What is that teleporter barrier for? ... im pretty sure u can walk through it and drive through.. so wuts it for ? My only idea would be is that it stops bullets, but not people or vehicles? i wonder? Please explain... other that i really like your map and it looks like there IS ENOUGH COVER... and it looks like it will play very well. Great Work!
People were complaining about the lack of cover, so I needed something to shut them up, but it had to let vehicles through but not bullets, so I made up these, they also come in customisable shapes. WHO GAVE ME -REP for apparently lying(about what?)?!
Replying as to why there shouldn't be more cover with STFU is not helping at all, and just makes you look like a jerk. Onto the map... The map looks like it has no unity, but rather just a bunch of different pieces put together into one map.
omg stop harrassing him about no cover, its like saying Avalanche is a crappy map because there is no cover. ofcourse he would be like STFU, he says he made it that way, and its been tested. when someone who hasn't downloaded the map tells him from the pictures that it has no cover.. he would find that annoying wouldnt you all? [/rant] lol sorry, but geez
yeah he's allowed to do all that, but saying STFU is a bit much, just clearly state your intentions for it and it should be fine, there is no need to insult people about it.
yeah I guess so, for some reason I always think STFU means Stuff you, then I remember its an acronym(?)
Thats what I mean, he doesn't have to yell at people (yes I know we can't tell if he is, but have you ever heard someone say STFU calmly?). He can just say that upon testing there was plenty of cover.
For people that want more cover.... 1) Theres enough, the maps not gonna change just because you say so 2) if you DO need more cover, then you must not be very good. most people dont run around in open areas, so heres an idea, USE the structures he built to your advantage -and if you really MUST have more cover- 3) Download the map and add your own, post the map here and get flamed for map stealing lol sorry to sound rude, just trying to make a statment
I guess that was a bit immature, but never after gameplay have people complained about lack of cover.
I think this map is almost feature-worthy. The interlocking is very good. You did a great job with weapon placement, flag placement, and the nodes for arrows. Could i review this for my review crew ?
hhmmmm very abstract. very creative. nice map! you got my download. thanks for the amount of pictures i meen- OK, heres my map iv spent four years making, its perectly balanced, intricate, inovative, its my pride and joy....Ok so here are my 2 pictures of it. its good to finally get a good amount of pictures PS 2 pictures never gets a download. 12+a decent map will.
Its ok you dont sound rude at all... personally i like what u said! Your absulutly right! And it made me laugh lol hehe! Peace!
The map looks really well made. Great Interlocking and merging. The only thing that i dont like is the teleporters that block off the outside. I would sugest swapping those for double boxes to make the map look more professional. Other than that, great job. I like the map.
you do realise that it is still possible to escape (Apparently) and, again with the pointless offensive language?