If they interlock on their own, like doors or window panels, then it's fine, you just can't put anything to not spawn at start (for the means of interlocking). I think.
I;m not doing it, I don't like the idea. You should make it interlocking allowed. Although it does make people use thier heads without using anything advanced. Eh, good idea, but not my type.
If interlocking was allowed there would be no point of the competition that make people work to make a good un-interlocked map and they could just post any map.
Thanks for answering him while i was at work. rep+ for not just standing by. lololollolol seriously...i didn't expect anyone to say something like this...
You are obviously a site newbie and are unaware of the brilliant maps that came out before interlocking was discovered.
Shouldn't this be called: "The Skilled Mapmakers Contest!"? :squirrel_eyebrow: Anyway, I saw a few maps that are being submited for this contest, AllseeingEntity's looks nice in my opinion.
Thank you for responding while I was away...actually I saw this comment before I was away, just really did not want to respond... Rofl, think about what it means when you are making a standard map, then quickly throw something up, without interlocking...what is that? laziness =] Eerrrmmm...I've answered this a few times now, I guess I should post it in the op... How do I get a map posted on the submission thread? The answer to that would be: 1) Save map 2) Put map on fileshare 3) Go to Bungie.net 4) Go to your halo 3 page 5) Go to your fileshare in said page 6) Copy url (at top of page) 7) Go to this thread: Here! 8) Then enter your map, in the following format: User Name(s): Example text Map Name: (Name must link to map) Did you read and follow instructions: yes/no Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: yes/no & explanation. 9) When you post your map on the "Map Name" section, type in "Map name here[/url.] (without the period.) I think that sums that up...
Urban Foliage In the last city on Earth, boxes and crates provide homes. Steel, turbines, rubbish, and the spent shells of many guns are the only foliage. Welcome home. A complete overhaul of the original Turf map, Urban Foliage adds a whole new level of depth. With numerous alleyways, hiding spots and powerful weapons, the fighting is always different. Great when used in conjunction with the Ghetto or Ghetto FFA game variants. Created by ZeeAk; myself, with the help of Who Da Camper. Download Urban Foliage
Zeeak, this thread is not for map submissions, Here! is a link to the thread for submissions, this one is solely for discussion. When you submit your map there follow these instructions below, no pictures are necessary, sorry. 1) Save map 2) Put map on fileshare 3) Go to Bungie.net 4) Go to your halo 3 page 5) Go to your fileshare in said page 6) Copy url (at top of page) 7) Go to this thread: Here! 8) Then enter your map, in the following format: User Name(s): Example text Map Name: (Name must link to map) Did you read and follow instructions: yes/no Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: yes/no & explanation. 9) When you post your map on the "Map Name" section, type in "Map name here[/url.] (without the period.)
I do believe that if a map is posted here, it is disqualified. Is that the rule Tex? I'll have to go back and read the opening post
lol...It's damn close to saying that, but it doesn't specifically say "disqualified if you post your map here" it just says, "rules are non-negotiable" & "Must submit maps at the following thread *sub thread*" This brings up a good point linou... I will let this one slide...but anymore in the future (after i edit the op) will be disqualified.
But I reckon the person should be given a little time to remove it and repost it in the correct thread. But if they fail to do so within a certain amount of time, all maps submitted by them are not judged. July 4, is coming, slowly but surely.
I pmed him, giving him the chance to post it in the correct place, as for deleting it, i'm not particularly worried about it... Anyways, I now have specified in the op that any incorrect applications/places post will lead to disqualification, so no worries in the future. *Sorry to any personal friends, this means you too, but generally, my friends are smart enough to read an original post =]
I know that we are supposed to link to a bungie net thread in the submission thread, but does posting our map on FH get us disqualified, you said we shouldn't, but never said it would disqualify us.
no, that was merely a suggestion, it will not get you disqualified... I just hate seeing tons of spam posts in a map thread saying "ZOMG INTARLOKANG PL0X" you know?
I know, that's seriously an epidemic here. If I post it on FH I'll make sure I put in big letters that it was supposed to be made withour interlocking
really whenever i went into a custom to play it, i had to tell everybody that there is no interlocking. so gobbles, i validate your opinion.