well im pretty sure it was intentional lol SOMEONE had to have put it there. creeeeeEeEeeeeEEEeeeEeEeEEeepy
Gah, I'm sorry. It's just stuff like this annoys me, because its kind of like that movie '23'. He only saw the number 23 because he was looking for it, same with these images. Sorry to fly off the handle, I'll stay out of this thread.
Wow that's really crazy. I noticed the other day that the dents on the back of the dumpsters look like eyes o.0
Whether or not this qualifies as an easter egg is debatable. I'd say something like the jerk store grunt or the Snowbound Loonie is an easter egg, but not this. More like an odd texture coincidence.
Halo 3 - Snowbound Loonie by ~Pyro117 on deviantART OM7G - 7he Guardians: Halo 3: Canadian loonie frozen under Snowbound
wow i could barely c it in the first pic, but im not to surprised after seing all those ghost on foundry videos on youtube, but well done for noticing
do you people stillthink that there are faces? how lmuch does it take to convince you that the faces are just repeated textures, mirror images. Gosh.
Bungie has been known to put little things like that into there games. I'll post some examples in a sec.
I only read the title then the pic and thought I saw a scorpion head. Although this does sound more like that phenomenon where you subconsciously want/try to see a face.