Debate HM Global Warming (No, its not a fact)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ferretness, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    I'm not sure if it would be good or bad if we weren't the cause of global warming. Sure, it would alleviate some guilt, but it would mean we couldn't change our actions to stop it.
  2. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    Over the last decade the world has stayed realitivelly the same temperature, and even cooled a little. Many scientists are now predicting a cold turn based on decreased solar activity.
  3. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Well, it is also important to keep in mind the times of humanity from an evolutionary timeline perspective. Even assuming that this is NOT the hottest period, it is important to realise that there is a certain cycle to the earth's natural warming and cooling. Some refer to it as the 1500 year cycle (although some believe the cycle to be much longer).

    But here is how, as humans, we need to look at this. Although alot about us is unknown, we know for a fact that we have not been here since the beginning of time. Even the bible mentions us to have been made after the beginning of the universe. So, we need to figure out where we fit in all this. Following the general idea that we are decended from early primapes, or similar creatures, we understand that if an extremely hot period occurred in the far past, such as your reference to the cambrian period, then perhaps we were not around to see it. And the problem with that is: we have seen one of these such periods of rapid temperature rise ONCE in the recorded history of man, which is now.

    Your example with the cambrain period, and as nitrous said, also supports my example: Only land dwelling creatures existed, which needed to have eventually come onto land and eventually evolve into humans. But if we were around at that time, we wouldve all died off because of that warming. So now we are around at THIS time. Are we going to let it get that far?

    So, if we have seen one, how do we decide what causes/caused it? We know from analzying pockets of gas beneath the crust and from soil and fossil samples that warming and cooling periods have been occurring since the earth was made, basically. And we know from these trends that right now we should be in the middle of a natural warm period. But then we get thrown a curveball as humans industrialize and begin producing massive amounts of greenhouse gasses.

    Due to a lack of data on earlier occurances such as natural heating beyond the boundaries of the accepted cycle, we can only speculate on what will happen. If this is part of a larger cycle, we would not know, but if it isnt, then what? The earth's core is heating? More iron is melting? The sun is heating up? We have no statistical data on any causes.

    Except one.

    Humans. We know that our greenhouse gasses do cause heating. So does it really matter if there is a natural warm cycle aswell? No, because we are still adding to the problem.

    And here is another part of why we need to stop it: What if this happened long before humans and wiped half of the living creatures out? But what if it was never destined to happen again, that is until we are basically forcing it to happen right now. We need to think about these things, and even if this is natural for the earth, all the emessions from us is NOT, and if it shouldnt be there, why exactly are we arguing about what it is doing when we could just get it out of there and not worry about what could happen.

    In conclusion: Sometimes its better to be safer, and there may be no stopping it soon. It doesnt matter if we cause it or if it has happened before, but if we are helping it and if it is posing a danger to our evolution, society, and survival (which it is), then it should be enough to cause us to take action.
    #23 Warlord Alpha, Jun 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2008
  4. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    1.)The core changes temperature, but nothing we could do would cuase it to change to any measurable degree.

    2.) More iron is melting? huh?

    #.) Actually we do have statistical data on this, the sun has been heating up for awhile, and solar radiation has been rising, now however it is falling and we are starting to see a platue and decrease in the temperature. Many scientists predict we will go through a short period of cooling in the near future.

    MaxedOutMama: May 2005
    Sun's direct role in global warming may be underestimated, Duke physicists report
    FuturePundit: Sun Energy Output At Over 1,000 Year Peak
    The Sun-Climate Connection (Did Sunspots Sink the Titanic?)

    Actually its already over.

    Know whats causing more of a danger to our evolution, society, and survival? "Green" initiatives like Ethanol that are starving millions a year, destroy the rain forest (yes, yes it does) and drive up energy prices for americans. Wow that sounds like a step foward huh? (note Ethonal is merely the simplest example not the only)
  5. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    1. That is what i am saying. What else is casuing it besides the natural cycle and us?

    2. That was for the sake of examples of things we speculate on but probably isnt happening. read my words for more depth next time, i said those were examples of possibles but not provens.

    3. Yes, it is happening. Eventually our star will devour half the solar system (red giant) and then implode (white dwarf) before burning iself out. The question - is it affecting us? We dont know. That is also why i included that one.

    4. And no. I will tell you about that last paragraph. Will the earth burning up, like venus, do less damage to the rainforest than we will to it by growing corn? I did not think so. Will an economic depression (that wont happen for reasons i will get to) hurt us more than extinction? NO!

    And for your example:
    Corn is inneficient anyways. It takes alot to refine it. What we need to do is just accept that it is happening, try not to let it go too far, and work on alternatives. being ignorant and just saying "we arent doing it, lets just see what happens" is not an option, because whether we cause it or not, at the end of the day it will get hotter and it will cause problems. Alternatives will be found, but people like you saying what we are dong now is fine are getting in the way of that. We have the capacity to change it, so why dont we? The alternative, extinction, doesnt seem to be registering here.
  6. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    Im simply talking about natural variations in solar temperature, read my links.

    Actually...its getting coldor...for the 6th time.

    or the alternative is not sacrificing our money and jobs on scaremongering?

    and please you made 2 posts entirely without facts, this forum is not for people who don't understand what they are talking about. Do some research and then try to debate me.
  7. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    I am debating without facts? Just because you are linking everything does not make you right. No, it is not getting colder. The earth has been warming. I am not sure where you are getting your information from, but it is obviously not accurate. And natural variations in solar temperature further support my statement that there could be more or less factors involved than we think.

    And the alternative is not sacrficing our money and jobs on "scaremongering" as you say. That barely makes sense. The new bulbs designed to help the environment actually SAVE US money, both because they are more efficient and use less power. Many advances are being made, but refusing to move forward is a very feeble minded path of logic.

    And i do in fact know what i am talking about. You are now making an assault on my intelligence, even though you are the one misunderstanding my posts, and telling me to "do some research and then try to debate me." Try to debate me....hmmm, while i figure out a retort to your insults directed at my intelligence, you might want to study up on english grammar.
    #27 Warlord Alpha, Jun 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2008
  8. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    I refuse to debate someone who will not accept fact, when I provide more than enough references, especially when they provide none.

    Climate facts to warm to | The Australian
    January 2008 - 4 sources say “globally cooler” in the past 12 months Watts Up With That?
  9. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    I am sorry, but i refuse to go around for 20 minutes finding links to sites that say what i know to be true so that people like you will believe me.

    And your use of "debate" is incorrect. Youve used it improperly about 5 times thus far.

    It doesnt matter what those sites say. You seem to be taking the source idea far too seriously, especially considering how the internet loves to contradict itself. You are relying far too heavily on web sites for your information. I have no doubt you had to research everything for about 20 minutes before writing a reply to my posts.


    And, btw, after skimming through those links, it seems as though they are only mentioning a short period of cooling within a very recent timeframe. These warming and cooling periods take hundreds of years, not two or three. Using those links only shows you are digging at the top of the issue.
    #29 Warlord Alpha, Jun 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2008
  10. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    Please unless you intend our provide a good comprehensive argument, do not post here.

    Back on topic anyone?
  11. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Interesting...if you had read the bottom paragraph of my post, you wouldve noticed i did in fact post a reply that was on topic. And i have been posting in a concise manner, apparently you cannot handle someone who posts in a different way than you.

    But still, my opinion remains:

    We may not be the cause of a warm period, but we certainly arent helping to cool it. No matter how small the effect may be, we are producing alot of CO2 and that will still have an effect.
    #31 Warlord Alpha, Jun 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2008
  12. Citizyn Raven

    Citizyn Raven Ancient

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  13. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    lol that wouldn't work....but if it did....
  14. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    What do you expect us to do to stop CO2 emmisions? Are you going to stop driving? Are you going to stop breathing? Are you going to destroy factories and then be dissapointed when you are missing essential products? These are the things you wish to stop to effectively halt CO2 emmisions. Sadly we can't do that, and scientists are doing the best they can to make affordable alternative gas for vehicles. Patience is more of an answer than just going on about how we use too much CO2. If you are that bothered by it, plant some trees! They are excellent because they take in the Carbon from CO2 and replace it with pure O2, which is excellent, my backyard is flooded with trees, and not only does it look very picturesque, but it is a good thing for the environment without saying for us to stop something. Let's not make it a problem, but a solution.
    ~Randle $candal

    EDIT: My comment was more aimed toward Warlord Alpha, who said we emmit too much CO2.
    #34 Randle Scandal, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2008
  15. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    If we caused global warming, and global warming eventually causes an ice age, somebody explain how a different peroid of global warming was caused, after all we know there was an ice age earlier...
  16. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Actually it would. Quite well. The warmth of the oceans would drastically effect the climate. But the ice would need to be much larger.
  17. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    I was saying it was unrealistic.
  18. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Well, im not saying that needs to happen, but im directing at anyone who thinks we DONT emmit much CO2. Because we DO. But i mean, there are still little things we can do. They are the things you have heard before, etc etc. Replace your light bulbs, etc.

    All im getting at though, as far as the debate goes, is that we arent making it better and as long as we are looking for major alternatives, that is fine.
    #38 Warlord Alpha, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  19. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    This isn't against what you said. Rather jumping off of it.

    As study was done by a Yale Economist named Prof. Nordhaus. Nordhous used Al Gores climate models (meaning that even though the climate models are certainly off, if Al is right so is Nordhaus) To calculate the price of not fighting global warming. he found that if the world warmed 3 degrees it would cost the world $22 trillion. he then clalculated the costb of checkng growth and avioding emmisions using Gore's plans (no new coal plants, lower household energy use, etc.). The total cost of Global warming with these mesures came to $10 trillion. However he then went one step further, he calculated what the economic costs of the lack of growth would be, they came at the high price of $34 trillion dollars.

    So then the totoal cost of "acting" is twice that of letting global warming go. Assuming it will actually go as Gore predicts which is highly unlikelly.

    So ask yourself, why would we risk our money and lives, on something that only *might* happen, and if even did, would be less severe than the precations.

    It goes like this, if you crash you car, thats worth $12,000, and it costs $15,000 to replace it. You get a new car.
  20. a P3Rson

    a P3Rson Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure it's a theory.

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