2 Way Elevator

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Dthen, Jun 23, 2008.

  1. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    More switches here!

    Well, here is a fully working 2 way elevator, originally only designed to be a resetting one way untill I realised I could make it work as a 2 way. Grav lift holds cpu at top floor, when grav lift is destroyed, either by a grenade killing fusion coils or by a fusion coiled dropped via a powerup the crate comes down, 10 seconds later the grav lift respawns and up goes the lift.

    I have kept the mechanisms open so you can see what's going on :)

    Pics might help me explain...

    Overview or two:

    The fusion coils:

    The switch to go down from the top:

    Action shots:
    Nade in here:

    Boom, kills G lift:

    Lift comes down:

    10 secs later, lift respawns:

    Up we go:

    Pick this up to go back down:

    Down it falls:

    Boom and byebye lift again:

    Down we go:

    The lift can keep working for ages :) I tested it by just sitting on it and going up then down then up then down then up then down many times... I found that it works pretty well..

    Stil don't understand? Download it.

    Download link:

    Things to fix for V2:
    Crate occasionally getting stuck under the reviever node on the way up.

    Er... Me...
    And all the other people who made elevators which inspired me.
    #1 Dthen, Jun 23, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2008
    TrueDarkFusion likes this.
  2. Admiral Alpha

    Admiral Alpha Ancient
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    That's an interesting way to rig an elevator. I'd like to see a map where this is implemented fairly; I'm thinking a symmetrical CTF game where each team has a multi level base, where normally you'd have to spend a considerable amount of time getting to stairs behind the base to enter, unless someone at the top lowers the elevator for you. Excellent idea. Also, couldn't precarious fusion coil placement eliminate the need for a custom power up?
  3. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    In a map you wouldn't have a fence wall there, it would be a more solid one so you can't shoot through it, and the custom powerup would mean you'd have no direct access to that fusion coil. and if you're at the bottom you can still call it down from the top by throwing a nade in the hole at the bottom. but if you didn't want that it could be taken out I suppose... Well thanks for the comment, it made me think.
  4. Admiral Alpha

    Admiral Alpha Ancient
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    I'm aware of that; however, using a fence wall would certainly make things interesting, since the defenders would either hear the gunshots or see the elevator fall. Additionally, in a limited ammo variant like Save One Bullet, shooting the gravlift would be a counterproductive waste of munitions. Additionally, a single well-placed shield door could allow for a fence wall to be used as a ramp with no sacrifice to game play value for ascetics.

    I don't see direct access as a problem; simply build a shaft with a small nitch at the top for the fusion coil, and people should figure things out. It seems to me using the custom power up as a switch inhibits furthur use of the custom power up on the map for tactical purposes.

    Depends on how you want to set up the gametype. Do you want the players on the lower floor to be dependant on the players on the upper floor for access, or do you want to allow for invasion style gameplay, where any grenade weilding enemies can get access for a minor fee.

    With portals, I hope?
  5. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    By the fence wall, I meant the one at the top, meaning you can''t sabotage the lift by blowing up the fusion coil, making it impossible to bring down from the top for the next 10 second. the one at the bottom is relatively harmless, as it's much faster to throw a 'nade in the hole at the left :)
  6. Admiral Alpha

    Admiral Alpha Ancient
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    Ah. Thank you for the clarification. However, a grenade from the top level down the same shoot would allow for an explosion as well.

    I disagree, since a two-way elevator is most likely going to be a major facet of the map, and by eliminating the hole at the bottom you change the dynamics of the map greatly. For example, in a game of two flag CTF, by eliminating the hole at the bottom, you eliminate the Red team's most direct route into the base, forcing them to take an alternative entrance, and, subsequently,force them to completely modify their attack strategy. They might have to re-allot troops to different positions, plan their assult in a different fashion, and change their loadouts to fit the confrontation (instead of using close range weapons or using similar power weapons for the dreaded battle with the Blue team, they may opt to chose long range weapons and matching power weapons to allow them a better chance of surviving long enough to make it inside the enemy base.) This is a MAJOR part of the map that shouldn't be overlooked, so I suggest reconsideration on your part about how important this small hole really is.
    #6 Admiral Alpha, Jun 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2008
  7. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Hmm... Not really a two way elevator just one that works in the opposite direction. Instead of the bottom floor being the default setting, it's the top floor.

    Good job either way though. Taking it one step farther than the standard elevator.
  8. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    What I mean is that in the version above the hole below the fence wall at the bottom is relatively harmless at the moment, however in a map with the hole to the left removed as well it would obviously need patched...which wouldn't take too much work. I agree it's important, all I am saying is that for its current purpose, going up and down for no reason, there being a second hole under the fence wall is unimporant, although in a map it would be a major problem, but in a real map, it'd be fixed...

    And Waylander, yes it is. you can go down on it from the top, and if you're at the bottom you can call it down to go up, so it is a 2 way.

    And erm you were saying about a grenade down the same chute as the fusion coil, well exactly my point, that chute would be inaccessible from the top to prevent that, meaning I would need a cpu.
    #8 Dthen, Jun 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2008
  9. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    very nice invented, this would be great for CTF or Assault.
    Try to make a map with this in it, I'll probably use this once.
    Thx and nice job.
  10. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Np - and I have an idea for a map with 2 of these - a symmetrical 2 level tunnely map thing :D
  11. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    And then have to stand around waiting or the grav lift to respawn for ten seconds.

    It pretty much is an auto reset elevator mate. Just the switch is for down instead of up and the automatic part is for up instead of down.
  12. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    true... But if you're at the bottom you can use it to get up, and vice versa...
  13. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    lol yea but you have to wait ten seconds after calling it down. Don't know about you, but I don't like staying in one spot for that long.
  14. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Nor do I, but it could amke gameplay interesting... Or bad, I admit it aint perfect but hey, try and make a better one :)
  15. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    lol mate I wouldn't have even thought of doing this so you're light years ahead of me.
  16. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Heh - I don't mean it in a bad way. If someone makes a better one I'd be very happy. If I knew how I'd do it but :S
  17. a P3Rson

    a P3Rson Ancient
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    i'd like to this used, BTW you should probably like patent this or something so nobody says it's theres and if someone uses it in a map thay have to mention you
  18. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    It's on here and a good few people have seen it, and I posted it on H3A - So hopefully Nobody will even try.
  19. Sgt Visiliy

    Sgt Visiliy Ancient
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    I say this on the artificers. It is a very nice switch. But, my worry is you still have to wait for the grav lift to respawn to go back up. I personally think you should give them a grav lift equipment and have them put it down to go up.
  20. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
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    this is a neat map... but i don't see how it is playable. did you make this for astetics? ortherwise the elavator is a really cool idea and is cool

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