Far Cry 2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Matty, Jun 21, 2008.


Will you be buying Far Cry 2?

  1. Straight Away!

  2. I'll wait until i see what everyone else thinks of it

  3. I wont be buying Far Cry 2

  1. Matty

    Matty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Release date is October 23rd!

    Map Editor

    • A camera tool, built into the editor
    • The map is 512m x 512m, which is roughly 2x the size of FC:IP
    • There have been rumours that you can only place 6 vehicles at once
    • Full map sharing ability. Private and Public map sharing capability
    • Thousands of placable objects,
    • The ability to go from editor to player and back again with 1 button
    • Freedom from the game engines when editing, absolutely no interferance - Bliss
    • The undo button - Uncomfirmed, but more than likely
    • Unparrallelled precision. Using the D-Pad to fine tune the location, height or length of an object
    • The new ability to place Roads anywhere, with a cool new tool.
    • The ability to place dynamic objects, that make maps feel more alive
    • Dynamic lighting, shadows, weather and the all important, fire proporgation.
    • The ability to set time of day (down to the minute) and set the likelyhood of storms.
    • The ability to add wildlife (like birds seen in the second video)
    • A vast array of weapons and vehicles (im guessing 30 of each)
    • Huge customisation when it comes to vehicles and weapons. Each teams vehicles can be invidually coloured
    • 4 gametypes - Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the diamonds, Uprising


    • There is over 80 hours of singleplayer
    • The single player will feature a currency, with weapon shops
    • There are side missions, which include assassinations.
    • You can not go prone (lie down)
    • You can choose your character, from a preset selection of about 8
    • The game area is about 50km, with no loading screens whatsoever
    • There are over 30 weapons, and from what i have seen, over 30 vehicles too.
    • Map sharing is available across all consoles, and us supposedly all controlled on the console.
    • There is a system where if you make a map you are always its creator, so maps cannot be stolen.

    Editor Pictures





    Gameplay Pictures




    Well, the way this game has been going, its going to be the best game of all time. And to be honest, thats no suprise to me. Ubisoft is the most successful gaming company in the world. Look at the games they have created.

    The amount of detail that is going into FarCry 2 is phenominal. Just look at the options it leaves for the player. The game features a completely open 50km of land, with every corner bieng capable of exploration from the beginning of the game. Dynamic Light, Shadows and Vegetation. If you start a fire, it will spread, and spread.

    The 'Level Editor' looks like the best feature, for me atleast. If anyone has played any of the FarCry 1 games, they will realise how great Ubisoft make a map editor. It was a truly stunning specticle. The capability to create absolutely anything, there is literally no limit to it.

    I am thoroughly looking foreward to this game, i hope some of you guys are!

    Attached Files:

    #1 Matty, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2008
    Jimbodawg, Debo37, American10 and 3 others like this.
  2. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    I know i cant wait for it to come out, i hope they still have a really good map editor in-game.

    the graphics look amazing
  3. TDH

    TDH Ancient
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    Wow the visuals look phenomenal, definitely going to get this.
    I remember the first one being a blast and if the map creator is as good as you say it will be then this will be one hell of a game.

    Also I can remember reading something about the vast amount of detail going into the game like trees that re-grow after an amount of time after destruction which sounds pretty cool.
    #3 TDH, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  4. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    i just want it for the map editor b/c brown boxes make me sick :'(
  5. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    I really can't wait for this, I recently thought it was only coming out for PC but I am glad to see it on the consoles if the map editior is anything near as good as the last one Forge Hub will become Far cry hub.

    found this interview.
    #5 Roche178, Jun 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I would still call it FarCry Forge.

    I added the interview link to the first post.

    Was a good interview, but nothing i didn't already know.
  7. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Is it just me or does that arm looking real... That's is amazing o_O
    New games like this make me wonder how far Bungie is going to push the boundaries for their new game.
    Halo3 was amazing and still is when it comes to the graphics, but wow... Just wow
  8. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Not only that, but this is 50km of open terrain. The farthest hills on that image are reachable, and i bet those are only a few Km away.
  9. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Wow... I can't see me liking this game but it sure shows what's possible doesn't it.
    I'm not much for war type shoot 'em ups. I'm not into the present time era of shoot 'ems. Only futuristic types =]
    But yeah, I'd certainly download the demo to check out how amazing it looks.
    Even the BadCompany demo is amazing looking, details! ♥
  10. Verno

    Verno Ancient
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    I use to play Xbox 360 Far Cry and its map editor was awesome. There’s still a bunch of people who still play and create maps on the old game. I wonder how long forge will “last”. By the way, do you think this site will support Far Cry 2 or make a sister site or something once the game comes out, FarHub perhaps?
  11. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    If that ever happens... -shudder-
    Anyway, it's still FORGE, so it would probably just be a subcategory somewhere

    You don't need a second Off Topic section and a second general chat section for a new game. Attract more attention to the site if you support two games.
  12. xBeLikeChris

    xBeLikeChris Ancient
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    To be honest Far Cry Instincts: Predator is one of my favorite multiplayer games of all time. It was just a shame no one ever really played it. I'm hoping the way this game is being promoted, that it will be infinately greater than Instincts: Predator.
  13. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Been looking forward to this for a long time now. It looks like it's going to be incredible - as you say, the 50km landscape and huge draw distance, amazing physics...

    The editor is likely to be fantastic and if they manage to implement a sharing option for console, all the better. PC should be where it's at though, on that front.

    I'm sure it will be - it's the official sequel this time around, and the budget is pretty damn hefty.
  14. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    dude fcip is awesome i love its map editor engine its way advanced then halos.I want to know more about the map editor.
  15. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    i cant wait for this far cry on the pc was great the console one were ok but the level editor was good you literally started with a square of water and you could sort paint the land on to it and go to the player mode justlike in forge
  16. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    This game looks absolutely insane. I hope the gameplay is good because everything else is already in place. Hopefully its not just going to rely on its graphics, because the map editor will be useless if the game itself sucks.
  17. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I was actually thinking of buying FarCry Instincts Predator yesterday, just for the map making. It doesn't cost very much now, i think i might.

    I think its safe to say that the Map Editor will be epic. Look at the company behind it, look at the previous editors they created. They know what they are doing. They know what we want.
  18. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    yeah buy it. the campaign is very long which is good and the map editor is amazing. i just love it how you can make the land, water, how big the map is, shrubs, unlimited amount of items and you can even change the time of day! Far cry: instincts predator was great. so i am getting Far Cry 2
  19. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I had FarCry Instincts, does Predator have any new Map Editor items?
  20. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Can we get a Far Cry 2 map editor board when it arrives?

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