effects are more heinous that anything that could be achieved from smoking pot, and they are supposed to make you better, lol!
    #42 squidhands, Jun 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  3. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    every1 at my town lol. It went from stone to blazed to blitzed to retarded to booted to zooted. gotta have as many different words as possiable
    #43 Willmatic, Jun 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  4. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    before you can talk about why it should be legalized you need to know about why its illegal, as many people don't. So I will make a long story short, all through out the years of our existence hemp was used widely to create the largest variety of things that is the versatile plant ever. We're talking paper, clothes, medicine, biodegradable plastics, and the list goes ****in on. But then there's this other little thing, its called THE MAN. and THE MAN wants money, because nothing is more important than making money. So the man makes plastic, and when the man realizes that hemp is way better than plastic, THE MAN goes to his butt buddy's in the government and says "Look! People are smoking this plant and they are ruining themselves! Its the end of the world!" So the government bans marijuana in favor of plastic (2/3 of global warming).

    Without the legalization of marijuna we can't produce hemp. I'd go into the health effects of marijuana especially in comparison to the much more deadly and much more legal cigarettes, but I already had a thread like that.
  5. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    As you can see, I've already covered why it's illegal =]

    Though, you made it short n sweet, and everyone ignored mine =/
  6. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    well i figured it was just a bunch of panzy bull **** about how its bad for you so i wasn't about to flip through 8 pages of bullshit when i could be jockin on dem haterz mayne.
  7. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Weed should be legalized in America.

    Netherlands: (Legal)
    Crime > Assaults 44,129
    Crime > Car thefts 2.33559 per 1,000 people
    Crime > Murders 183
    Crime > Rapes 1,648
    Crime > Total crimes 1,305,640

    USA: (Illegal)
    Crime > Assaults 2,238,480
    Crime > Car thefts 3.8795 per 1,000 people
    Crime > Murders 12,658
    Crime > Murders with firearms 8,259
    Crime > Rapes 89,110
    Crime > Total crimes 23,677,800
  8. Lil Kru8

    Lil Kru8 Ancient
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    USA total population - 304,420,000

    Netherlands total population - 16,408,557

    That is not a good crime comparison to make.
    #48 Lil Kru8, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2008
  9. xRip U Up247x

    xRip U Up247x Ancient
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    There's a dilemma here. In my eyes there's 2 different kinds of Weed smokers.

    Potheads, the one's that are always high and looking for there next fix, they will eventually move up to cocaine, pills, extacy. Then steal, kill, etc for money for there next drug. Thus creating more crime.

    But then there's the people with self control. Those who would use it every now and then and not abuse it. Not move up and get bigger drugs. Just use it to relax, or chill with some friends. Those one's would be fine.

    This is a problem. Group 1 would be the problem, there would be loss in productivity, rise in crime rate, and more homicides/suicides each year. But group 2 would be getting screwed over. They use it responsively kind of like a responsible adult with alcohol.

    Suggestion: Legalize it, make it cheap, but with a high tax, still crack down on people growing it from home.

    I personally don't want to or ever have smoke anything let alone Weed. I've seen my friends do it. There grades suffers, they get arrested, they feel like such bad asses that they have no respect for anyone, let alone elders. I don't want to risk my education, career, or life by getting high off a drug. I'de rather get high off of life, my accomplishments, and sports acheivments. Everyone has one life. And they choose how they live it.
  10. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    Go read this: Myth of Marijuana Gateway Theory

    and if you don't know what the gateway theory is: LINK *****


    and btw, your lucky i left you off the hook with the rest of your post.
    #50 bnasty574, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2008
  11. xRip U Up247x

    xRip U Up247x Ancient
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    I talked about 2 groups. You only quoted 1. And that article is bullshit. 5 of my friends smoked weed and then went into deeper, worse drugs. I saw it myself. Your not gonna tell me that they would have magically started cocaine without trying someting lower. I've seen the progression firsthand.

    BTW I had 2 different groups. And I'm not against making it legal.
  12. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Thanks for pointing that out so that I didn't have to. Statistics can be made to show anything. 78% of people know that.
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    That has nothing to do with any particular drug; you're friends have addictive personalities. Pot was probably the easiest drug they could get their hands on. Do your friends smoke cigarettes? That would be the first drug they got addicted to.
    #53 squidhands, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  14. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Its kinda funny, these are the effects of legalizing marijuana and illegalizing tobacco:

    Smaller black market
    Less cases of lip/gum cancer
    Drug wars wouldn't be as common, because the main drug needs no war

    I THINK the difference in ratios between marijuana users to marijuana related deaths and tobacco users to tobacco related deaths is large, with more deaths on the tobacco so there would be less deaths
  15. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I know this is super duper necro posting but it is the debate forum. Anyways, I think we are 1 step closer to legalization because in my state, in November, there is a chance that having less then an ounce wont be a criminal offense, only a 100$ fine. With the all the pot smokers in my town alone i think this one will pass.
  16. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    *NOTICE* Mods please replace any incorrects statistics/facts

    As said before, that's just an addictive personality. And thats a small isolated case of kids who worsen.

    Btw: don't call someones article bullshit if you don't back it up with actual facts. Thanks.

    ----------LINE BREAK----------

    It's been noted that Marijuana does in fact help to block pain in a more effective way than most ibuprofen/aspirin/acetaminophen.

    For my argument, and as to not confuse readers i'll focus mainly on ibuprofen/aspirin (though, acetaminophen has very few differences) against marijuana.

    Ibuprofen mostly known as Advil and Motrin.

    While aspirin is mostly known as Bayer.

    What it basically means, is that Ibuprofen(Advil/Motrin) basically stops your body from releasing natural chemicals to stop the swelling and reduce healing of source of pain.

    Your basically stopping the pain, by stopping the healing.

    Ibuprofen also has been known to cause ulcers. And nobody likes ulcers, right?

    I realize that those statistics are 12 years old, but it still gets the same message across. And i'm sure Ibuprofen, is still, Ibuprofen.


    I really forgot how it works, but during the use of Marijuana THC's will break down and ease you into some state of euphoria. And while your body IS STILL HEALING you generally lose awareness and the feeling of the pain.

    I will edit this more later to get in more facts or possibly post again depending on how rusty I am in debates like this.
  17. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    i dont know about other people but people start taking weed when they are like in high school all 40% of those kids leave highschool and take harsher drugs that destroy you because they think that majijuana is harmless so why arnt any other drugs there just looking for that next high. so im against it . also makes people look like idiots( from experiences.) iv never took it personally and never will.
  18. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    Personally, I have no problem with marijuana. Obviously, like any drug, it has it's bad elements. Like someone mentioned, it can lead into harder drugs. And that is not good (no explanation needed). But all the people I know who smoke are just fine and they generally seem to be pretty good people too.
  19. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I think the "legalize marijuana, less money spent on the war on drugs, more money spent on other stuff" argument has to be the most pathetic excuse to authorize a drug in the history of...hell...ever. Why don't we just legalize cocaine? Same reason, right? Maybe we should legalize murder. Then we wouldn't have to spend money or time on persecution and incarceration. Why don't we just get rid of laws all together? Then we could spend more moneys on education and cotton candy! Seriously, there is no point in making marijuana legal. Laws are laws. They're there to protect you and everyone else. Understand that.
  20. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Obviously you nitwits didn't read my ****ing post.

    Marijuana can serve as a very good pain reliever.

    Anyway, back up your ****. Or don't ****ing post at all. You are the reason why debates can't be held here.

    Like i'm dead serious. It ****ing IRKS the **** out of me that I come in with like 2 sources, facts and statements with DEBATABLE points and kids come in and go "o ya itz gateways drugs my frend did it now he dus ko kane" and expect to be some master debater.

    **** you.
    #60 Vinny, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008

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