
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Phreakie, Jun 21, 2008.

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  1. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    " This Map is The ****!!!", Crosfire 007
    Brave archaeologists discovered these ruins.
    The grounds are now disputed. By TheDarkestVoid

    Description: Ruins is my first BTB map. Its also one that has taken the most work. This map took me at least 15 hours of work total. I worked on it after school everyday. Ruins is a one-sided, asymettrical map. It consists of a large cliffside (Defender's Side), a bridge/bunker runs through the center of the map, and lastly a small base for the attackers. For this map I used a number of forging techniques. All the double boxes that are at the back of the map are seemlessly interlocked and geo-merged. The hallway of the map is blocked off and the bridge running on the top of the map is not accessable. It is meant for an aesthetic feature of the map. Please read more.

    Download Ruins

    Weapon List:
    #x weapon/time/start/clips
    2x sniper rifles/120sec/yes/2clips
    2x shotguns/120sec/yes/1clips
    8x battle rifles/30sec/yes/2clips
    1x spartan laser/120sec/yes/BATTERY
    2x plasma pistols/30sec/yes/BATTERY
    1x brute shot/60sec/yes/2clips
    4x SMG/30sec/yes/1clips
    2x spiker/30sec/yes/2clips
    4x plasma rifle/30sec/BATTERY

    Equipment List:
    #x weapon/time/start/clips
    12x Frag Grenades/10sec/yes
    12x Spike Grenades/10/yes
    1x Regenerator/120sec/no
    1x Grav Lift/90sec/yes
    2x Bubble Shield/90sec/yes

    Vehicle List:
    #x weapon/time/start/clips
    4x Mongoose/60sec/yes
    1x Chopper/120sec/no

    Gametypes Compatible:
    Team Slayer
    One Flag
    Multi Flag
    One Bomb
    Neutral Bomb

    Overview Pictures(sorry, no Foundry Designer Layout)

    Overview 1 (Cliffside)

    Overview 2

    Closer look of Cliffside sniper post

    Attackers sniper post be smart to get up there

    Back of Attackers Camp

    Small tunnel to surprise the defenders

    Capture the Flag (One Flag)

    The Battle Begins...

    In The Tunnel...

    Lasers FTW!!!

    I Want your Flag right now Bish!!!

    Flag Beats Chopper!!!??

    Assault (One Bomb)

    30 secs into the game...

    Bomb 'Voyage!!!

    He can Fly!!!

    2 Reds 1 Bullet (the 2 red bodies next to the blue dude)

    Achievement Unlocked: Mongoose Mowdown!!!

    Hope you enjoy the map!!! Any comments Bad or Good, are appreciated and please rate my post on Bnet and Forgehub. 5 stars FTW XD.
    #1 Phreakie, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2008
  2. loadin shells

    loadin shells Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks cool, I'll download this, only thing is in your screen shots you may want to show less action and more of the map.
  3. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    THIS LOOKS AWSOME!!! Great job dude..! I love the whole concept of it. You did a great job I like the arc alot in the middle also it looks like a map that would rock for Team Snipers etc... nice job once again
  4. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    Expertly interlocked to create what appears to be a great playing environment. I love a map with a sniper rifle. Are you sure it was the flag carrier who beat down chopper dude? Talk about a hodgepodge post!
  5. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    lol vinco i agree
    anyways onto the map....
    one its pretty freakin cool, and i think the team snipers game or maybe even team splazrs or team rocketlawnchairs would be epic. nice map, i will check it out
  6. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    i totally agree with him if u show us more layout pics u might get more dl's... personally i like seeing pictures of the layout not actual gameplay... hope you take my advice!
    Great map 4/5 because its not very original ( i.e. 2 bases and something in the middle)
    Great interlocking as well! any geo-merging ? now thats wut i love!
  7. XBlackDarknessX

    XBlackDarknessX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it looks good for capture the flag for how you seprated it in half and the interlocking and geomerging looks sweet
  8. thrame1807

    thrame1807 Ancient
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    But you need to improve on screenshots I could hardly make heads or tails of the map less action more map
  9. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    alright i will get on it right now ill take some forge screenshots and edit my post thank you guys for the ratings
  10. Sn1pInGmOfO

    Sn1pInGmOfO Ancient
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    um... i don't want to be a downer but could you make the beginning text bigger. please.
  11. Pacific State7

    Pacific State7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    o_O" no ty... it looks neater this way great map btw
    #11 Pacific State7, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  12. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    i see you used afew features that are in my curbstomp map.......

    i think thats kinda rude i didnt get asked to use that feature... it just seems kinda aperant that it was b/c of my map.
    #12 Blaze, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  13. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    as the looks of it, this map is pretty sweet
    One thing i would consider is that your font goes up atleast one size, i for the record am not that old lol, but some members may be and its hard to read such fine print.

    One concern i had about this map is the bases, some people may complain about capture the flag because they are not the same, i would agree that the closed in base probably has alot more cover for that team to camp in, idk personally becasue i havent played this map yet, but i would take this into consideration
  14. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Yes i used the arch feature from curbstomp i didnt think it would be a problem since it has been done before im sorry if it offended you D:

    Alright ill change the font gimme a sec
  15. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Believe me when I say that I rarely complain about specific things. I hate to, because it causes crap and people don't normally take it well. Don't even take this as you being the only one who does it, because you're not. I've seen it done too many times, and I guess it's just always gotten on my nerves. I've always felt my presence on ForgeHub to be for the purpose of bettering my Forging skills and doing what I can to better that of others.

    That being said, it seems a bit fruitless to request a 5-star rating. I honestly love this. You seriously put some work into the geo-merging, and you gave me a great idea for Team NN's next project. I just can't help but complain. If you post here, let it be for the desire of learning and building off of others Forgers, don't do it for the purpose of getting your maps rated high or anything of the sort.
  16. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    its np.. i just would have liked if you would have said something about it.. btw did you even comment on the map? if not that would be apriciated.

    i noticed i didnt.. so here goes.. the geomerging is great and the layout looks pretty original for the bases it looks like the features you used worked well, good job
  17. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes i posted on your map but i cant seem to find the post i downloaded it too and i remember putting great map its about time maps like this came out, or something along those lines idk

    EDIT: woops i did a double post my bad
  18. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    i enjoyed this map pretty good 5/5 nice job on it
  19. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    oki doki thank you.. just wandering.. since this was a double post you may want to edit and delete so no1 yells.. keep up the good forging and if you ever need any ideas just ask. :-D
  20. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Ya i just deleted the second post im playin ur map right now shotty snipes BTW :p
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