the upper levels seem detailed and fun but the ground level seems pretty open. I just wonder if that makes it too hard to escape when you have to on the lower level... either way the map overall looks great.
After messing around that's kind of how I wanted it to turn out. The ground level used to be a bit more compact with stuff in the way. But I cleaned it up and added more to the upper levels. (the whole 'third level' and the two bridges on top of the slanted bridge weren't even there until after the clean up) And for some odd reason, when we tested 1 Flag CTF it seemed it was easy to just walk out the front door and score that way than it was to use the upper levels. But in assault, it seemed you had to use the upper levels to even try to get the bomb in.
(update bump) Added two game types to go along with this map. For some reason for 'Bond of Leaders' it's saying it's called "[Verifying...]"... and I'm not sure why, I'll mess with it later when I get on. For now I'm going to get off and get some sleep. ~Happy forging!
Hey its pretty cool, I like that map its deffinately insane I'll get some friends on later and get it a run.
Could be tidied up, but still looks pretty good. Original name, as well. I like the central turret placement.
Cool. If you want, go ahead and send my a FR. ~I started working on a new map because a small idea sparked in my mind from walking around your map Complex.
Yeah, there are a few places that could use it... But yeah, I gave the "attackers" the turret for two reasons. 1 There wasn't much of a good place for the defenders to have one. (I could think of a few but meh) 2 It just kind of fits that the attackers have a big gun. =)