Junction Created by Th3Bl4ckKn1ght Supported Gametypes: Slayer Team Slayer (Im still working on other ones) Map Description Junction is basically my reimagination of Turf from Halo 2. The street is the same but most of the weapon spawns and the middle area are not the same as Turf. The Warthog that was on Turf was replaced with a Mongoose because of the size of the map. _________________________________________________ Bunker Sniper Spawn Mongoose Middle Area Middle Area 2 Shotgun Entrance 1 Shotgun Entrance 2 _________________________________________________ Ok so I know my original post didn't work but now that I know and understand how to set things up here on FH I will try to make better posts. Enjoy and DL Junction! Download Junction Here!
Hi, Welcome to Forgehub. Your post doesn't meet the standards of FH. You need to include at least one screenshot on the posting, done by uploading images to photobucket, or flickr, or other image hosting sites, and linking the IMG tag to the thread. Go HERE to learn how to properly post a thread. Thanks
this is up to standerds. he has at least one embeded pic and download and description. also the map doesn't look at all interlocked. but still looks good!
If there's an embedded pic its not showing up for me. All his pictures are links to the halo 3 screenshot viewer on b.net
Actually, the rules specifically say that all pictures you include must be embedded. He tried to embed from bungie, he needs to upload his pictures to an image hosting site.
just as a spelling suggestion could you change your first 'accept' to 'except'? I'm just trying to help out... and sorry I'm such a spelling freak ! ~Randle $candal
i don't know why people say it aint up to forgehub standers just say on how to improve it is silly really it maks the person feel terrible and it aint fair, also it really says that you can have one embedded pic then after says you have to have all pics embedded that confuses me but any way you just need to get the pics embedded use imagestack they are cool
First, proper English next time please. Second, According to the rules, set out by the powers at be, in order to post, you most follow set standards. When people don't, they tend to get flamed. Courteous people ( to toot my own horn) will simply welcome them and direct them to the place they need to go in order to properly post correctly. Nothing I said originally was mean or condescending. Nor do I think he took it that way, and if he did, I apologize. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised at how good his map actually looks (thumbs up to you b.knight). As per the standards, you technically only need 1 picture embedded. If you are capable of embedding one picture however, it stands to reason that you can embed more. Typically, the more pictures you have the better. Secondly, Don't spam. Which is what you're doing via your sig. Although, I should have expected it considering your rep. Fin
it is a well cool map with the pics but can you have them embedded use this web site http://imageshack.us/ to get them embedded. but i think also you need some fighting pics
Actually you can swear at Forge Hub there is nothing in the rules that says you can't, but it depends on how you use it. If say something along the lines of "That was the best ****in' show that I went to" it ok but if you say "**** you" you will get a infraction for that. also you missed spelled environment. ______ EDIT: sorry for getting off topic there, I think the layout of the map look really good and I think I will DL it and come back later with some feed back.