Police State

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by loadin shells, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. loadin shells

    loadin shells Ancient
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    Map Title: Police State
    Maintain Order

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    This map seeks to simulate a riot or open rebellion breaking out in a city. The Zombies are "Rebels/Rioters" and the Humans are "Police".
    It is designed so that the ground level streets are very dangerous places to be, covered by turrets and open to deadly fire from above.
    However, certain blocks make it somewhat tricky to get indoors and to relative safety, and a better firing spot.
    This simulates the struggle of someone caught in an actual riot to find safety and shelter. Weapons are designed to simulate human, urban weapons, so you will find no really power weapons and very few alien weapons (spikers are the only ones). Fire bombs are used to simulate Molotov Cocktails (homemade fire bombs).

    Some things to know about the gametype:
    --The Rebels (Zombies) and Police (Humans) both start with equal teams (starting zombies 50%).
    --The Zombies have no shields and start with Shotguns and Magnums, and can pick up weapons but can not use vehicles. They are green to represent camoflauge clothing. The shotguns make them good at ambushing opponents.
    --Humans start with SMGs and Magnums. They are black to represent Armor and riot gear. They have shields and the last man standing becomes particularly deadly, but has a waypoint over his head. Their SMGs are effective at mowing down zombies especially at close range, and their magnums can pick off Rioters at greater distances, so it is recommended Zombies a attempt to be clever.

    Here is One of the streets, which, as you can see, can be slow to navigate and has many spots for ambushes, not to mention a turret is there for police to mow down rioters.

    Here is another street. As you see the large, warehouse like building, has its main front entrance blocked off, making it a highly defensible position that can be valuable if captured but potentially difficult to access or capture. The street itself is littered with debris from the civil unrest.


    Here you can see another of the machine guns, watching over the streets. You can also see a watch tower, perfect for picking off enemies, and a toppled watch tower that provides cover and decoration. There is also one an Elite "Cop" leaping over a pipe, as you can see Police are forced color: black.


    "Watchtower 1" the telporters allow access, and an assault rifle, battle rifle and trip mine provide security.

    Here is another turret position at a Police Roadblock and spawn area. The turret is deadly but its field of fire is somewhat limited. Note the flamethrower, good for torching government buildings or mercilessly slaughtering protesters, but this weapon's limited mobility will cause the wielder a lot of danger.


    Beware: This turret has its back towards the Rebel base so it can be risky to use.

    Here is another Police Roadblock with a traffic jam of mongese lined up in front of it, and a turret covering it. Inside are human spawn points that will rarely come into play and a trip mine. Beware: Rioters are pretty well equipped with grenades.


    The Hideout
    Here is the hideout where the Rioters/Rebels/Zombies will start and respawn USUALLY. A respawn area, prevents spawn killing, so dont worry about that. As you can see there is a bunch of items to in the entrances of the hideout, you provide cover, concealment and ease of defense.


    Under this bridge is the back entrance to the rebel hideout, and a radar jammer, that the rioters may find very useful.


    Here are a few pictures of the inside of the rebel hideout. Inside are the following weapons:
    1 SMG, 2 Magnums, 2 Maulers, 1 Firebomb (45 second respawn), 1 Firebomb (60) respawn.





    This area will likely find itself heavily traveled by rioters trying to sneak around some of the more obvious defensible areas. In this area is a plasma turret, a trip mine (on the top tower), an assault rifle, and 2 frag grenades.




    Blocked Routes
    Many doorways, paths and rooms have been blocked of to change the flow of the map.




    Special Notes

    The Divider shown above is intentionally not perfect, it is very poosible to fight through it.


    This map may seem like a campers paradise, which is why Rioters have Firebombs...


    Well thats just about all folks...

    Please, please, please contact me or reply with any questions, feedback or constructive criticism.

    This is my first completed finalized, posted map hopefully with more to come.

    -Stephan (loadin shells)

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  2. Av917

    Av917 Ancient
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    Wow this is an amazing map forge on an almost never used map. I give it a 5/5. This map is almost beter than the orginal. Thxs for the post
  3. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    looks good, and i think that the cops n robbers gametype is very old, but the map is neyond that. i think it would be fun with FFA or slayer.....looks good, ill check it out
  4. loadin shells

    loadin shells Ancient
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    Ah yes, forgot to mention that, it would indeed work with slayer.
  5. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    Holy guacamole (possibly misspelled). This map is very detailed and is one of the perfect exceptions to interlocking. Its a riot, folks! Anyway, good job, you made a map that is relatively not easy to forge on and turned it into a map with a wonderful story to it.
  6. XBlackDarknessX

    XBlackDarknessX Ancient
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    the map looks neat for fighting it may hhave not been forge to the best but the walk ways up in the trees and all the pictures you hae makes it look sweet
  7. thrame1807

    thrame1807 Ancient
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    Well and I thought I was the only on doing that I'm doing a map called police hedquarters(in progress) very nice I'll try it
  8. SpoRkeR

    SpoRkeR Ancient
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    From first glimpse of the screen shots it looked like a map cluttered with useless items, however, after I downloaded it and looked I have changed my mind completely. This is a very well thought out map (for a giant clutter of riot stuff) and it looks interesting to play on, I cannot wait to play some cops and robbers on it.
  9. loadin shells

    loadin shells Ancient
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    for the sake of improving this and future maps, exactly what was wrong with the forging?
  10. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    looks like a good ghost town map, nice job
  11. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Looks Sweet.

  12. spartan LXIV

    spartan LXIV Ancient
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    Oh my god this map put me to tears when I saw it. It was so creative, I love it so much. Nice job on ghost town, forging is hard and coming to a conclusion with this great map left me very satisfied.
  13. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    this doesn't even looks like ghost map your positioning of **** made it look completely different 4/5
  14. squ33f

    squ33f Ancient
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    no offense but the map is a little sloppy. Now, I don't know if you did this on purpose or what. So my rating is 2/5.
  15. loadin shells

    loadin shells Ancient
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    Honestly I can't disagree with you, some of it is intentional, some not so much, because it is one of the first maps I made, I have some that are neater hopefully I will post them soon.
  16. RaidBlitz

    RaidBlitz Ancient
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    I think that the Humans should be zombies instead of the other way round. Other than that, good map.

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