Check this out fellow forgers. A fun and addicting Halo 3 RPG that does not require a download. I just wanted to throw it out there because its really fun once you get into the swing of things. By the way, its a text based RPG that is strongly based on Halo 3.You can only play it..
Hey, you know what's even more awesome than Halo Crusades? Not participating in a pyramid scam. You know what's even better? Not posting links all over the forums. kthxbai
I believe you mean pyramid scheme. And this game does not involve the exchange of money in return for playing the game, so it is in no way a pyramid scheme. And I posted this in two places in the forums where it was appropriate, not "all over the forums."
Let's see. Someone gives you a link, so you click it. They get their virtual money. You get intrigued, so you make your own account and link it. Some other idiot clicks it and you get virtual money. Repeat.
Do you even know what a pyramid scheme is? Its when someone pays a group of people in order to join in on the scheme. When you join Halo Crusades you don't have to pay anything to join. Its free. If you still don't get it, go here Pyramid scheme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . By the way Pyramid scheme's are illegal in many countries. "Pyramid scheme is an academic term used to describe a specific type of non-sustainable business model. This model involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the "scheme," usually without any product or service being delivered."
I think you're a complete idiot, obviously it's still considered a Pyramid SCAM if it's real or fake money. you're such a moron, seriously. Nem was right in the first place and you just made yourself look like an ass...
When did I say that a pyramid scheme is not a pyramid scheme if the exchange of money is "fake money." By joining Halo Crusades you don't have to pay fake money or real money. I already explained what a pyramid SCHEME is. So I'm not going to waste my time explaining it again because you don't seem to understand what it is. Go ahead call me names, but that doesn't make you even close to being right. Yes I'll admit that If you click the link, I get a low and random ammount of "fake money." But that doesn't make it a pyramid scheme. But that's not why I posted it here. In fact I don't even need the money in the game. I posted this to share a game that I found to be fun. You might not agree that it is a "fun" game but so what. You've come in here and called me an idiot, a moron, and an ass when you don't even know what you're talking about.