This is a game based on an elementary school type P.E. Game. There is one person that is "IT" (Otherwise known as the ALPHA ZOMBIE) then the rest of the people have to run to the other side without being "tagged" (killed). If the Alpha Zombie kills someone then they are "it". Keep going until all people or "it", or if the non- zombies kill all the other zombies more than 3x. Works with 2-16 people. Game type below. After you kill the zombie you have 10 seconds to get to the other side and turn around. Once he responds you have to run to the other side. Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game type: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Sharks and Minos game arena Random photos: I UNDERSTAND THIS IS AN EASY MAP! IT WAS JUST FUN TO PLAY WITH IN A HUGE PARTY!
I don't see the point in the random pics other than to waste our time and the walls used for the boundaries are quite messy, and low. It looks simple to escape.
Does the gametype have any restrictions on jumping and/or excludes grenades, because yes, it looks very easy to escape
This map is completely bare, looks like it took 1 minute to make, I mean after all it is just a big wall thats quite low annd easy to jump over. Also, it appears that honor rules are required to do this. honor rules are generally frowned upon. Sorry if this was a little harsh, but try spending a little more time on your maps before posting. Look at the Forging 101 section to learn a couple tips for making maps. I'm sure you have great potential, just try a little harder next time. -MattDGiant P.S. You spelled "Minnows" wrong.
Doesn't the description for a mini game say somthing about honor rule games go here because i think it is although i do agree if there are no honor rules it is better