I was thinking about doing a conquest map but there is two problems... 1) What is Conquest? 2) Is Conquest competitive? 3) Are territories competitive?
This contest doesn't feel like it's for lazy people. It's so much harder trying to make something and get around using interlocking.
1) could someone else please explain this, i don't have much time to actually give a great definition 2) Absolutely 3) Absolutely lololol it's just catchy =]
For my map I just think of creative aesthetic touches that don't break the rules, but look like they do
Ima get one more post to be at askar then work on my lazy mapmaker contest submission, which I might finish before publishing my next minigame. Also I was thinking of making two more minigames, and all three would be in circular arenas and I would release them in a mappack all titled project O, then it would be the OOO Map pack (I won't though)
I guess you could say that...or a Classic Forge Contest...or or an Oldies Forge Contest... but I chose "lazy" cuz nowadays to not interlock is to be lazy, rofl I. Was. Not. Planning. On. Posting. For. A. While. But. You. Had. To. Say. This. Didn't. You.? Make a "Project" map...and you will be damned to a thousand damns...whatever that means...ooo i know, i will pm you a thousand times, simply saying: "Damn."
Lol don't worry I won't and I was supposed to post that in the 1000 thread. When I get XBL working I'll publish my map that I made especially for the contest on FH. I don't think I"ll say it was for the contest in the post and see if somebody says "it could use more interlocking"
lol i cant wait for July 4th!!! i have been waiting for this sooo long! it seems like the due date will never come!!!
I'm going to publish mine here first, but I don't want it to get encompassed by the sea of maps in the competitive section
People will say that...Guaranteed...Honestly there is no point posting it here...but that is just me... Don't post it here...just link it to the Submission Thread...under the required application please...or you will be disqualified... rofl...i can...there will be more maps that way =] rofloflofl pics aren't necessary, i personally would like to be surprised by them...I know the first one I go to, I'm gunna be like...OH EM GEE...nubs, this needs intarloking lawl rawful pwnt... (but seriously, i will not be judging unfairly, nor will i allow my other judges to...simply because of which map was judged first...we will be on the lookout for the best of the lazy maps throughout the whole judging process...)
Yea pics aren't necessary but I Kind of like to know what I'm getting into lol. But your contest, you're bag baby.
I know theres no interlocking allowed, but what about teleporters? I mean, they naturally interlock with themselves, so If i had two teleporters connected on my map would I be disqualified?