This is a game for up to four players. If you have four then two will have to go first and then the next to will go later. There are two "golf" balls and you get a "driver", and a "putter". You hit the ball toward the hole which is off to the right of where the ball is. There is an unique pond in the middle. Use the gametype provided. Once you hit the ball in the hole then go back and wait for it to respond,when it does then it's the other person's turn. Keep track of your score and see who wins at the end of the 3 minute round. There are two "golf carts" and you have to keep them on the cart path provided. Have fun and enjoy golfing. Made by ayers11 and nick4423. DOWNLOAD MAP BELOW : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing DOWNLOAD GAME TYPE BELOW : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing OVERVIEW: FRONT BACK CLUBS: DRIVERS PUTTERS CARTS CART PATH TEES POND HOLE
It's very sloppy and could use interlocking, also i was hoping you had somehow made a game variant which you haven't. To neaten it up more put the boxes upside-down and interlock them slightly, this will make it neat and smooth. Also I'm guessing it will be easy to hit the ball over the walls. What would make this map legendary would be to make a ball return somehow. 2/5, I like the idea but the map needs quite alot of work EDIT: try using sideways shield doors as water on the pond, to make them float sideways hold them where you want and save, end and restart the game. It can be tricky lining up the shield doors but it will make it look more like a pond.
It was very fun to play, but I think 3:00 is too short. I would also suggest maybe making 17 other 'holes' on different maps and make a full course. The time limit should be unlimited, and host ends the game once the hole is finished and moves onto another hole.
This has been done before. It was interlocked, had a 'good' pond, the boxes were flipped, etc. This doesn't look too good. Sorry. If you want downloads, make it looks neat. _________ BTW, unique means nobody else has done it, like 1 of a kind. Not a hole with grav-lifts in it.
WEll I personally feel it looks like a fun and unique idea. I almost think interlocking the boxes would hurt the gameplay just because in real golf your not playing on a perfectly smooth surface. It adds a bit of challenge to the game I think. My only suggestion would be to make the walls higher so the ball doesn' tgo out of the map, and possibly put some sheild doors over the pond to create a 'water' effect.
i think this is a great idea, dont listen to these ********, they have proably never played a game of golf in there life, keep up the unique posts, and again dont listen to these ********, great map
I never said it wasn't a good idea. I have played Golf, it's not the best sport, but it's fun every once in a while. It's not a unique post if it's been done before, learn the word unique. You have one post, so I'm guessing you haven't seen a good map yet, so don't lie to him. Stop saying it's unique, unique means that it is one of a kind. If you want hills, then he should have interlocked them to make hills, look around the forums, there are a few maps that have hills, interlocked. A bump is different than a hill. I agree with you on the wall part though, I'm not mad at you or anything, mostly the guy I quoted first. At The Author: Use the Bold button instead of typing in all caps, it makes it look stupid. Instead of 'POND' It would be 'Pond.' _________________________________________- Don't get me wrong, I like the golf idea, but if your going to do it, try to make it better than the other one(s) out there, before posting it. If this was a genuine good try, then good job on making it, but once you get better, try making a V2.
Well, I think that it looks good for a try. You've done your part in supplying me with entertainment.
this is a really bad almost exact replica of the golf map posted in the minigame map pack 1. i think if you made something a little more different then the golf map already posted and made it look more realistic you would get beter feedback.
that is a cool map i suggest you should of interlocked your boxes fliped upside down to make the map look way better and so that the floor looks like one
Agreed. It's been done before and done better before. You didn't interlock well, and the course seems very plain.
if its neat and the boxes are upside down and interlocked and have real water ponds(shield doors) and has the out of bounds feuture than it is a ultra great mini-game.
uv got the right idea but u could hav turned and interlocked the boxes and interlocked the bridges, overall its ok i hope to c a version 2
DrRiSCOLL, you really should try to type normally. There is a spell check option for a reason. I realize you're not a junior member or anything, but when I read your comment, I just thought, Hey, a Junior Member, because of the grammar. A little weird that I thought that based on spelling and grammar, but you get my point.
looks good but there are some better ones (ghost golf for expample)because you might want to add more interlocking
wow when I first saw this thread I was sceptical but now I have seen it is amazing best golf map i've seen yet especially the tee off and the golf club idea nicely done well done but some parts of the map could be improved like the double boxes could be turned upside down like someone else said and not make it dead flat becuase there are no dead flat golf courses! make it bumpy but not staright upo bumpy angled bumby if you know what I mean. Eg _____|______|--------|_______| Not This _____|______|/------\|_______| Like This Turn Upside Down ^