What more could I want? My favorite vehicle combined with my favorite weapon mashed together with basically my favorite gametype...I'm in heaven. This map is awesome Vice, great job. See kids, this is what happens when you take a competitive-map forger and he forges a race map.. uber sexy merging and lots of ingenuity. AND you are within the regular Foundry budget constraints... that takes talent. You are now the creator of 2 out my top 4 favorite mini-games (others are grifball and the classic rocket race) ever! Everyone should seriously try this out, its a blast. And if you dare, challenge Vice (the mongoose maestro) and myself (the mongoose master)... but be warned, you will probably get stomped. 50% of the time, it works every time.
I want to thank you all for your very nice comments. I made this map initially to take a break from my more complicated map. I didnt plan on doing any geomerging or ever interlocking. But you know me i dont stand for anything less than perfection. I also like to thank those of you who dont usually look at the race map sections and trying this out. I am definetly trying to break the mold of te average linear race map. So rember gentlman and ladies the bruteshot is your friend. P.S. ive updated the map so i suggest redowloading it (only minor change a sign didnt spawn at start)
If I recall, Orange and I kind of stomped both of you once I got off the phone. You two weren't on the same team, of course... but that doesn't change the fact that I beat both of you at the same time. Anyway, great map/gametype, vice. It's been executed flawlessly. The points are set up logically and are just difficult enough to make it interesting. I was really impressed by the anti-griefing settings as well. Nice work.
I'VE UPDATED THE GAMETYPE AND MAP. NOW BUG FREE AND LESS GRIEF.!! so please redowload the map and gametype and comment thanks.
Hi man, you commented on my map and I'm just returning the favour. I had a drive around and I was really impressed. You've done what I thought was impossible, a rocket race map on foundry. I haven't played a game on it yet but I would imagine that it plays awesome. I think you still have a few issues to iron out yet. On one of the man cannon jumps I hit that angled part of the roof in the corner consistantly. I wondered why you hadn't put vip points in the airspace between the man cannon jumps, the more vip points the better I say - it adds more random gameplay. I didn't get the merged box at the bottom, are you supposed to bruteshot jump your goose over it? Then the ceiling would be a little low for that - you could just merge it down further, so that you can't drive over it, but have enough room for a jump over it. Also you could have the bubble shield between the two spawns, then disable weapons pickup for the driver (non VIP), then you don't have to pick it up you just get it. Also, do you have spare mongooses on the map? If you and your teammate are both assasinated then you'd have to walk across the map to get it back.
this was mad fun messing around on this map while you were forging it.. ad it was fun the 2 mins i played while ijoined your testing haha. veryvery nice job perfectly symmetrical the geomerging was perfect and the man cannons too.. awsome ob... can wait for your next maps.. and good luck on that contest if it isnt over yet. btw i have a feeling this will get featured or really apriciated somewhere its just that good.
Awesome! I've always loved using the Brute shot to trick around with a mongoose on empty foundry! Now it's been put to a good use. You should continue making Brute Burnout games on different maps.
Looks cool for a Rocket Race map and a map to ride around for fun when your bored. Nice work on the geometry interlocking.