So who remembers that trailer for Halo 3 way back, when Master Chief took the bubble sheild and slammed it into the ground to protect himself from the incoming missile? That was epic right? So I was thinking, what's with the equipment today? Whenever you use any equipment, Master Chief just kinda lightly tosses it in front of him. Sure it gets the job done but how much cooler would it have been if he slammed it down right in front of him? Everything else in Halo 3 is beastly, from the gun firing, hammer smashing, long grenade throws and the melee attacks, why can't equipment be something sweet. (btw, when I'm talking about all this I mean from your first person perspective). it's not a big change, but just something to think about.
yea i remember that in the video theres like 50 missles coming for him and he grabs it and smashes it down, the bubble deploys and the scene changes
It was pretty epic, and then they turned him into a girly man. If your gonna look cool and have awesome strength... put it to use and slam some stuff around
Yeah bubble sheild's area that it covered was smaller in the trailer. And it was kind of like a grenade in the trailer. Some people take trailers too seriously.
rofl that made me laugh imagining MC like being all hardcore like shooting people and meleeing and stuff, then he tossses out the bubble shield and giggles
You undertsand how long it will take bungie to do this,just for a little thing.Then we would also all have to update our Halo 3 and you know how thats been in the past.Sorry but bungie has better things to do then work on the throwing of equipment.
yeh, it'd be fun to throw a shield grenade across the map into an enemy rockets face killing him. That would be so awesome
Did you know that originally, shield doors would be able to be cracked open with little holes in the squares?
I remember originally bubble shields were supposed to roll to wherever you trew them instead of staying stationary. kinda like the energy absorber or the radar jammer.
This should be in Halo discussion, mod please move. It was just a trailer, you can't have expected it to be real gameplay. It would be cooler if they exaggerated it a bit though, and God does the process have to be faster. Too many times I'm pressed 'X' to deploy regen and the regenerator comes up after I'm already dead.
I know the change is never going to happen, it's just something to think about. It was just a little detail of the game that caught my attention. I'm just thinking of it like this, you know how you swing the skull down from top right to bottom middle when you melee with the oddball/hidden skull? I'm picturing that only with the the equipment in-hand instead of the skull. It would just look cooler than a simple toss that to me says 'yeah I guess I can toss this down here, eh whatever'. Oh and btw, I realized this was in the wrong forum/sub-forum right after I posted. I forgot about the halo discussion sub-forum, my bad!
haha yeah that's true. they should have masterchief gingerly set that one down. that would be badass haha.
Lmfao. Yeah, the trailer made it look way more dramatic and pwnage with the whole bubbly sitch. I believe it was an incoming Wraith bomb to whoever said "50 m1sSl3s c0ming a7 h1m." They shoulda made it so you could shank people with the bubble, better yet with the regenerator, it's all spiky like a mace. That'd be a brutal beatdown...