Debate Central This Thread will contain information about the debates. If you are looking for the Rules you are in the wrong place, this will act as more of a directory for Current and Past debates. There will also be a featured debate of the week. Debate of the Week People Eating Tasty Animals Current Debates Same Sex Marriage Should Children Play Halo 3? Presidential Election Marijuana Stem Cell Research Capital Punishment People Eating Tasty Animals Abortion Flight or Invisibility Smoking War in Iraq Religion Are We Alone Seat belt laws Past Debates Batman
Lol, I like the "database" idea, but I can see some people kicking and screaming because their thread isn't on there, great thinking though Tx
I have decided on featuring one Debate each week. You can give input on what you think the next week's should be. The debates may or may not be stickied. I still haven't decided.
That's a good idea. But I expect this forum to die down a bit in a few days, when everyone has had their fill of posting their opinions on serious subjects. Hopefully the major ones can stay interesting and informative. Have you thought about doing a "debate recap" when you feature it? Perhaps quote some major statements and facts. Present some strong arguments that both sides have posted?
I think this thread is a really great idea, it will help to make the debate forum more coherent and prevent topics coming up again and again (as far as possible anyway, some people just don't read stickies..) and its good to see it appearing so soon after the forum's creation, it means the staff can stay on top of this forum which I think could grow pretty fast. I really love this new forum as I love to debate. I think the community has proven this forum's value already- loads of really interesting topics have come up and the vast majority of the discussion has been reasoned and intelligent. Only a small minority of posts are aggressive or bigoted and I really hope this forum survives its trial period.
Can you put Zune vs. iPod on the list? I don't see it being inforced, and I really do not see a need.
the only thing in this thread thats useful is debate of the week. since there are other threads, and if people want to know what threads there are they can just scroll through instead of opening this and lookng