Debate Marijuana...v2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Titmar, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    Ok if your asking me do I think Marijuana should be legal - My opinion is no. The reasons for me saying no to Marijuana is over very long peroids of time it makes people slowers to react to things (Which is problem whilst driving, and physical sports) another main contributing factor of why I think it should not be legalised in ENGLAND is that regular users I know from personal experience become and are constantly over paranoid.

    All the pot heads I know say to me "yeah weed is great can't wait to get home to smoke the doobie you coming?" or stuff to that effect and on a general basis I will refuse because I don't think weed is as great buzz as some things in life and I also know that in England its a Class B drug nowadays and I can't risk the Up to five years in prison or an unlimited fine or both due to I have already recieved a caution (For theft when I was much younger) which lasts untill I'm 18 - Any criminal offence for me means I have to go to a court and get prosecuted possibly.

    Paranoia - I know many people think that it never happens to Marjiuana Smokers ever but from yet again personal experiences I know many people who used to be talented footballers(Soccer) and played for CFC (Chelsea Football Club, A high ranking premiership club). But after smoking weed almost everyday and I'm saying an 1/8 a day between 3 of them - They started to change failed all of their exams which were hoping to be prosperous and generally suck as people know. This also links to the fact that not one of my three friends can play football (soccer) for love nor' glory without stopping halfway through to have a joint or ciggerette.

    Now don't get me wrong I have smoked Marijuana several times - recently too we went camping near a lake and had roughly 2 ounces and yes we all got completly ruined and had a great time, But doing that alot and if that was legalised ALL of my friends would be like my three pot head friends and life would be dull. Which is why I think legalising it will result in a very boring life but smoking it occasionally is certainly not acceptable but certainly do-able. :)
  2. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    That makes zero sense. You're saying people buy weed from drug dealers for the dealers, not for the weed.
  3. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    So they couldn't buy it from a dealer out of pity?
  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    with marijuana legalized, stricter control would be kept on it and it would be harder for young kids to obtain. As of now, anyone can get it at anytime. I know a lot of you little children probably dont realize how easy it is to find, but it is, and its not always being sold by "gang members on the streets"

    Yes, i smoke it. I don't let it affect my day to day life though.
  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    I smoke marijuana on an almost daily basis.

    However, i dont smoke it during the day time.
    I dont let it affect my job, and i dont let it affect my school.

    When i have **** to get done, i get it done.
    Then, i smoke at night time to mellow out and relax before bed.

    D.A.R.E. lied to you kids. FYI.
  6. IcexBullet

    IcexBullet Ancient
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    How can marijuana users follow all these rules if "marijuana’s adverse impact on learning and memory can last for days or weeks after the acute effects of the drug wear off. As a result, someone who smokes marijuana every day may be functioning at a suboptimal intellectual level all of the time." (NIDA) The prohibition laws are meant to keep people from endangering themselves and others. There's always gonna be somebody that will use it irresponsibly.
  7. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Yes Pred, there was a thread in off topic.

    from personal experience i can tell you this is not true.
    Orangeremi likes this.
  8. IcexBullet

    IcexBullet Ancient
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    So your telling me that hundreds of researches are all wrong based on your personal experience?
  9. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Yeah. I'm sure many tests have proved this before
  10. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    its subjectional. thats what im telling you.
    and a lot of that garbage is just anti-drug propaganda. remember, the whole failed "war on drugs" and whatnot... or wait... thats right, you're probably too young to remember that.

    btw did anyone hear that DARE got their funding cut? HAHA. I wonder why...?
    They are peddling for money outside grocery stores in my area now.

    Anyway, IceBullet...

    Someone like myself, who smokes at nighttime as a recreational practice, marijuana does not affect me in the way that you are saying. I still have my wit, memory, and intelligence. It does not affect my daily motivation either.

    However, like i said it is subjectional. Taking a look back at myself in High School, when i was high all day every day, on more drugs than just pot, yes my memory was affected by it.

    But thinking about it more, I might go so far as to say my memory was not actually hurt by it, its just that i didnt give a **** enough to listen or pay attention in school at all. Which brings me back to what i said earlier in this thread, about marijuana's real dangers: the fact that it basically removes all your motivation to do anything productive, and that you just want to chill on the couch and play videogames.

    No need to get all defensive brosef.
  11. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Pot should be decriminalized because the penalty for getting caught is much worse than the damage done by the drug. 34% of Americans have tried marijuana at least once. By current standards, 34% of Americans would be in jail.

    If you're really afraid that if weed becomes legal that people around you will be "functioning at a suboptimal intellectual level all of the time", you need to educate yourself more because that is 100% false. I don't care what your source says.
  12. IcexBullet

    IcexBullet Ancient
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    I'm not saying that every person gets greatly affected but there's exceptions. Some people will hardly be affected and others greatly affected. I vote no on Marijuana because of the people that are greatly affected. Marijuana is addicting and it has negative effects, you can't deny that. You don't know how old I am anyway.
  13. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Sorry, not taking the time to read the 6 pages prior to my post, BUT:

    I've got a mouthful to say...god damn don't know where to start...

    Well I guess I'll begin with the beginning...How it became illegal (if you want legit source...fine...but I'm not even going to quote them, I'm going by what I already know...Why Illegal Source. P.S. This is only one source, there are many.)

    Marijuana is illegal because back during war times, American men(more specifically Texan men) were becoming "patriotic" and wanted to fight for their country, so they shipped out to war(Which war, I do not recall but it was around the 1900's, please don't flame for such a minuscule bit of information being missing...). Of course, then the women were left to take care of the crops, though, the women couldn't exactly take care of this on their own. So they brought in Mexican working men, at an (at the time) actually fair price...The Mexicans worked for a good while, til they earned enough money to actually buy the land.

    Now, the Mexicans owned the land that the (original) farmers owned. The Mexicans from that point were wanting to make more money then just selling the standard beans, corn, wheat and etc. so they started cropping hemp. A crop that wasn't at the time used specifically for smoking purposes, it was more for more traditional purposes such as rope, clothes, sacks, etc. (source here: Yes, it is a wiki source, but this one isn't that important, and people should have a general knowledge on wiki about hemp...)

    So once the Mexicans have this up & going, the original farmers are starting to come back from the war, and they are realizing their land is gone, so, they are rather pissed, and want to get it back...Instead of buying it back, what do you think they did? Two things: Yellow Journalism, and the making of marijuana illegal.

    Now the Mexicans are all in jail, and the land is up for sale at a cheaper price to the original farmers...Hurray Greed.


    What good does that do us today?

    Well...None, the criminalization of marijuana does us all no good, in fact it does us all a lot of harm, for instance, families are broken, marijuana is now a "gateway drug", people become "unmotivated" to get jobs (imho) simply because they can't pass a drug test, these are a few small things, but I do know there are more, I will now touch base on each individual thing I just pointed out.

    Families are broken:

    Just as a personal example, I've been arrested for distribution of two ounces to a federal officer (haha, i know right? how could i be so's easier to have happen to you then you think...). The end result of all this is over $4,000 dollars (2,500 in lawyer, 1,500 in random expenses such as gas, and etc...) to a whole lot of nothing...This has obviously hurt myself, and my family in a deep manner...They don't trust me, and I can't get out of the ****ing house.
    I know this doesn't mean that my family is "broken" but it's just an example

    My Favorite...Marijuana is a "Gateway Drug":

    Marijuana is a "Gateway Drug" soley due to the fact that we are not permitted to go to the gas station or a corner store and buy the ****, if we didn't have to sneak around and hit up our dealers to get this stuff, then we would not be meeting with some schmuck who is going to try to make money off of us...What I mean exactly is, when you go to your dealer, he is truly trying to make money...So what does a "dealer" (even a car dealer/appliance salesman/etc.) try to do? piddle off what they have at a price that you can't refuse or because it's going to be so much better then the product you already have...(for an even further example, you go to your dealer for weed, he has none, but he has something that will get you "even higher" then weed, (for example...cocaine) then you give it a go...BAM you're addicted to the other something...(please note this is an extreme example...just pointing out what i'm trying to say)

    Lack of Motivation to get a Job:

    Some people say stoners are just flat out lazy...Well some are, but mostly a stoner is someone who is just relaxing...taking off the edge if you will...Though the biggest problem with that stoner trying to get a job is the fact that they are screwed and have to take a drug test for the next job they are trying to get (hope that makes sense)


    Just an interesting fact, that I personally love:

    As a farmer, Washington grew marijuana on his farm and promoted it's growth. (In the 1790s, the crop was grown mainly for its industrial value as hemp and for soil stabilization. It was many years later that the recreational and illegal use of marijuana became popular.)

    - Source


    Where do I stand?

    Legalization? Decriminalization? Neither?

    I think the answer is very clear...but I stand for complete legalization.


    Also, I probably missed a few excellent points...but I just am getting too damn tired to think =[
    Shad0w Viper and Indie Anthias like this.
  14. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Well... distribution of 2 ounces to a cop vs. being a recreational smoker are two drastically different things. :)

    Marijuana is only psychologically addicting. Meaning that, only weakminded fools get addicted to it, and even then, they only think they need it. It is not physically addicting, there are no withdrawal symptoms. I've had to quit many times for job, and other various reasons, and I was not affected at all.

    And yes, marijuana does have negative effects on your health, after all, you are inhaling smoke.
  15. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    That's all you have to say =[

    Expected more from you tit...

    anyways...yes it's drastically different...but you completely sidestepped my whole point, also, if it were legal, I wouldn't have been selling it to begin with
    #35 Tex, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  16. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    yea i know but you typed so much and i dont feel like reading because im watching a movie right now lol

    oh yea, i forgot, who the hell calls it "zooted" ? i was laughin at that ****!
  17. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Well, please take the time to read it all later...and get back to me, I really am curious as to what you would have to say...other people feel the same way as you, "wall o text" = my eyes hurt



    #37 Tex, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  18. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    LOL, thanks for reminding me, that was the other point i forgot to mention...

    *add to other novel post getting off now..*

    Marijuana is still illegal because the government does not want to look like they made the wrong choice, they've already done it once by reversing the prohibition, and to legalize marijuana would be to say they've been wrong/lying all these years =] kthnxbai

    EDIT: Verno, why did you delete your post? It wasn't bad...wasn't great, but wasn't bad
    #38 Tex, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  19. Hashmeer

    Hashmeer Ancient
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    I smoked weed for about 4 years but im slowly quiting, it is some-what addictive and has long term effects to your short term memory, so I guess im not for it. :O
  20. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Uh....ok? What does college have to do with this? We basically said that we don't want to bother arguing this point any further. And I still have two years before I can go to college....

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