So equal legal rights don't come into it? Legal rights should be completely neutral and unbiased shouldn't they? I don't care about a chapel to get married in, I just want to have the ability to have a document that says these two people are connected and have the same rights as a straight couple. It's got nothing to do with religious debate or opinion. Just standard legal rights. I'm pretty sure that's how laws work?
Before I start I would like to say that all gay's deserve equal rights in everything a married couple has now. That being said let me explain my point of view. I am a christian man, but not the 'smite the gays' christian. No, I believe that God had a point for all of us, but he made marriage a thing strictly for a man and a woman. I do believe that the gays should have an equal opputunity to get a legal union, that offers all the benefits and sharing of everything that a marriage has in the U.S. Many will say "Why not call it marriage? What is the difference?" There really isn't other than the title 'Married' which makes me feel uncomfortable. I am not a homophobe, but I would rather have the term 'Joined' and they can still be called your spouse. Ceremonies can be as you would want them, just having a judge have them officially 'joined.' You can exchange rings, anything you want. That's all I have to say, and like I said earlier, all rights to you! You deserve it as much as every strait couple in the U.S, and all other countries in the world! ~Randle $candal.
Ferretness, your argument in your sig, is not only disturbing, but rude. Everyone wants to preserve human life. Technically there is nothing wrong with them wanting to be the way they are. You also obviously did not read my whole passage, as you would realize I'm talking about having a union, and that they can share all the benefits of marriage without being married. If you did and still are commenting on that, because I did read your signature, I am sorry, but I am rather confused. I did not say anything that would relate to your signature in any other way.
Exactly, the last thing I would want is to have a religious ceremony. I just believe, as I have stated earlier, that equal people should get equal rights, and have all the same benefits.
\ You used the whole "equal" argument. The sig is a parody of the gay argument showing that it is not a valid argument.
I'm just going to stop debating in this thread. There's no reason with arguing because I'm obviously not going to change anyones minds, and the debate won't have an end.
So you are basically saying that what I am is wrong, that's your argument? PROVE IT, or stop arguing it. Who says being gay is wrong? You? The Bible? God? Do you think I care about any of those things. I honestly don't see how you can say that I am wrong, just because I am who I am, when you are the one pushing his beliefs on people. I don't get it. I have many issues with this statment: 1) I WAS BORN THE WAY I WAS!!! IT IS NOT A CHOICE!!! 2) Do you honestly believe that people act gay to try to get attention? Thats just ignorant. 3) There is no negative impact being gay has on one's self. Are you serious? 4) There is no negative impact being gay has on society. When has a homosexual ever intentionally hurt you, or even unintentionally? Bring proof to what you say Gravedigger4545, or don't say it. You honestly have no scientific evidence in your argument.
marriage isnt "a sacred bond between a man and a woman"... its a ceremony to unite two people in love and merge their lifes. who are you to say that just because a man loves a man or a woman loves a woman that they have a mental disorder? why cant they start a life together as a family? does it hurt you? does it REALLY effect you in any real way? they should be given every free right that you or i have, because they are freakin people. they arent some foreign alien race or creature, they are god damn humans. i plan on getting married to my girlfriend one day. her best friend is a *******, and she is very in love with someone right now. i hope that by then they have the chance to be happy too.
Your the one saying that what you are is wrong. You then ask "who says being gay is wrong?" Well, there are three examples, but many other people will agree as well. And there have been many scientific studies about the negative impacts of gay married couples on society. I don't want to waste my time looking it all up, but your free to. These studies were done about kids raised by gays (look it up somewhere in "pediatrics") and many others about "sociology," which explains how gay people have caused increases in many negative things, such as, but not limited to: crime, religious disagreements, 1. It is clearly a choice, you could change if you wanted to, you just aren't accepting this, and not trying to change. 2. Some people do, if you don't, then that's good for you. 3. Anything that 4. (I'll finish this later)
GODDAMN this argument is really starting to tick me off. Just because you say it over and over doesn't make it right.
yeah? well that goes both ways. your views dont particularly make me all warm and fuzzy inside either. theres a choice you have if it bothers you that much, and thats simply ignore the thread.
True true, it's not very nice being sort of hypocritical is it? Thank you for pointing it out Thesilencebroken. I made a single argument on this thread and you stated that 'I am sick of this argument' (ferretness) I do not think that it's nice when people are sick of your argument. You have not made a valid point in a while to why there shouldn't be. Maybe before bashing our ideas you should come up with a counterbalance. I don't think you spend the time to read through just read maybe the last sentance to make it seem like you did. Some people are very homophobic out there right now. I just hope that they will see what they are truly acting like eventually. (Oh and congrats ferretness if you use my last line or first line, because that is so original). Thanks. ~Randle $candal
You must not realize the validity of sarcasm and/or cynicism. Grave, do you have a choice in being heterosexual? Could you train yourself to be 'excited' (for lack of better term) at the sight of another male's erection?
I'm beinging to think that my argument is going over peoples heads. but in repose. "All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for enough good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke Actually I'm not being hypocritical at all, I don't see how you made the jump form my statement to hypocrisy. My statement is showing that the most popular "gay" argument is based on a logical fallacy. Thus it should not be used. That is not hypocritical at all. I am sick of people continuing to use a logical fallacy to support their point. That is like saying "your not gay you wouldn't understand", that is an example of Ad hominem which is a different logical fallacy but the point still stands. It is a pathetic and invalid argument, please don't use it. I do understand how my point could have been missed, it was difficult to understand, however now that you do I expect you to formulate a real reply, and not to use the argument irresponisble, again.
Wow gravedigger. Just, wow. You have already been proven wrong about this. How do you think that it transfers easier between gay people? Tell me.