Hey, I used to play runescape back in the day. I have multiple accounts, my first user name was element680 but I no loner play. Jagex ruined the game and it was not so great to begin with even though a new graphics engine will be coming out soon. post your user names here and favorite past times. Please move to "Gaming Discussion".
i loved that game, but i quit before they screwed it up by not being able to trade more than 20k and taking out the wilderness...
haha. who DIDNT play runescape really? that was like the biggest game 2-3years ago. i played untill like 47 and stopped right after house making had been out for a little because my membership was up and my parents wouldnt pay it again and i deffinitly wasnt going to xD but Jagex came a long way to ruin everything by doing what they did. every once in awhile ill go see whats going on.
I have to admit that I used to play it. Although, I was probably a bad player. By that I mean that I broke a lot of rules. Account stealing. Multiple people on one account. Real world item trading. You know, the works. My friend and I got to like level 120 with a few 99's. Glad I gave it up though.
Wow, Runescape. That name brings back some memories. I once jacked 58m as a middleman for scythe.org during an account trade. Man, I made like 5 accounts with that. I even had one Pker who was 99atk, 1def, 99str, like 80mage, 80range, and 99HP. Man, those were the days. I'm glad Fagex destroyed the game, it was too addicting.
World of Warcraft is Addicting. Crack is addicting. but I mean comeon, Runescape?! Try out for the basketball team...or...Play WoW >.>