High Altitude

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Cato IV, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    This is my first posted map and like with everything I do I left it until the last minute. I'm going to camp for three weeks tomorrow and I've been away recently on vacation so the is kind of rushed--this difference in quality between the tunnel and attackers base is huge. ANyway, enough excuses for why half the map is sloppy, on with the map itself.


    The Story so far...

    It has been twenty years since the covenant and flood were destroyed once and for all. Recently, probes have discovered a new forerunner ruin hidden on the top of a mountain on the icey planet Harvest. When an investigative team of spartans from the rekindled program arrived, half the team was sent inside to do some exploration while the other half remained outside making short work of the meager sentinel force that had been left to guard the place. The exploration team found a new and strange technology at the center of the structure. What appeared before them was a triangular screen that allowed each spartan to see through the eyes of one of his fellows.
    Aparently they discovered a forerunner research facility that was trying to develop a technology capable of tapping into, and possibly controlling, the mind of other organisms. Before the goal could be completed, the flood landed on Harvest and threatened to destroy the unfinnished mechanism before it could be used on the Gravemind. In an act of desperation, the scientists in charge ordered the entrance to the facility destroyed and the whole place buried under a sentinel beam induced avalanche be employed to hide their work from view under heaps of snow.

    Their sarifice payed off. The flood came and went, killing all of the forerunners on the planet, but leaving the planets most valuable secret untouched. Years later when the covenant discovered the planet the facility was near destruction once again. A section of the planet near the facility was glassed, melting all the snow and exposing it to the naked eye. Now,years laters, new invaders have arrived to threaten the facility
    Commander Sanders blinked. He had no idea how all this information had gotten into his brain. All he knew was that the master was under attack and had to be protected. He grabbed a sentinel beam and led his spartan squad out of the chamber. He looked down at the oddly familiar invaders who had just finnished dispensing with his fellow robotic protectors. One of them, Jeff, raised an arm in salute. Sanders didn't know how he knew the man's name and he didn't care. All he knew was that the man threatened the master. Sanders brought his gun to bear and fired a solid jet of orange right into the chest of his former squadmate.


    Okay, so as you may have inferred the map's gameplay focuses on asymmetrical gametypes between the brain controlled spartans(defenders) and their comrades(attackers.) The objective for the attackers depends on the game type. In Team slayer they just try to kill their comrades and save there own butts. In assault they try to destroy the device in order to return their brothers in arms to sanity. And in CTF they try to capture the device and escape back to earth with it.

    1v1 to 4v4, 2v2 recommended

    Weapons List:
    x1 Sniper
    x1 Mauler
    x3 Sentinel Beam
    x2 BR
    x2 spike nades
    x1 Grav Lift

    Before any1 asks, yes, there is a triangular screen on the map that lets you screen cheat on a randomly(afaik) selected other player. BUT, you have to be playing locally with them for it to work. I have not tested it for system link. If there is no player playing locally with you the screen will display phsycedelic-looking foreunner static. Just below the screen is an invisble death floor through which you can see a section of avalnche. When you try to take pics of the triangle it turns solid blue so you have to DOWNLOAD to get the full effect.


    Now wait, you might say, where in hell IS this map?


    Anymore questions?
    "Yea, how did u manage to get a map up there?"

    I went into spark mode and hovered as far up as I could next to the structure highlighted in the above pic. Then I used the save and quit method to place a receiver node above the ceiling barrier but below the kill barrier. After that, I used SnQ to consctruct a small map on top of the forerunner structure, dieing via death barrier about a thousand times and finding the screen cheat glitch in the process.


    view of defenders' base taken just above the screen cheat triangle. there are platforms for viewing the triagle while underfire

    sentinel beam fire from the top of defender base overlooking attackers base(the sloppiest part of the map)

    For more pics go to my screenshots here

    A Brief Tutorial On How Not To Die

    1. On about 2/3 of the map if you are in the air above head level for more than 5 secs the guardians will kill you. For this reason, when you are on attackers' base side DO NOT JUMP TWO TIMES IN A ROW. I have purposely laid this area of the map out in a way that requires little to no jumping, so unless you dont read this you will be absolutely fine. This something that's really fun not to tell your friends. It also makes the gravlift a lethal weapon in most situations, which adds a nice gameplay twist. The line behind which u can jump 2 or more times in a row without dieing is the MIDDLE OF THE TUNNEL--IF YOU ARE BEWTEEN THERE AND THE TRIANGLE YOU CAN JUMP AS MUCH AS YOU WANT. The actual line is a little closer to attackers base.


    4. IF YOU FALL INTO A TIGHT SPACE BETWEEN WALLS OF THE FORERUNNER STRUCTURE GO DOWNHILL WHERE FLAME GRENADES ARE WAITING TO KILL YOU. I tried to use a death teleporter instead but the space there is too confined. You will know the area I'm talking about if u fall there.

    Version 2 with fixes/more polished floors plus Extended Tutorial with video on kill barriers coming in July.
    #1 Cato IV, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  2. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    ok i understand.. but still expect people to say that stuff
    people will still say that becasue people will see no pictures and will imediatly post that this doesnt meeet standards and stuff.... hope u fix stuff soon .. i wanna see your map!
    Good Luck
  3. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    I'm disusted at the person who voted this map 1* when he hasn't even posted it... Who ever did that tell me who you are so I can flame you accordingly and -Rep you untill your leg falls off. Btw ill wait around to see this map :)

    *Edit* This map is quite original although I've seen this done before never to this extent of forgings the others were sloppy not well thought out and sucked. This however seems to be well planed it has a good backstory and looks awesomly fun - You got my bandwith!11
    #3 Chicken Dippah, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
    DRiSCOLL likes this.
  4. bootyslayer4

    bootyslayer4 Ancient
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    I gave it 5 to try to even out the 1 star.
  5. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    ooh thats embarrasing, but its no problem, i will wait for the map
  6. SDV

    SDV Ancient
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    Needs pictures, lol just joking... take your time
  7. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    more pictures would hlep me see the whole map! Looks pretty good so far
  8. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I LOVE the dome thing in the middle erm.. middle? anyways it looks great from what i can see and i look forward to downloading it
  9. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    err um the dl is missing or else make it more visible lol
  10. XBlackDarknessX

    XBlackDarknessX Ancient
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    its a nice looking map from what i see so far but i suggest more pictures to show how well the map is made and where it really is
  11. Verno

    Verno Ancient
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    Wow, nice story, very believable.
  12. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Great story, great idea....I was going to make a map up there but the death barriers foiled my efforts. What did you do about the death barriers? I only see one pic of the real map.....maybe you should add some more so people can get a better perspective of what the map looks like. Besides all that, good idea! 4/5
  13. Prophet of Heresy

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  14. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    the map looks cool, and i love where it is, nice interlocking, nicely done
  15. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    Glad you guys like it so far. I'm adding pics and explanations as fast as image shack and my fingers respectively can provide them.

    As for getting past the kill barriers, that took a LONG time with lots of trial and error and I intend to write a tut about how exactly the barriers on this part of avalanche work in three weeks if there's still a demand for one. The time I spent getting killed by the guardians is probably twice as much as the time I actaully spent making the map.
  16. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Can't really tell much from the one pic you gave us, but this looks interesting. It's good to see some creativity.

    I think I'm either in for a pleasant surprise or a huge disappointment, I'll DL and get back to you on which.
  17. silentPERFECT

    silentPERFECT Ancient

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    its not really a good idea, every time i jump i die other than that 5/5 but overall 3/5 bc gameplay is going to suck hard
  18. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    this is awsome looking as far as i can see. amazingly original and great spot :-D i love it.
  19. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    that's what I thought at first, but once you know how the death barriers work it's very easy to navigate. I'm gonna add some basic death barrier survival tips to the OP right before I go to bed.

    On the plus side of the ceiling death barrier you're referring to, the gravlift becomes a deadly weapon.
  20. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    sorry for DP but it's been 3 weeks

    I'm really disappointed I didnt get more feedback on this. I guess it slipped to page 2 overnight and slowly went down. I really put a lot of effort on this so every1 who DLed please comment

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